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Everything posted by Reddy

  1. This. But tweeting "tariffs are the greatest!" two days before an appearance in Iowa may not have been the BRIGHTEST idea our Dear Leader has ever had.
  2. wrong shade of green. also it's absurd that you could possibly paint any dem as a war hawk when compared to what we're dealing with right now.
  3. Love it. The VP two weeks ago, Trump now. They must have seen our polling
  4. It's been interesting watching rabbit go full Trump like the rest of the GOP and hurl completely fabricated lies at other posters on soxtalk. It's sad to watch.
  5. Totally. The left definitely doesn't have any culpability in that regard. Out of curiosity, which of you is actively working on a campaign, even in a volunteer capacity? It's easy to whine. It's harder to do the work.
  6. Um. What? I'm very pro-Palestine and anti-Israel.
  7. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/congress-generic-ballot-polls/?ex_cid=rrpromo
  8. LOVE Cheri Bustos. She's a fucking star. And guess what? (a moderate)
  9. oh, and on the plus side, we've got Bernie supporters and Hillary supporters alike making up the base of our org here in IA. Pretty great to see.
  10. Incumbency is a helluva drug, but yeah, we've definitely got a lot going for us. Front page of the NY Times today!
  11. Your thoughts on Sharice Davids?
  12. You misunderstand. That 12% was the turnout in the primary. I'm not talking margin of victory.
  13. His internet ventures that prey on real people, and that he failed to disclose on his Congressional financial forms leading to ethics violations? Yeah. Definitely a strength for his campaign. #eyeroll I honestly can't talk much about the race, but the bolded is just plain wrong. What we're doing is working. I wish I could be less cryptic.
  14. Meet the Native American gay woman candidate that AOC is traveling to Kansas to campaign AGAINST:
  15. Our race has nothing to do with "shaking up the system". It has to do with someone who comes from and understands the actual hardworking people of Iowa who are getting screwed vs a multimillionaire who's the one DOING the screwing. Again, I know we all want to play armchair quarterback, but what we're doing has raised the candidate record-shattering numbers here in Iowa. And I expect Cory to do well in the primaries.
  16. And I didn't say anything about progressive policy. I said it about self-titled progressives and the way they idolize and worship their candidates.
  17. She's already lost a lot of that oxygen thanks to the last week or so. She got a majority of 12% of a Bronx/Queens electorate. It's hardly a mandate. And people are going to be SO turned off by her campaigning around the midwest. Sit and watch it play out.
  18. Anyone see the interesting parallel between those who support Trump no matter what and those who defend progressive candidates to the death and refuse to admit they could ever possibly have made a mistake?
  19. I'll gladly condemn it. Sorry I'm a bit preoccupied working 12 hour days to win a Congressional race
  20. (but like in this case she admitted she made a mistake and was wrong so.... Um...)
  21. It's entirely true. The quote you lifted does not pertain. The only way his name can be removed is if he runs for another office. You'd all like him to commit a fraud of the electorate by running for an office he doesn't intend to hold? I can't with you people.
  22. That's ridiculous. He's not running. He's not campaigning. He endorsed her. Loudly. Repeatedly. You're saying he now has to run for another office? Can't she just win again? Y'all are literally the whiniest people on earth.
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