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Everything posted by Reddy

  1. If she gets it, why can't the rest of you? C'mon now.
  2. Bud, the numbers don't support your argument! *The People* do not yet uniformly support progressives. Just the activist class. Those are VERY different things.
  3. None of that is true. He did better in caucus states, because those are less democratic and attract only activists. And it just so happens that a lot of states in the middle have caucuses. I also wasn't talking about Bernie, but OR, DSA and Bernie-endorsed progressives since 2016. In everywhere except the coasts, those types of candidates have been roundly crushed over and over and over - especially here in Iowa and places like it.
  4. Am I bitter that groups like the DSA are part of the reason we are where we are today? Absolutely. Do they make life really fucking difficult for people like me trying to get someone elected in Iowa - where you can't go full progressive and win? Yup. So hey. I'm not a big fan, personally. That's allowed. I still think it's great she won for other reasons, and I'm all for pushing the party left in areas where you aren't making it easier for a Republican to win. I'm Team Blue. That's it. That's my litmus test. I'm also a progressive and would love to see her policies enacted on a national scale. I just realize that's not a viable platform anywhere but the coasts at this moment in time.
  5. Because they're not working to advance the Democratic Party?
  6. Friends, honestly, I'm confused. I said it's great that she won, because representation matters.
  7. Personally not a fan of the DSA, and hate that a red rose twitter handle will be in Congress, BUT representation matters and for that reason, I think it's a good thing. I think many of the hot takes are blowing it out of proportion, however. Yes - progressives can win in places like *gasp* New York City. But the "DEMOCRATS NEED TO TAKE NOTE" thing is silly when OR, DSA, and other socialist style candidates have been crushed everywhere that isn't on a coast. Like, being 3 or 4 out of dozens isn't a great record.
  8. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS AND HOW ARE YOU MODS LETTING HIM CONTINUE TO SAY THIS? I'm really fucking disappointed in balta, ss, and the rest of the mod team right now. This is despicable.
  9. Ok. So you're saying a reputable publication found an error, and honestly recanted and apologized, right? That's what they SHOULD do, right? So why doesn't Trump have to do the same thing when he lies EVERY SINGLE DAY? ONE mistake by the media, and an honest apology, and greg goes apoplectic. But dozens of lies every single day by this administration are ok because they DON'T apologize. Look at what you're rewarding. That's really awful. You're rewarding deceit and dishonesty and condemning responsible journalism and integrity.
  10. Nothing in this statement is anywhere CLOSE to the truth. Unfortunately, because I'm not a mod, I'm not allowed to personally insult you back, but I'd like to. Badly.
  11. This isn't a personal attack? Seriously other mods? Seriously? I've been banned how much time for less?
  12. Time. Didn't. Say. She. Was. Separated. Holy. Fuck. Yes, Time magazine deserves blowback, but Trump's policy to indefinitely detain families in concentration camps is cool beans by greg. Jesus.
  13. This is literally batshit insane. I can't.
  14. How is this guy a mod? Seriously. The fuck is this?
  16. Thank you for repeating my point.
  17. What would the country look like without Trump apologists like you, rabbit?
  18. "the latest example of the party turning to women to unseat vulnerable Republicans in the President Donald Trump era." Weird comment, since it's the voters who've turned to women candidates, not specifically the party. The party is just riding that wave.
  19. Yeah it's not much of a campaign issue anymore at this point, with 70+% of people supporting it. And yeah, it's all healthcare and medicare/social security right now. Results from tonight's primaries continue to show the wave is alive and well.
  20. The bottom didn't drop out for D's in 2010 until September. Worth keeping in mind. Most people aren't thinking about the elections yet.
  21. I didn't call you those things. You just did. Are you speaking for the group that is keeping black and brown people from voting, or are you speaking for those who are being disenfranchised?
  22. Do you disagree? Do you not see a difference? Honestly asking.
  23. No, because they're amplifying the voices of marginalized communities who voter suppression laws affect disproportionately. Thanks for asking, though. Hope this clarifies the difference. You're either supporting marginalized voices or you're shouting them down and telling them to "suck it up" and deal with it. We know where you stand.
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