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Everything posted by Reddy

  1. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Sep 3, 2012 -> 03:22 PM) WTF does this even mean? all you b****ing about how "easy" it is to be a teacher should be asking yourself why it's impossible to find good teachers for inner-city school districts. If it were easy, they'd be filled no problem right? it means that if you f*** with teachers' pensions or pay them less, fewer qualified, brilliant, incredible people will volunteer to fill the void. People aren't going to sign up to commit there lives to a profession that isn't respected enough to be paid what it deserves. I'm sure you've had fantastic teachers along the way that helped you get to where you are today (unless you're a family business baby, spoon-fed, silver platter type). If what all you GOP'ers are suggesting comes to pass, others wont have the opportunity you did to get great teachers who pushed you to do great things. That would be a travesty. I agree that there is a monumental problem with parenting in this country, but good teachers actually CAN counterbalance that. They can be a positive influence in an otherwise negative world. But not if you don't create incentives for good people to become teachers in the first place.
  2. you know, it's funny. i posted an example of WHY democrats support the things they do. I talked about what I think should be done, and instead of any of the GOP'ers present viable alternative options, they just flame away. Why? because they don't actually HAVE alternative options. they just like to yell and scream about communist obama who spent the most of any president ever....oh.... wait... what? he increased spending LESS than any president in the last 60 years? DAMN YOU FACTS!!!
  3. QUOTE (Marty34 @ Sep 3, 2012 -> 12:51 PM) Speaking for myself I do not want to pay more taxes. exactly. you're a typical selfish republican. Democrats see there's a National Income Crisis, and try and find a way to solve it. They can't cut defense and war-spending or else they'll get beat in the next election, because the GOP will label them anti-american traitor Al-Qaedas. They don't cut education spending because that's idiotic. They don't cut arts spending because they recognize the value and the income and the JOBS that the arts generate. Their answer is to SPREAD THE RESPONSIBILITY to ALL AMERICANS by raising taxes, instead of targeting one group and making them suffer, as the GOP would do by cutting things like the aforementioned education and arts departments. The increase in taxes is NOMINAL for the majority of americans, but it should be SIGNIFICANT for the wealthiest. OR they need to try and close the loopholes that let corporations and millionaires get out of paying their fair share. Here's the bottom line. I'm willing to help the government get out of this mess. Republicans aren't. Who's more patriotic now?
  4. QUOTE (Zoogz @ Sep 2, 2012 -> 09:00 PM) Everyone in the country happens to benefit from government programs, be they rich (court systems, highways/airports/seaports, policing, defense, etc.) or be they poor (unemployment insurance, SNAP benefits, children's health insurance). It's also not as if the U.S. Government has ever put in unbreakable firewalls between their sources of funding... after all, if Social Security had not been touched by so many Congresses in the past, we wouldn't be staring at low funding levels for the generation that paid the most in. Addendum: it is absolutely true that Social Security and other low-income programs start with federal and state governments giving money to poorer people, but that money ends up getting spent on rent, goods, services (medical/legal/etc.) so the money is still getting circulated in the marketplace and does end up benefiting all people ultimately. It's awfully hard to put on a market if half or more of the people can't participate in the form of having no money. i like you.
  5. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Sep 2, 2012 -> 05:16 PM) Taking it from rich people? let me slow this down for you. - rich people pay more actual dollars in taxes than poor people, because they make more money. this doesn't mean we are unfairly taxing the rich. on the contrary, this is what MUST HAPPEN in a capitalist society. this should be obvious, but it seems to be tripping you up - rich people actually pay a lower percentage of their income than do poor people. - If rich and poor pay the same percentage, the rich will pay more actual dollars than the poor, but it will be FAIR because it's the same percentage of their income. What of these do you disagree with?
  6. QUOTE (Marty34 @ Sep 2, 2012 -> 05:58 PM) I'm not following why the national income has to be significantly increased. .... lol wut?
  7. QUOTE (mr_genius @ Sep 2, 2012 -> 04:35 PM) Then why don't Illinois Democrats simply raise the taxes on the 1%, they control the state. That would fix everything. i don't live in illinois man, i have no idea about the specifics of that state.
  8. QUOTE (Marty34 @ Sep 2, 2012 -> 04:34 PM) I'm not following. how do you think the country makes money? maybe there's a reason you don't think teachers matter.............. someone didn't pay attention in school
  9. QUOTE (Jake @ Sep 2, 2012 -> 03:53 PM) I'm not about to throw my support behind every part of the Democrat platform, but I think the national income needs to be increased significantly. People will likely have to pay for this, and probably not just the super-rich true, but the super-rich paying their actual tax rate would help significantly.
  10. QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Sep 2, 2012 -> 04:33 PM) If I were to make $1 million bucks, how much to you would be my 'fair share'? well, if the average tax rate is around 24%, then about $240,000
  11. QUOTE (Zoogz @ Sep 2, 2012 -> 04:41 PM) From the same link: So, almost half of the personal taxes that go to the U.S. Government (since there is no federal sales tax nor federal property tax) are payroll tax. In essence, this is being borne by only those who make 150k and less... just sayin'. hahahaha SS you were just called out. gotta love pick'n'choose republicans.
  12. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Sep 2, 2012 -> 04:05 PM) The bottom 50% is paying under 2%. What other "loopholes" are needed? also... it sounds as if you're suggesting the middle class should pay more taxes... how does your party feel about that position?
  13. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Sep 2, 2012 -> 04:05 PM) The bottom 50% is paying under 2%. What other "loopholes" are needed? are you seriously that economically ignorant?
  14. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Sep 2, 2012 -> 04:06 PM) Pensions are destroying the state of Illinois right now. They are a mess with unfunded obligations. and if the top 1% were paying their fair share in taxes, this wouldn't be the case.
  15. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Sep 2, 2012 -> 02:48 PM) http://taxfoundation.org/article/summary-l...come-tax-data-0 Not to mention that the top 1% has an average tax rate of 24%. The bottom 50%? 1.85% That would be about 13 times higher as an average tax rate. It is all bogus propaganda. um. no s*** more money comes from the rich than the poor. they make more and have more, and the chart you just posted is a red herring. it has nothing to do with tax rates, and how much is ACTUALLY PAID. If the top 1% actually PAID that 24% tax rate and didn't write it all off and find loopholes, then we wouldn't be in the financial crisis in which we find ourselves. Sure their "average tax rate" is 24%, but they only actually pay a fraction of that. Too bad the middle and lower classes aren't privy to those same loopholes.
  16. QUOTE (mr_genius @ Sep 2, 2012 -> 01:41 PM) Reddy thinks Democrats don't raise taxes on middle class workers. I'm merely supplying some valuable examples for him to learn from. hahaha i didn't say that. I said that Democrats want to raise the amount of taxes that the WEALTHY pay by forcing them to pay the same PROPORTION as the middle/lower class! Republicans want the upper class to pay a LOWER PROPORTION of their income as tax, thus putting the burden on the middle/lower classes. What don't you understand about this?
  17. QUOTE (mr_genius @ Sep 2, 2012 -> 01:23 PM) The Democrats take from the middle and lower class to give to political cronies. Like a reverse Robin Hood, steal from the poor to give to the entitled. ..... this is baffling. we've EXPANDED tax breaks for middle and lower classes while attempting to tax the upper class MORE. you have it COMPLETELY backwards. god how do you people look in the mirror and not hate yourselves? you're just clueless.
  18. QUOTE (mr_genius @ Sep 2, 2012 -> 11:23 AM) we are defending the hard working middle class whom is squeezed to the extreme right now and cannot afford to pay more taxes for massive pay increases for teachers. most of these teachers make much more money and have better benefits than the working poor you wish to douse with big tax hikes. by electing a party that wants to expand the tax cuts on the top 1% of americans? just goes to show how ignorant and backward all of you are. OH, and teachers ARE THE MIDDLE CLASS! (here's the secret: the Democrats are the party that fights for the middle and lower classes!)
  19. QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Sep 2, 2012 -> 12:08 PM) I recall several liberal pundits claiming that Issac happening during the convention was a 'sign from God' that he didn't like the Republicans. Then Issac moved on and left them alone, it became 'how can those Republicans party while Issac hits states next door', completely ignoring the actual President who was doing fundraisers all over the country. Then after the convention Romney goes to the effected areas, forcing Obama to change his schedule to do so as well. NOW, on the eve on the DNC, it seems that rain has tried to wash away the narcissist-in-chief's sand sculpture of himself, and they have to furiously rebuild one side of it. So, is this a sign that God hates the DNC? http://www.washingtontimes.com/blog/inside...ay-mount-obama/ Of course God hates the DNC, since the majority of us don't really put all that much stock in him anyway.
  20. you guys literally blow my mind. it's baffling how selfish some people can be. especially the religious folk. i always find that one hilarious. but i guess it makes sense for Republicans to slash teacher pay, since it's the uneducated who become Republicans in the first place.
  21. QUOTE (Marty34 @ Sep 2, 2012 -> 09:08 AM) I know teachers get their summers off . . . Why do so many teachers feel the need to tell people how difficult their job is? It's a profession where there is very little accountability. and how do you feel about pro athletes? i'm pretty sure they get HALF A YEAR off and make millions.
  22. QUOTE (Marty34 @ Sep 2, 2012 -> 09:08 AM) I know teachers get their summers off . . . Why do so many teachers feel the need to tell people how difficult their job is? It's a profession where there is very little accountability. because people like you are constantly trying to PAY THEM LESS! Marty how would you react if dumbasses lobbied to have YOUR pay reduced? How would you respond? Would you argue about how important your job is and how hard you work? If not, then sure, cast those stones all you want.
  23. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Sep 2, 2012 -> 08:51 AM) Attorney how would you have become an attorney without teachers? have you ever been one? do you have any - ANY idea - what it is to be a teacher?
  24. QUOTE (mr_genius @ Sep 1, 2012 -> 10:47 PM) a radical right hate monger so a typical modern Republican? I doubt it. You guys are trying to scrap everything he created with the New Deal.
  25. QUOTE (mr_genius @ Sep 1, 2012 -> 06:05 PM) something you know nothing about. you realize Dwight Eisenhower's positions were more in line with today's democrats than todays republicans, right? or are you just making things up?
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