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Everything posted by Reddy

  1. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Jan 9, 2012 -> 08:53 PM) But he actually served in the Air Force, not just the National Guard. The way I see it, Paul might be the only candidate that could pull in some Democrats. Hell, I'd consider myself more of a Democrat than a Republican, and I know quite a few like-minded individuals. As long as Republicans would vote for him, he could give Obama a run for his money. do you know a single thing about Huntsman? He's the most moderate candidate in the campaign. He supports environmental reforms, civil unions, is actually religiously tolerant - teaches his adopted indian daughter about hinduism. How awesome is that? He also supports lowering taxes and all that other GOP fiscal policy. I'd vote for him over Obama. I wouldn't vote for the Dept of Education cutting, National Endowment for the Arts cutting, Health care destroying, pro life, anti gay Ron Paul if my life depended on it. And I know y'all wont believe me, but I'm NOT crazy liberal. I just seem like it compared to all these Right wing wackos these days.
  2. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Jan 9, 2012 -> 08:14 PM) Are you asking for evidence that he was in the Air Force? I've read that he reached the rank of Captain as a flight surgeon. I'm not sure someone can get away with completely lying about reaching a specific and frankly, quite high, rank. Also, I'm fairly sure you can get drafted into one arm of the military, but voluntarily join another to better suit your abilities (as a doctor) and yes, avoid ground combat. that's my point - he didn't run over to enlist until he was already drafted, and THEN switched on over to the National Guard when the war actually started to heat up. I'm just saying the whole high and mighty act is a little annoying.
  3. QUOTE (mr_genius @ Jan 9, 2012 -> 07:25 PM) lol, Huntsman is the most bat-s*** crazy candidate out there. if by bat s*** crazy you mean intelligent moderate who could actually do good things for america then yes. In that way he IS different from the other candidates (Obama included).
  4. QUOTE (bmags @ Jan 9, 2012 -> 05:56 PM) I really thought electing obama would end fighting the god damn vietnam culture war every presidency but it's clear that until all of them die we have to listen to this bulls***. in all honesty - democrats don't care about that stuff. just republicans. They're the ones that speared Kerry and are skewering each other over it. and yeah, when they die it won't matter any more. Give it 10 years or so.
  5. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 9, 2012 -> 05:45 PM) I think that you are being incredibly selective in your choice of what you see. I think you are just dead wrong on this, and I can't change your mind. you haven't tried to... I can be wrong. I just don't think I am in this case... If the Air Force has never had a draft, how did he get into the Air Force?? and he DIDN'T go to war, he stayed home and joined the National Guard! show me some shred of evidence to the contrary and I'll roll over and say you're right, and I'm wrong!
  6. ie: He COULDN'T have been drafted into the Air Force. He was drafted into the Army but SOMEHOW ended up in the Air Force. Interesting... He did nothing different than GWB did. He dodged actual combat just like Newt did. He's just doing typical politician spin and trying to make Newt look bad. And NSS, I feel like outright lying and knowingly distorting the truth are the same thing.
  7. and the BIGGEST is all that BS about earmarks. I'm sorry you CANNOT claim to be anti-spending if you're tacking on earmarks to a bill you then VOTE AGAINST. Are you kidding me? That's pathetic.
  8. here's another one: http://www.thehotjoints.com/2011/12/16/iow...raq-war-deaths/
  9. lol really guys? THAT's considered offensive on this board? gimme a break. here's one: http://stevebussey.com/wp/2011/12/did-ron-...-being-drafted/ about his being "drafted" while hammering Gingrich for deferring.
  10. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Jan 9, 2012 -> 01:37 PM) Does Ron Paul have any real chance of winning the nomination? He's the only candidate (besides probably Huntsman) on either side that I'd vote for. after watching that debate, what is it about Ron Paul that you LIKE? the other candidates are right - he lies constantly, makes s*** up, and is just a senile old man...
  11. QUOTE (bmags @ Jan 9, 2012 -> 11:31 AM) Huntsman is the General Wesley Clark of this primary. totally agree. it's a shame that the best candidate is unelectable because he's not bat-s*** crazy enough.
  12. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jan 9, 2012 -> 11:22 AM) The Sox would assume his contract if they claimed him. He isn't coming back unless they figure out a way to get Toronto to pick up his whole deal. If that were going to happen, it would have been within the context of one of the deals that happened already. 'twas a joke.
  13. QUOTE (rowand's rowdies @ Jan 9, 2012 -> 11:09 AM) Victory for us, we don't have to eat that contract. Nice work KW. Teahen....you are a disgrace. And no im not suggesting we bring him back. he'll be back within the week.
  14. QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Jan 4, 2012 -> 02:11 PM) So the Republican choices amount to a guy who flip flops so often, he makes John Kerry seem immovable, a guy who wants to bring back the gold standard, and a guy who wants to outlaw birth control and the National Weather Service. Bumper crop, I dare say! gimme that flip flopper any day of the week over the other two.
  15. QUOTE (bmags @ Jan 4, 2012 -> 11:07 AM) He is so much worse than huckabee. nah that's just your memory not remembering as clearly - Huckabee was terrifying too. They're both the devil incarnate though. Santorum will be done before february.
  16. QUOTE (Tex @ Jan 4, 2012 -> 09:54 AM) He is reassessing his campaign. I believe he is checking his major donors and seeing how far the money will last. he needs to stick around for a couple more primaries to set himself up as a serious VP candidate. hahahahaha
  17. QUOTE (bmags @ Jan 4, 2012 -> 10:49 AM) I don't think it's being blown out of proportion, it is absolutely incredible that that man could come even close to winning any primary/caucus is an absolute embarrassment for our democracy. same as huckabee. it won't matter
  18. QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Jan 3, 2012 -> 11:29 PM) I wonder how many people showed at the Dem Caucus. it's Iowa. I'm sure people did. lol
  19. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jan 3, 2012 -> 11:22 PM) http://www.politico.com/blogs/burns-haberm...man-109497.html Funny Paul tweet at poor Huntsman. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0112/71011.html Can Santorum catch fire? Other articles at politico.com arguing Gingrich and other candidates should give up and support Santorum against Romney. I hope to god that Santorum = Huckabee
  20. QUOTE (Heads22 @ Jan 3, 2012 -> 10:55 PM) CNN currently has Santorum with a 13 vote lead over Romney. Ridiculous
  21. QUOTE (Heads22 @ Jan 3, 2012 -> 06:24 PM) It bothers me that people think this represents our state as a whole. exactly - the people coming out are the fanatical far right. primaries are NEVER indicative of an entire population.
  22. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jan 2, 2012 -> 09:08 PM) I sure as hell hope so. Last year he drove about 13 balls over the fence if I remember correctly, meaning Lillibridge would have been a much better DH than Dunn. I'm just disappointed in the dissing of Carlos Quentin on this site. You'd think the guy's production was that of Adam Dunn or Alex Rios for gosh sakes. I mean if you are going to get two scrubs like the ones the Sox got for CQ, why didn't they just deal him last year when a contender may have needed some pop in its lineup and actually given us a player or two who might be useful? first thing you've ever said that i agree with. but that's a moot point NOW. and NOW the best move was to trade him for the best package available.
  23. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jan 2, 2012 -> 08:30 PM) The value is that he's one of the few guys in our order who can, uh, drive the baseball and maybe scare a pitcher just a little bit. but not in anyone ELSE's order. that's where the value matters... we're not trading him to ourselves...
  24. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Jan 2, 2012 -> 08:19 PM) Yet neither was able to crack SD's top 20 prospects. I know SD has a pretty decent system, but not being in the top 20 would seem to indicate future success in the major leagues is a longshot at best. Correction, Castro was #20 I believe. I find it hard to believe Carlos Quentin isn't worth something a little more than that, and really I have no problem with KW moving him along. a guy with one year on his contract who is a terrible fielder and a guarantee not to play the entire season... where's the value in that? re: your edit, fair enough. I'm hoping he's freeing money for Cespedes personally. If he does get him, it's a huge, huge win.
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