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Everything posted by Reddy

  1. Brother so do I. So does EVERYONE. But his ego is too big for that.
  2. THIS is what relitigating the past looks like.
  3. Go make a deal with Netflix to produce some shows and documentaries. I hear that helps.
  4. Explain. I'm genuinely curious why talking about a candidate for office in the next two cycles is relitigating the past. Make an argument.
  5. And you're saying you're fine with those tactics as long as they support your guy - is that it?
  6. No. Bud, what's your explanation for why Bernie would do this if not to protect himself from having a stronger Democratic challenger?
  7. Ooooh here he comes to the aid of the Bernie wing! I'm not sure how you think talking about a 2018 election and its ramifications on the 2020 election is relitigating past elections. ?
  8. Sure, but how fucked up is it to force any other candidates to spend time, money and energy campaigning when they know you're not even going to accept the nomination if you win? Who would put themselves through that? This is the type of election-manipulation authoritarians in flawed democracies engage in to keep anyone from running against them. If you're wondering why the US is now considered a flawed democracy, it's because of shit like this. Long live Bernie Sanders, Man of the People.
  9. From WaPo: "Sanders is going to run in the Democratic primary for no reason except to preclude anybody else from winning it — despite having no intention of running as a Democrat in the general election. Sanders basically wants to ensure he will face no Democratic opponent in November. A cynic might say the guy who complained about the rigging of the 2016 Democratic presidential primary is kinda, sorta rigging the 2018 Vermont Senate race for himself." https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2018/05/21/bernie-sanders-is-still-borrowing-the-democratic-party/?utm_term=.8b8a0eafbe54
  10. It wasn't a secret that he'd do this, since he's done it three other times, so it would be futile for anyone to run against him for the Democratic nomination that he's already said he won't accept. Bernie Sanders is literally gaming the system in order to keep anyone from running against him. You don't think that's fucked up?
  11. You've lost any credibility you had to criticize Dems/Trump/GOP/anyone for interfering with the democratic process. From a friend: 2002: "Hey guys, I'm a Democrat. Yeah, no -- I'm a Democrat. I'm running in the Democratic Primary." "Oh, I'm the nominee? Yeah, I'm not a Democrat." 2006: "Hey guys, I'm a Democrat. Yeah, no -- I'm a Democrat. I'm running in the Democratic Primary." "Oh, I'm the nominee? Yeah, I'm not a Democrat." 2012: "Hey guys, I'm a Democrat. Yeah, no -- I'm a Democrat. I'm running in the Democratic Primary." "Oh? I lost? Yeah, I'm not a Democrat." 2018: "Hey guys, I'm a Democrat. Yeah, no -- I'm a Democrat. I'm running in the Democratic Primary." "Oh, I'm the nominee? Yeah, I'm not a Democrat." Bernie Supporters: BERNIE IS SO AUTHENTIC *orgasm*
  12. So you people don't care that he's making it impossible for anyone to run against him? You same people who got mad that the DNC interfered with Democracy? Good lord. The cognitive dissonance with you people is Trumpian.
  13. Of course Bernie would rig his own primary after trashing the DNC for "rigging" their Presidential primary. https://www.politico.com/story/2018/05/21/bernie-sanders-democrat-independent-vermont-601844 "He also said that he’ll pull the same maneuver that he did in his 2006 and 2012 Senate races: Running as a Democrat, declining the nomination when he wins and then running as an independent. The move makes it virtually impossible for another Democrat to seek the party’s nod." You stay classy, Senator.
  14. Trade and it's a no-brainer. I love the guy, but he'll be in decline when we're trying to compete, he's got value now, and can bring us more pieces for our eventual contending team. Makes very little sense to keep him.
  15. So that's a big ole nope from you on the whole democracy thing, yeah? Also, way to make a great argument for superdelegates
  16. Memes and tweets =/= cogent arguments. No one thinks Hamas are innocent demonstrators. The *PEOPLE* - especially the children - demonstrating are not Hamas, even if they've been radicalized by Hamas.
  17. I have absolutely no idea, and any guess on either of our parts would be pure conjecture. I'd argue that 14% against it are more likely to be the ones who don't know what it is - or they're telecom/internet execs.
  18. Yes. That is exactly what you do. Glad you've finally recognized it.
  19. Yes let's be tolerant of those who call immigrants animals. Or, instead, we could be decent humans and condemn that type of thing. Shrug.
  20. I agree with this. I was referring to current Trump *supporters*, not Trump voters. In May 2018, I think there's a distinction.
  21. I really don't think the majority of the people you're talking about would still consider themselves Trump supporters, even if they voted for the guy.
  22. Yup! Up to 5 types. Haha. Any more?
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