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Everything posted by Reddy
QUOTE (southsideirish71 @ Jan 12, 2013 -> 06:07 PM) I will make sure that I tell my wife, and oncology nurse, that she should be happy that all of her beds are full of people with cancer because its generating revenue. That should go over extremely well after she gets home at 9:30 from her 12 hour shift that is supposed to end at 7pm. You know those dollar signs, I guess they are hooked on that whole chemo scam. we have some of the highest cancer rates in the world even though we spend a ridiculous amount on health care. what gives?
QUOTE (ptatc @ Jan 12, 2013 -> 05:36 PM) Yes, we in the medical industry are in with the government for this conspiracy. You caught us. aren't you and your industry better off if more people are sick more often? EDIT: I'm not saying individual medical professionals such as yourself are bad people, or in cahoots, but the INDUSTRY itself is governed by the same capitalistic principles as our nation. the dollar rules all.
QUOTE (Jake @ Jan 12, 2013 -> 04:05 PM) A big issue is that information is a concern for weight loss and health. There is enough dispute among seemingly reliable people as well as incoherent, contradictory messages coming from those people and others who wish to profit that even an honest inquiry can be totally mind boggling. Its as if youre not allowed to eat anything if you try to combine all the advice in the media. you can eat veggies!
QUOTE (kitekrazy @ Jan 12, 2013 -> 01:36 PM) Let the dopes running this country add another tax when they can't trim their budget? Walk into a public school where the kids are given a government breakfast. The government only requires calories. None of it is really healthy. The sugar content alone would be like eating 4 Snicker bars. lol exactly - the government is terrible when it comes to the health/nutrition of americans. they wanna keep us sick to keep the medical industry thriving.
QUOTE (kitekrazy @ Jan 12, 2013 -> 01:42 PM) Your last statement also points out that the whole "living healthy scheme" is a monopoly. Wow! That industry profits from evil capitalism too. huh?
QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Jan 12, 2013 -> 12:57 PM) Translation: I want government to fix this for me, because I'm incapable of doing it myself. Funny how smoking is a "choice" but obesity isnt. you're capable of raising your own livestock and chickens because you don't want hormones and GMO's in them? huh. I'm jealous.
QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Jan 12, 2013 -> 11:02 AM) I just cannot believe so many of you care if other people eat themselves to death. Honestly, why do you give a s***? why didn't you get suspended? color me pissed. in any case, i give a s*** because 1) i'm compassionate 2) healthcare costs 3) if they start caring, the government and the FDA may just start caring more, which will help me get better access to healthier food.
QUOTE (bmags @ Jan 12, 2013 -> 02:27 AM) Maybe it was due to your pedantic arguments and thinking lake and halsted was the same as lake and Cicero. i wasn't here for that, but that's asinine.
QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jan 11, 2013 -> 09:33 PM) This thread is pretty hilarious. My posting started with "eating healthy is more expensive than eating unhealthy", we somehow are back there, just with different participants haha Anyways time to go out and lower my life expectancy, huzzah! i just think it's funny that ANYONE could disagree with that. must have to do with the definition of healthy.
QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jan 11, 2013 -> 08:06 PM) It's 590. what about them fries and coke? how bout this. I'll give you $7 to spend on veggies, I'll spend $7 on a big mac extra value meal. wanna see how that shakes out?
QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jan 11, 2013 -> 08:02 PM) All kidding and messing around aside...that's part of eating healthy. You will never feel "stuffed full". I try to eat "vegan/vegetarian" a few days a week...I actually do this (vegan if possible, but if it's too complex and there is cheese or something involved, I don't say no)...and on those days, I feel so hungry all day long it's not even funny. Obviously, tonight is not one of those nights. a big mac of 1000 calories vs $5 of fruits and veggies equally maybe 200 calories if I'm being generous. We're not talking the difference between full and stuffed...
QUOTE (iamshack @ Jan 11, 2013 -> 07:45 PM) You, of all people, should know we need to take lifestyle into this equation as well. Why do you suppose hispanics have such a high life expectancy? One guess of mine, anyways, would be that they probably work in jobs that require more labor. Instead of sitting on their asses in offices all day, they are on their feet doing things, lifting things, burning more calories and fat, raising their heart rates, using their muscles, etc. I could be wrong, but that would be a guess. Historically, humans have had much more active lifestyles because they had to. If you burn 3000-5000 calories a day, guess what? You can eat a lot more meat and fat and get away with it than a person who sits in an office all day. Now when you get into the modern diets built on processed foods, this starts to become problematic regardless of your activity levels, but it still certainly helps if your job requires you to live a more active lifestyle. I agree with this as well
QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jan 11, 2013 -> 07:43 PM) Most mexican food is absolutely TERRIBLE for you. You must not be familiar with non-taco bell Mexican food.
QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jan 11, 2013 -> 07:46 PM) Only it doesn't. Let's just play your game, because it'll be easy to destroy you. 1 big mac meal...let's say medium sized, with tax 5$. For 5$, at any local store, you can buy an entire head of cauliflower for ~99cents. 5 limes for ~50 cents. And have 3.50 left over. I'd quote you more prices, but I haven't been to the store in a few days...but I guarantee I can buy a bunch more. And comparing calorie count is a s*** argument, since vegetables, by their nature, have less calories than fatty meat. Right! So you need MORE of them to give you the same amount of energy as a $5 burger! Thus why it is more expensive to eat healthy!
QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jan 11, 2013 -> 07:41 PM) Only it doesn't. only it does. calorie to cost/wise
QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jan 11, 2013 -> 07:40 PM) Exactly. But we need reasons for why and how. So let's just a) make them up, or b) make excuses as to why. Reddy even just posted charts that destroyed his own argument, where it shows the life expectancy of poor mexicans and poor blacks rising dramatically...of course, he will deny this...but that's what his charts showed. when did i initially say this what a racial thing? yes i used harlem as an example, but i agree that bumblef*** mississippi is also terrible - and obviously worse according to the charts! Hispanics' diets are actually really high in rice, beans, and REAL foods. It's a food-based culture, and it just so happens that those foods tend to be very healthy.
QUOTE (iamshack @ Jan 11, 2013 -> 07:38 PM) I agree. Tell me that someone in some of the more impoverished areas of THE CITY OF CHICAGO cannot buy vegetables instead of McDonald's, and I don't think you could possibly convince me of that. I think it goes back to the earlier point that this is simply not a priority for them. They have more pressing concerns than heart disease in 30 years. AND that McDonalds costs less than vegetables.
QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jan 11, 2013 -> 07:35 PM) And the trend is that whites are going down. And everyone else is going up. Because that makes sense. poor whites. lack of availability, cost, and misinformation along with a terrible health care system, bad genes, and drugs (meth, etc)
the graph also shows poor white folks' life expectancy dropping DRAMATICALLY. so... why's that?
actually hispanics outlive all of 'em. so... you're even more wrong. EDIT: what a dumb graph that didn't bring the numbers with it! well... hispanic is the green line. and it's higher than the rest. Here's the article: http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2012/09...ncy.html?ref=us
QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jan 11, 2013 -> 07:30 PM) So hella wrong...that they outlive WHITE males. You failed. ... I ... you... you were... wrong....
QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jan 11, 2013 -> 07:27 PM) They're actually getting some of that misinformation from you. oh? do tell!
QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jan 11, 2013 -> 07:27 PM) In the end, I think my point is you don't need to be nutritionist to know if somethings bad for you. I think step one is caring. Even rich people smoke...and they know it's bad for them. Most of the time, they just don't care until they have to care...something changed in them that they suddenly care. The same applies to food. People tend to not care about the damage they're doing until the damage becomes apparent. And correct me if I'm wrong...but isn't the black females life expectancy in this country the highest of ANY others? you're hella wrong.
Y2HH have you ever worked in a food service industry?
QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jan 11, 2013 -> 07:20 PM) And those people cooking those vegetables in a whole stick of butter KNOW it's not good for them. Again...they don't care. And why should they with you and the other caregivers building in excuses for them to feign ignorance? dude HOW DO YOU KNOW THIS? you're literally just hypothesizing. I coach people every day on nutrition, and you would be AMAZED at the amount of misinformation. Any time someone tells me they eat "clean", I tell them I want to know what that means to them, and give me a breakdown of a daily diet. It's almost never ACTUALLY clean. I also see it every single day in NYC in these impoverished areas where you'll be in a Subway ordering a sandwich and the woman next to you goes "no cheese, that s***'ll go straight to my ass" while a split second later she wants a ton of mayo and sauces. people are stupid.