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Everything posted by Reddy

  1. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jan 11, 2013 -> 07:15 PM) There is no country in which more is available to a person than this one. We waste more food in a year than most developed countries consume. What we need to do is stop spreading misinformation. I'm not saying education wouldn't help...but let's not pretend it doesn't exist. Let's not pretend that in some cases it's even necessary. You don't need a PHD to understand that a fatty slab of meat is worse for you than a plate of vegetables. This is excuse making at it's WORST. Most people, INCLUDING poor people, know what's good for them. They simply don't care. And you making excuses for them to not care is actually part of the problem. how do you know all this, out of curiosity? is a fatty slab of meat healthier than a plate of vegetables cooked in a whole stick of butter and covered in salt? I guarantee millions of americans would say those vegetables are healthier even though it's not true.
  2. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jan 11, 2013 -> 07:11 PM) Um, no. You're flat our wrong. explain how I was wrong when I said that availability, cost, and misinformation are the factors that play a role in impoverished folks' poor health.
  3. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jan 11, 2013 -> 07:06 PM) Stop with with white bulls***, please. There are more white people on welfare than any other race, and not only because of the higher population...but because of the interior of the country devoid of big or even small cities...MOST of those people are on welfare. Do me a favor, drive through a ghetto in Chicago...it's bad. Don't get me wrong...it's bad. Now drive into hickerville Kentucky, on roads your gps doesn't even know exist, and you'll see what bad actually is. I have...I'm one of the few that's taken these back roads to the point that I said, wow...I felt unsafe in a Chicago Ghetto...if our car broke down here, I don't think we have a chance. I'm talking chainsaw massacre creepy. I go to these towns on my travels, and I have to tell you, these people look at me like I'm Bill Gates rich, when I'm SO not. I also have some news for you. You do NOT need health food stores in this country to eat healthy. You simply have to want too do it. you were doing so well until that.
  4. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jan 11, 2013 -> 07:03 PM) Please find where I said this, because Ive never said it, Ive never implied it. Ive merely repeated over and over again, you are comparing US and US. This is a thread about why the US is lagging against the rest of the world. The US lagging includes affluent people and poor people. Both are involved. If you actually read my posts youll see I constantly say that rich people are also the reason why US life expectancy is going down. So please please show me where I implied it has anything to do with poor people. I just keep asking why people think its easier to get food IN OTHER COUNTRIES. this is very true
  5. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jan 11, 2013 -> 06:58 PM) Because affluent white people in this thread are downplaying impoverished people, insinuating that they're too lazy to find healthy food. 1) lack of availability 2) cost 3) misinformation it ain't laziness.
  6. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jan 11, 2013 -> 06:56 PM) There is no difference in driving and taking 3 different buses to lug your groceries. there's a HUGE difference in pain-in-the-assness. lol
  7. comparing harlem to nairobi is a straw man argument simply because I'll bet that area is not in one of the 27 countries ahead of the US.
  8. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jan 10, 2013 -> 04:56 PM) And I think what people are arguing is that most people in the US have as good or better access to things like grocery stores etc, and probably have as much or more ability to choose different cheap products. Which is why this makes no sense arguing about the US life expectancy rate. The US life expectancy rate is lower due to many reasons, but Im pretty sure "not having easy access to food" is not one of them. it's not having easy access to non-GMO food that's the issue. AND in urban areas, it's not having easy access to ANY healthy options. I live in NYC. You go to harlem it's all McD's, Popeye's, etc, etc. That's it.
  9. i have been so bummed about the explosion of this thread while i wasn't around to post, that it's taken me till now to post. I'll try to catch up. lol
  10. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jan 10, 2013 -> 10:09 AM) You're right. The government should provide meal pills to everyone with the proper amount of nutrition. People don't need choice, they need healthy diets mandated by the suits! If people are dumb enough to die from being a fat tub of lard, so be it. People in this country need to start letting individuals clean out the gene pool a little. (edit: and nicely done ) thank you. the point i was making was that when you let the almighty dollar and free market control our food supply and health care system, it leads to this result. no matter WHAT choices you make these days, our food products are far inferior to their 1950's counterparts. Doctors and pharmaceutical companies have NO incentive to actually heal people, because then they stop making money.
  11. i dunno, doesn't seem too popular yet. pretty mind-blowing to me though. this is what happens when capitalism goes rampant. starts with everyone making a lot of money, ends with the country killing its own people for profits. (there, that should stir things up, and to the filibuster we go!)
  12. http://www.cnn.com/2013/01/09/health/inter....html?hpt=hp_c1 This thread posted before I was done with the title, but I meant to include that we're behind 27 other countries in terms of life expectancy. s***'s just got real.
  13. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Jan 9, 2013 -> 02:00 PM) Supposedly his back was covered in zits well after puberty. I would vote for Bonds because I think he was a HOFer before he juiced. I think Piazza was juicing most of his career. I wonder if some of these guys will ever get in or are some voters just making them wait. I never understood that rationale. Either you think they are worthy or they are not. I don't know why being a first ballot is reserved for a certain player by some, and some think guys become worthy after being on the ballot for X number of years. guess what? I'm 26 and i still get zits from time to time. what a RIDICULOUS basis for not voting someone into the hall of fame.
  14. also I used to be on your side SS, but recently i've been realizing that the hall of fame is FULL of cheaters and guys who did whatever was available to give themselves a competitive edge. why do we condemn the roiders but not the guys who used amphetamines? the hall is full of bad guys. why are these bad guys worse? and to keep people out based purely on circumstantial evidence is absurd.
  15. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jan 9, 2013 -> 01:14 PM) That's my rationale. how is that fair? literally never been named in ANY report.
  16. can I ask why folks aren't voting Piazza in the other thread? I know he's not going to make it, but it's a travesty for the best catcher in the history of the game not to be a 1st ballot HOF
  17. QUOTE (Jerksticks @ Jan 8, 2013 -> 09:04 PM) It all depends on whether he was hurt after June or became old all of a sudden. If he was hurt and is now healthy, then I feel like he'll play another 5-6 years and challenge for 600. Watching him hit early in the year was truly a work of art. He figured the game out to a degree that most never do, truly taking what the pitcher gave him. He was fast-tracking to the HoF the last few years and I hope it was just some injury. Only guy that can hit .400 and I want to see it well. Mike Trout says hi. but seriously dat's ridiculous.
  18. women in yoga pants are truly my favorite thing.
  19. All you guys wanting to lose weight this year blah blah blah, I've got two challenges starting up in a couple weeks. One's P90X and one's Les Mills Combat, the MMA program. If there's any interest gimme a buzz. Meanwhile... vegan talk... should that go here or in a new thread? I feel like here's ok right? lol I really feel good... like... my body's recovering faster than normal. May just be a placebo effect, but eating SO much more veggies, getting so much more potassium... I dunno... maybe having an effect!
  20. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jan 5, 2013 -> 10:33 AM) Unfortunately, extremely strict vegan diet may be your only choice...I feel for you, as it is, with controllable reflux it really sucks to have it...because practically anything and everything can cause it...and does. WOW. the autocorrect on my tablet did wonders in my last post. HAH! yeah man it's weird to have a condition that 1) most people don't think is as big a deal as it is and 2) doctors don't really understand it's basically just a long road of learning what things trigger it and what things don't. i'll go for periods where it's really good, then boom - voice goes to crap for a couple weeks. really not fun. haha but hey, if it hadn't happened, i probably wouldn't be in the shape i'm in now. I turned to fitness when I couldn't sing/audition/etc
  21. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jan 5, 2013 -> 08:48 AM) I have reflux too. I did the vegetarian thing a bit, but it didn't help me...I still had it randomly. Vegan is something I couldn't do...it goes too far for me. No cheese, no cream in my coffee, no ice cream...no pizza...no thanks. And no, vegan friends, if there is no cheese on the pizza it's not a pizza. It's a difficult lifestyle, and I commend those that can do it...because it takes dedication. I could do without all those things, but not for an extended period of time...like, I don't have to eat any of those things every day, or even every few days, but I do like it once in a while. I think it's a defect in my esophagus versus what I eat...because I can eat something and be fine...and the next day eat that very same thing and it happens. 2 things helped my reflux, one...drugging it. Every so often I'll use 14 days worth of OTC Omeprazole 20mg. They say that you shouldn't take it more than 14 days of this at a time, but my doctor put me on it for like 5 months straight so my throat could heal up a bit. It did. I had no adverse side effects when I stopped, either. When I'm not using that, I chew gum...all the time. It cuts down on your acid reflux big time because it floods your throat with saliva. It works, trust me. And if something happens to really give it to me bad, I'll eat a tums to knock it down before it does damage. A combination of those two things have really controlled it for me the last year. Unfortunately my reflux is atypical and not controlled by PPIs and tums because it's actually not the acid I have a problem with, but pepsin that gets into my larynx and burns the tissue in there. Called LPR or Silent Reflux. It's also on the cutting edge of medical science and no one knows exactly how to fix it. But the goal with be to eat as alkaline as possible. I already was interested in veganism, so it seems likened a good time to try it. Came hurt.
  22. QUOTE (Jake @ Jan 4, 2013 -> 11:28 PM) I'll avoid the argument and instead let you know that the company I work for sells a vegan protein powder . It is rather delicious and price effective when compared to its competition. PM me if you're interested. Haha no argument would be had. I'm mostly doing this to see if it heals my reflux issues that have been killing my acting career. right now I'm just using NOW Pea Protein and shakeology Shakeology tastes good. Pea Protein tastes awful.
  23. QUOTE (Jake @ Jan 4, 2013 -> 10:51 PM) Placebo vs. The Malnourished Athlete Who shall win? i must be slow. but i no get it. lots of vegan athletes though.
  24. QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Jan 3, 2013 -> 05:09 PM) My total weight loss in 2012 was 38 pounds. Really happy with that. Since losing all the extra fat, I've stabilized at 203.5 for the last month or so and come in to 2013 at 202 on the dot. My goal is to maintain a weight between 195 and 205 and take the next step into really cutting into my body fat % and getting continually leaner. awesome dude! I think I'm gonna be going vegan. I'm gonna use whatever crap I still have, but next time I'm shopping - it's alllllllll veggie I'm gonna try it for like... 2 months... or something like that... and see how I feel.
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