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Everything posted by Reddy
listen guys, you haven't figured it out yet - but i'm just here so that there's at least ONE thing y'all agree on. and i guess i just really need to pull back on my tendency to use nuclear hyperbole because everyone always seems to take it extremely literally. mental note to self.
QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Feb 17, 2012 -> 08:26 AM) This post makes me very uncomfortable and unhappy and I wish it would disappear. seriously? get over it. the world would be a better place if that guy didn't exist. simply true.
QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Feb 17, 2012 -> 08:28 AM) They'll only be replaced by the same old thing. they won't actually. 70% of people aged 18-34 support Gay Marriage. Just like the 40-50 year olds today aren't anti-black, or interracial marriage. General attitudes change as the population does.
QUOTE (mr_genius @ Feb 15, 2012 -> 07:34 PM) ^^^ delusional ^^^ delusional. did you know that being a staunch conservative is ACTUALLY NOT centrist? Being centrist is being centrist. Y'all Republicans get that confused.
QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Feb 14, 2012 -> 08:17 AM) Birther heads will explode. No they wont, because he's a Republican, so of COURSE he's a citizen. I'd love a Santorum candidacy. He'd be roundly whipped by Obama. Independents will NOT go for Santorum's fanaticism.
QUOTE (JPN366 @ Feb 6, 2012 -> 11:37 PM) That's fine for you, but, no. There's enough singing and dancing on TV as it is. There is ONE show and its Glee, which is terrible. Just the worst. I hate it with a passion. It in no way represents the reality of "theatre people". Smash does - which is cool to watch. I will admit that those not in the theatre industry may not give a s*** one way or the other.
Obligatory shout out for Smash, since it's, ya know, my industry. This is what I do on a day to day basis. lol
QUOTE (pittshoganerkoff @ Feb 6, 2012 -> 09:05 AM) I don't think anyone is happy that Mark is gone, but you'd be hard-pressed to find many people other than youself that would say the Sox should have outbid the Marlins for him. They overpaid for him, and his contract is so ridiculously backloaded that he'll be difficult to trade without the Marlins eating a lot of money. Peavy may be great this year, but chances are he will not be the guy he used to be. I'll be happy with him eating a bunch of innings and spotting an ERA around 4. However, I think that'll be a stretch. So, a dream of a "1-2 punch" was dissolved when Peavy had surgery that in all likelihood diminished his capacity as a pitcher. There was no reason for the Sox to spend $56+ million on a guy in order to have him be part of a "1-2 punch" that doesn't exist anyway. plus all the projections i've seen have Sale as our best starter anyway.
QUOTE (SOXOBAMA @ Feb 6, 2012 -> 09:56 AM) Tom Brady wife blames his teammates.. http://www.tmz.com/2012/02/06/gisele-tom-b...ts-lose-giants/ screw that. keep your supermodel mouth shut.
QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Feb 1, 2012 -> 04:49 PM) Against Gingrich or Santorum? Sure. I don't see a lot supporting that against Romney, but it's Feb. 1st so polls are pretty much meaningless right now. I don't know if there's a candidate that could have easily bridged the tea party/conservative wing and the "Establishment GOP" wing, but someone who did that and had even mildly favorable overall views would seriously challenge Obama. by the time Gingrich is done destroying Romney, Obama's work will have been done for him, and yes, he will win in a landslide. That said, complacency is dangerous. We still gotta get out and vote.
can we change SS2k5's under-avy-title to "class warfare"? it seems like his new motto
QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jan 12, 2012 -> 12:29 PM) He used the phrase "HUGE" hyperbole to clarify it. touche.
QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 12, 2012 -> 12:22 PM) This is huge hyperbole. I am 99% sure that SS2K5 is perfectly fine with taxpayer dollars, to at least some extent, should indeed go to those things. He isn't arguing otherwise, so I have no idea where you are getting this. His problem is with the tax CODE, not the very idea of taxes. haha i love how you act like i'm the only person here prone to hyperbole. I know you don't like me, but that's bulls***.
QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 12, 2012 -> 12:16 PM) The central flaw in your argument here, and it goes right to the core, is the idea that somehow unions giving up their gains in the labor market will make things better for anyone but shareholders and owners. Without that bizarre assumption, your entire argument collapses. Unions ceding wages and working conditions and benefits will not improve the lives of anyone below them. Correctly pointing this out does not make them hypocrites. edit: It's true that class-warfare is entirely a one-way street conducting by the lazy, drug-addled moocher underclass who doesn't have any skin in the game and is just jealous of all those hard-working, boot-strapping, moral people! well said.
QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jan 12, 2012 -> 11:49 AM) Guess what is a massive violation of economic and personal freedom? The entire tax code. who do you suggest pay for infrastructure in this country? highways? do you think public libraries should be shut down? who pays police and firefighters? please explain these things to me
QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jan 12, 2012 -> 08:39 AM) I look at him more of a John Edwards type honestly. The sad thing is whether he is moderate or conservative Romney, either one is still better than liberal Obama. what does that mean exactly? John Edwards was the furthest thing from a flip flopper, even if you DID think he was just a sleazy car salesman.
QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jan 12, 2012 -> 09:38 AM) Working class was me being more polite than saying "Poor as sin". hahaha fair enough.
QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jan 12, 2012 -> 08:57 AM) There's probably also a big demographic difference muddying the waters. If Democratic voters are more typically working class (true) while Republican voters are more upper class or retired (also true), then it's easier for Republican voters to turn out to vote in elections that really don't matter than it is for people who are working. Really hard to draw a trend line from that number, but worth keeping track of. only if they're in unions. working class people who aren't in unions are much more likely to be republican. (that damn religion/social issues thing, even they're voting AGAINST themselves economically) but the point you're making is generally correct
QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 10, 2012 -> 06:14 PM) VAN BUREN! MILLARD FILLMORE!!!!!!! I always picture a duck for some reason.
QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 10, 2012 -> 10:26 AM) Pretty sure he hates on Huntsman mostly to egg me on. As for Ron Paul, I can't believe I am defending the guy again, but need to clarify yet another falsehood from Reddy... Paul served ACTIVE Air Force as a surgeon for 2 tours of duty. Then he went to the National Guard. Reddy has this odd tendency, when he hones in on something he doesn't like, to try to add to his position by making things up and/or being selective in his acceptance of which facts he likes and doesn't. If Huntsman were to somehow win the primary lottery and win the nomination - which is incredibly unlikely - he would definitely have my vote. Romney I am on the fence about, I don't like the guy, but I think as President he is likely to be more like the centrist version of Romney than the far-right one he acts like in the primaries. And I'd be OK with that. Paul is intriguing, but he just has too many bats*** crazy ideas for me to vote for him. Anyone else from the GOP field wins, and I'm voting for Obama. figure you gotta play the GOP's game some times. Seems to work well for them. fair enough though. Guy served in the military and good on him for doing so. I respect it and think him commendable for having done so. I DON'T think that gives him the right to rip on Gingrich. Gingrich WAS ineligible for the draft when his notice came in, and it's not like Paul was on the front lines. Why the hell am I defending either of these guys? I hate them both.
QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Jan 9, 2012 -> 10:46 PM) I'd characterize their treatment of him as more "ignoring" than "going after" him. The guy continues to poll pretty well, but nobody pays attention. yeah in the debates the other candidates openly mock and laugh at him.
that's the kind of thing I like about the guy.
QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 9, 2012 -> 10:30 PM) I'm pretty sure any of the GOP candidates save Paul would have signed the NDAA, or maybe threatened to veto it because it didn't mandate detaining US citizens. I don't like Obama. I won't be voting for him. But I sure as s*** won't be voting for someone with far-right conservative ideology, either. And make no mistake, that's what Huntsman is. That the rest of the candidates are so terrible that they make his ideas look sane and rational by comparison isn't exactly a compliment. I can't imagine what you agree with Huntsman on that Obama doesn't also agree with. haha that's a good point. I'm probably being irrational... but I'd rather a guy act like a conservative and call himself a conservative than Obama doing it and calling himself a liberal (although isn't it ironic that even being RIGHT of center in most of his policy-making, GOPers STILL call him a left wing extremist?)
QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 9, 2012 -> 10:21 PM) No, openly supporting Huntsman does a good job of ensuring everyone that you're not a liberal. Huntsman's economic plan, like every other Republican plan, results in massive tax cuts for the wealthy (particularly for the investor class, capital gains and dividends rates get slashed) and minimal cuts if not increases for everyone else while almost eliminating many social services. Oh, and he's back-tracked on some of his global warming acceptance and he wants to cripple the EPA. Weren't you campaigning pretty hard for Edwards 4 years ago? I'm not sure how you could go from what Edwards policies were to Huntsman without some serious political/philosophical changes. those philosophical changes are just hating Obama hard. Him signing the NDAA was the last straw. I mean, if it's any of the leading GOP candidates I'll sure as s*** vote for him, but I won't be a huge fan. I disagree with Huntsman economic policies true - but I feel like he's actually a decent friggin' human being and he WONT try and pass bulls*** defense of marriage acts and overturn Roe v. Wade etc etc. That s*** pisses me off more than the economic stuff. I'm a broke actor anyway.
QUOTE (mr_genius @ Jan 9, 2012 -> 09:20 PM) Huntsman is a clueless high school drop out and his only 'skill' is having super rich parents. I would vote for Obama over Huntsman. he... has been an ambassador to Singapore and China and successfully ran an entire state with 90% approval ratings. No skills? Seriously? Why do you even post that ignorant s***?