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Everything posted by Reddy

  1. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Jan 14, 2013 -> 06:17 PM) So, Insanity is well named. haha truth. good luck dude. it still scares the crap out of me, even though i'm in 30x the shape i was a year ago. I did Asylum, but that was only 30 days.
  2. i can't wait to get all this free money!
  3. i've seen examples of religion doing really amazing, powerful things for people, and obviously we've all seen the negative side of it too. religion isn't bad, intolerance of religious views is bad.* And organized religion, i'd argue, is also generally a dangerous thing because it always inevitably becomes corrupted by money. but in its essence there's absolutely nothing wrong with believing in whatever religion you choose. there's some great stuff in all of them. * I'm intolerant of people who use their religion as a grounds for intolerance. If that makes me hypocritical, so be it.
  4. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jan 14, 2013 -> 01:23 PM) Will take 40+ years for any kind of conclusive evidence of this...it's even possible that those preservatives are preserving our bodies, causing us to live long enough to die of things like cancer, where in the past we just didn't live long enough. I don't really think GMO's are all that bad for us, if they are at all...I think a lot of this is hype and misinformation. I think lack of exercise is more the cause of these issues than GMO's...people are lazy...so let's make s*** up to justify that. lack of exercise and sugar. you don't have to believe GMO's are bad if you don't want to. I'd prefer not to eat corn with the pesticides already growing inside them, but to each his or her own.
  5. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 14, 2013 -> 01:23 PM) no even online in anonymous forums. militant atheists are the worst. i'm anything but militant about it. i was joking. good lord. i don't believe, but i don't hold it against folks who do, and Life of Pi made me WANT to believe in a god. haha
  6. QUOTE (Jake @ Jan 14, 2013 -> 08:53 AM) Anyone else here drink almond milk? I just got on to it and like how it fits my diet. I go with an unsweetened vanilla, which is 40 cals/8 oz. That's half the caloric content of skim milk, though I sacrifice the protein content. Allows me to have cereal, protein shakes, etc without adding as many cals. It is about twice the price of milk, though -- unless you drink organic milk, in which case good God is that s*** expensive. my almond milk is like. $3 to $3.99 for a half gallon absolutely love it though. 50% more calcium than milk too.
  7. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 14, 2013 -> 01:00 PM) btw posts like reddy's are why I refuse to self-identify as an atheist. lol vs the other bible-hating posts? also i was being hyperbolic. if you couldn't notice. really the reason you and i don't self-identify as atheists is the social backlash.
  8. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jan 14, 2013 -> 12:52 PM) The Bible sux. but but but HOW CAN YOU HAVE A MORAL CODE IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE THE BIBLEZZZZ!?!!?
  9. QUOTE (Jake @ Jan 14, 2013 -> 12:25 PM) I just wanted to make sure that we were clear that it is food --> fat/unhealthy --> cancer and not just food --> cancer well... that's still being debated. GMOs, chemicals, preservatives, etc... i'm not willing to rule out that they can cause ill effects over time. we just don't know yet.
  10. QUOTE (iamshack @ Jan 14, 2013 -> 12:13 PM) If you start eating better, caring for an infant will literally be your exercise. haha hell you can do chest and shoulder presses with your kid! use play time as exercise time!
  11. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jan 14, 2013 -> 12:08 PM) I agree with this generally, though I will say that having an infant really f***s up your ability to exercise properly. I get my exercise during the day, walking to/from the train station to my work and to/from my work to the courthouse downtown, and really I need to exercise more as I'm definitely in the "obese" category (6 foot, 235lbs). But while I have a little free time to exercise at night, the reality is I don't have the energy. I'm up at 6am with the kid, helping my wife get him fed, clothed and ready for daycare (and getting myself ready) and then when I get home it's the same routine to get him to bed by 8. My "free time" during the day is from about 8-10, but even then there's usually dinner to make or the house to pick up or my basement remodel to work on. I don't have an hour a day to exercise. That's got nothing to do with me being lazy, it's literally not having the time in the day to do it. I have no excuse for not eating right. But the exercise part is a little more difficult. honestly, you if you have 20-30 minutes at home you can get a workout in. but i do completely understand and sympathize with your situation. How funny is it that i think we've all come to the same agreement here on this last page or two that people need to sack the f*** up? Who ever saw THAT coming in the 'buster?
  12. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jan 14, 2013 -> 10:28 AM) It would be impossible for me to say your argument doesn't have some degree of weight behind it. So, I agree to a point. But more than the unhealthy/cheaper choices, I personally believe that more so than any other factor, is people tend to ignore the new reality in which they live. People exercise less than then they once did, as their jobs, and even daily life REQUIRED more exercise. Things as simple as washing dishes has become an automated process with dishwashers. Even kids...smart, educated kids from educated families...they watch too much TV, and play too many video games because the parents are too busy trying to hold down 56 jobs so they can own 2 houses, 4 cars, take fancy vacations, etc, etc...everyone has time to f*** and have kids...but it seems nobody has time to raise them themselves. As for things like making sure sure they do things like exercise...meh, who has time for that? Because, you know, the little amount of time most modern parents spend with their kids, the TV acts their new "baby sitter", because who the f*** has time for that s***? To me, it's excuse after excuse. Take me for example...I'd LOVVEEEE it if my wife worked...as my job alone gets us by, if she had money coming in it'd be PURE cream off the top...we'd have the money for all this extravagant stuff that we don't really need. Sure, our daughter (and the second one on the way) would suffer, but we'd have all that extra stuff people worry about. How about no thanks. How about we raise the kids we decided to have so long as we can afford to NOT sacrifice them in the name of extra spending money. WE chose to have them. WE will raise them. Not some nanny, not their grandparents...US. And right now, that means we don't get to take extravagant island vacations. I took them camping 3 times last summer, once to South Dakota, once to Northern Wisconsin and once to Southern IL. That was our vacation time. Yes, sleeping in tents, not hotels. Also, I have no netflix, and only basic cable...because we cannot afford a 200+$ cable bill every month, unless of course she went to work...then we can have all that extra crap. The reality is, we've become a society of wanting our cake and eating it too. We want to sit in an office all day instead of being a laborer, but we don't want to exercise. We want kids...but who the f*** has time to actually raise them? It's much easier to just blame someone, such as the government, than actually doing something about it DESPITE living in a country where you actually CAN do something about it...like exercising, or living with a little less to stay within your means. *slow clap* completely agree. just also think it would be nice if our government and medical industry weren't specifically TRYING to f*** us as well.
  13. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jan 14, 2013 -> 09:53 AM) We're the fattest because we can be. You'd rather hear excuses in our excuse laden society, because it's an easier route to take. But it's all choice...and the choice the majority of us make is to not care/be lazy/blame someone or something else. It's NOT because of our food supply, considering the choices that exist in our food supply, which are nearly endless. It's because we eat WAY more than necessary, but never burn it off because we'd rather sit around and watch TV. First world problems. I have an idea, get off your lazy asses and work out...society has changed, and office jobs are a new reality...if you sit around all day long at a desk -- like most of us do -- then you need to supplement working out into your life. Period. Unlike the generations of industrial workers before us, we don't put on hard hats and get 8 hours of exercise just by doing our back breaking jobs all day long. i agree with just about everything here - but the fact that the government subsidizes the very industries that cause unhealthy foods to be cheaper than healthy foods IS a huge part of the problem in terms of cost and availability, regardless of personal responsibility - which I do believe in even though I'm a liberal. Shocking. I know.
  14. QUOTE (God Loves The Infantry @ Jan 14, 2013 -> 05:33 AM) I decided a long time ago that I wasn't going to post here anymore, but moving to central Asia for nine months makes a man really bored. So, here it goes. This whole David Gregory thing is a win for conservatives. Think about it. One argument conservatives make against weapons bans is that owning a gun, or a high capacity magazine, is not a bad thing in and of itself. I use my firearms and corresponding mags for home defense and target shooting. Ted Nugent uses his for hunting or waving them around like a maniac during rock concerts. David Gregory borrows high capacity magazines and waves them around in DC media studios to argue against owning high capacity magazines. It's silly, and I disagree with his point, but Gregory didn't do anything evil, even though he violated DC law (mala en se vs mala prohibita). So this absurd situation gets even better when Irvin Nathan comes along, and lets Gregory go free, referring on multiple occasions to his intent. Isn't that the point? Intent doesn't matter when it comes to product bans. My intent with high capacity magazines is not an evil one, but in banning these items, they'd demand that I turn them in or be sentenced like an actual criminal. My intent, decent though it were, would do nothing to save me. David Gregory shouldn't be any different. So while we could harp on other parts of this controversy, such as Nathan being friend's with Gregory's wife, or why the law doesn't apply equally, I think the best part is that this liberal journalist came along with this dumb stunt and proved our own point. Beautiful. The reason it doesn't actually matter is right here. It took you a paragraph to explain, isnt cut and dry, and doesn't fit on a bumper sticker or sound byte. I don't think this ends up mattering in the gun debate.
  15. QUOTE (mr_genius @ Jan 14, 2013 -> 12:10 AM) why would he get suspended? Regarding this most recent post: "--Making threatening or questionable statements about elected officials or others in the public eye" (prohibited behaviors in the 'buster) Regarding some of Duke's greatest hits: which caused the gun thread to get closed. it also violates at least three 'buster policies 1. I will not insult other posters, directly or indirectly 4. I will not post statements for the purpose of angering others 6. I will try to make posts that actually add to the discussion at hand for comparison's sake: Yep. Still bitter. EDIT: I know I'm probably gonna get in trouble for doing this and I'll accept the consequences... just don't ban me forever. I don't know what I'd do without the 'buster and Y2HH to argue with.
  16. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Jan 13, 2013 -> 05:11 PM) So laws shouldn't apply to Democrats. If Diane Feinstein rapes and murders a 6 year old she should be let off because her fighting the EVIL SECOND AMENDMENT has saved so many lives, right? remind me why you haven't been suspended yet? (and yes i'm probably not going to let this go)
  17. QUOTE (Jake @ Jan 13, 2013 -> 05:23 PM) Don't you think that may have something to do with other lifestyle factors that put us at risk for cancer, like being the fattest country? and... we're the fattest... because of our food... supply... i'm confused on how what you said is different from what i said
  18. QUOTE (Brian @ Jan 10, 2013 -> 11:56 AM) Great that BEASTS OF THE SOUTHERN WILD got so much recognition. yes. my thoughts exactly.
  19. QUOTE (bmags @ Jan 11, 2013 -> 11:05 AM) Life of Pi is the type of oscar favorite that makes people hate the oscars. it. was. amazing...
  20. QUOTE (mr_genius @ Jan 13, 2013 -> 03:10 PM) Democrats and their propaganda associates in the media are above the law. Dick... Nixon... says... hi?
  21. QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Jan 12, 2013 -> 10:36 AM) Seems like the DC AG has decided that despite a clear violation of the law, he will not be prosecuting David Gregory. One set of rules for the 'little people' and another for the connected, it seems. http://legalinsurrection.com/2013/01/david...-be-prosecuted/ If you are in the 'little people' class, this is the treatment the DC AG gives you: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/j...-david-gregory/ and this is new how? it's always been that way since the dawn of mankind.
  22. QUOTE (ptatc @ Jan 12, 2013 -> 11:34 PM) Not really. Currently, we are so swamped with patients that we cannot handle to patient load. This makes the patient's extremely irritable and makes my job harder. It would be better if we had about a 20% decrease in patient's. We would as much money and the patients would be happier. This is the problem I have with the proposed version of health insurance. We cannot handle the volume now. If we add more people into the system, the quality of care is going to drop proportionally to number of people added. There are just not enough qualified people in healthcare. but as is, YOU are making the same amount, but the pharmaceutical bosses are making much more when you guys are over capacity.
  23. QUOTE (CrimsonWeltall @ Jan 12, 2013 -> 09:30 PM) Not making a comment on the cancer drugs topic since I don't know anything about it, but you should avoid mercola.com. Joe Mercola is an anti-science quack and that site is filled with nonsense. haha that's actually why i used quotes from other doctors - not him.
  24. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles...-the-world.aspx
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