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Everything posted by Reddy

  1. But he means it should be ok to restrict voting rights if we think it's ok to restrict gun ownership rights. Only problem with that argument is that the 2nd Amendment doesn't exactly clarify what TYPE of guns you're allowed to have. It doesn't say mag size, fire rate, etc. The right to VOTE is absolute (outside of felons, which... don't get me started). Do you support Democracy, Jenks, or don't you?
  2. White person tells me what should and shouldn't be considered oppression. Dude, please, keep going. I need more lolz.
  3. Y'all want a trip? This is the argument I agree with: "He would be well within his rights to say no if he categorically refused to make cakes that said "congrats on the abortion!" for anyone. He would not be within his rights if he, say, would make those cakes for black women but not for white women." I don't want to be forced to make a cake for the WBC that says God Hates F*gs. I don't want to make one that says Long Live the KKK. etc. I support the freedom of religion and free speech arguments in this case. But as far as the discrimination part goes, you can't offer the same basic service to one group and not to another. You've got to sell the gay couple a cake for their wedding, but you don't have to *write a message* that explicitly endorses gay marriage.
  4. I've heard that one election makes a trend.
  5. 1) All the data thus far shows a significantly higher turnout and enthusiasm among Dems, from specials to primaries. It's been consistent. 2) SHOW UP! And make sure your friends do, too. Talk about it. Be the wave.
  6. Re-read the post I made JUST above yours. Split ballots are still common in most states.
  7. GOP-ers in this thread coming alive for the first time in months and jumping to the defense of making it harder to vote. Wonder why.
  8. No. If it were true you wouldn't have Joe Manchin, Jon Tester, Joe Donnelly, Steve Bullock, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc. I could go on. I could probably list a hundred names of Democrats elected in red states or vice versa.
  9. To call those standing up in defense of marginalized people whom the Trump administration is systematically attacking "divisiveness and negativity" is... well... an interesting way of looking at it. That said, I think when liberals do this they're shooting themselves in the foot, since it plays right into Trump's base and strategy, as we're seeing here with greg.
  10. Pretty fascinating seeing you defend an attack on the most quintessentially American part of our system of government - the right to vote. That GOP. All about freedom and patriotism, amirite? (Except when it helps black people, brown people and democrats)
  11. Why should there be ANY hurdles? Why shouldn't we have automatic registration at your 18th birthday?
  12. Hillary was just as bad, y'all.
  13. Literally the only articles about her are from the intercept and worse. She's raised less than 10% of what he's raised. I didn't make a statement about who SHOULD win to represent that district, I'm telling you who - most likely - will. I'm all about Blue No Matter Who, and that goes both ways. I support Randy Bryce ferociously. I support Dems who can win. In a seat like Crowley's that will be blue no matter what, I'd love to see a viable progressive beat him. Thus far based on the numbers, that doesn't seem likely this time around.
  14. In what regard? Just googled her since I'd never heard of her until now. Do you somehow think she won't be crushed?
  15. No matter what there will not be a mainstream liberal/third party candidate running in 2020. Your narrative surrounding that is extremely overblown.
  16. The primaries on Tuesday should assuage anyone's fears that the blue wave is collapsing. Record primary turnout in IA, establishment Dems cruising, and Dem vote share in CA was waaaay up for a primary. R enthusiasm is still low.
  17. Not for the people trying to win their races. Would you rather spend resources on people who never vote or people who always vote?
  18. Lol to a Red Wave. Also, Harris will likely be VP at minimum because of CAs new position in the primaries.
  19. I mean, they aren't winning elections, no one's supporting that movement, why shouldn't I dismiss it at this point? Did you see the results on Tuesday? OR and the "progressive" wing got routed. Even in Bernie-loving Iowa. 'Twas ugly.
  20. So, re: the primaries, the establishment wins again and OR candidates get wrecked. Voters are supporting Dems regardless of their policy positions, and the distinctions are being overblown in the media. Finkenauer blew away the results we were expecting. Dem voter turnout was up big. The wave is alive and well.
  21. IA-01 is a D +1 district that voted heavily for Obama and then heavily shifted to Trump in '16 and has a Republican rep. The thought is, if we can't win here, there's literally no chance we win in redder districts, so it's a bit of a bellwether. Also, Blum is a pretty weak candidate and Abby's pretty strong - her fundraising has nearly matched his thus far.
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