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Everything posted by Reddy

  1. QUOTE (Jenksy Cat @ Sep 26, 2011 -> 10:00 PM) Who the f*** would have been our utility guy then? Cmon, this is too easy lol i'm just saying there were options. it coulda been a platoon - what have you. no one had a gun to ozzie's throat saying 'play gordon or else'
  2. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Sep 26, 2011 -> 09:59 PM) So, it's universally considered a good move by the Sox. But Victory is still right? i think that's the general consensus.
  3. oh, and Victory - on that Beckham front: Lillibomb? Why didn't ozzie start lilli over becks?
  4. QUOTE (VictoryMC98 @ Sep 26, 2011 -> 09:51 PM) Never said that, you bring in a vet.. if you truly going all in... If you watched Dunn the 2nd half of last year.. you wouldn't be telling me how great he was. ruh roh.
  5. QUOTE (VictoryMC98 @ Sep 26, 2011 -> 09:47 PM) Who else plays 2b? Did you watch the end of 2010 season.. the Nats? I take it no hahaha we've moved Beckham allll around the diamond - forced him to learn new positions, but ozzie wasn't willing to try it on someone else at second base? or maybe KW FORCED him to play Becks. We all know how much power Kenny had over Ozzie's decisions. I look at a player whose OPS last year was exactly in line with career norms at age 30. Why would he reasonably decline to 11 hr? Explain please.
  6. QUOTE (VictoryMC98 @ Sep 26, 2011 -> 09:44 PM) 1. No one saw it.. LOL, a declining slugger in 2010, signs a mutli-year deal... Yeah that's smart 2. Then you are a fool, Rios was a horrible pickup.. This is overreaction to not having a CF since 2005.. I don't want a GM who overreacts for his mistakes, that now hold the team in hostage. 3. YES.. Fa-king YES... 4. So not getting a 2b, allowing Beckham to play.. isn't Kenny's fault.. and is a smart move? But, you are one of those.. Kenny does no wrong got it! OZZIE MAKES THE LINEUP CARD YOU ... oh man... and what about 38 home runs in '10 is declining to you?
  7. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Sep 26, 2011 -> 09:43 PM) I've agreed with that since like 2007. yeah but we had the pieces and the market to get a really good haul this year - too bad we missed the boat.
  8. QUOTE (fathom @ Sep 26, 2011 -> 09:40 PM) Well, sounds like we're going to go into rebuilding mode next year based on Kenny's no comment. as we should. and should have at the deadline.
  9. QUOTE (VictoryMC98 @ Sep 26, 2011 -> 09:34 PM) Signing Dunn, Trading for RIos, failing to have a closer, Failing to have a MLB hitting 2b. I was hoping you'd say these: 1) Signing Dunn was a prudent baseball move that ANY GM would have made given the opportunity. No one saw this coming - NO ONE. Not even you. 2) Getting Rios' potential for a bag of balls was a risky, but a high risk high reward move. So it hasn't panned out, but if you have the opportunity to make that move, I'd rather have the GM who takes a risk and loses than the one that sits on his thumbs and does nothing. 3) Did you forsee the explosion of all our closers? And for the record, as has been stated, if all the other parts had clicked, even with the closing issues we'd be contending. 4) Beckham not hitting is NOT KW's fault. I didn't realize he's the one coaching him in the cage. Whodathunkit?
  10. QUOTE (VictoryMC98 @ Sep 26, 2011 -> 09:32 PM) Here comes him blaming his mistakes on Ozzie.. in 3, 2, 1... OOO wait, its already begun. which ones are those?
  11. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Sep 26, 2011 -> 09:30 PM) Good riddance to that ass clown too. that's probably the BEST part of all of this. no more oney guillen. heavens be praised.
  12. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Sep 26, 2011 -> 09:28 PM) Ha! that. was. amazing.
  13. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Sep 26, 2011 -> 09:27 PM) Oh, you're here. Expect an anti-JR diatribe in 3-2-1... i love how you're holding off all three of 'em on your own. doing a damn fine job sir, a damn fine job.
  14. QUOTE (VictoryMC98 @ Sep 26, 2011 -> 09:25 PM) JR made a horrible move... I willing to accept it, I also willing to accept this organization failing for at least 5 years.. Reality is, Ozzie is blamed for Kenny's mistakes.. I don't need to deflect from it. ozzie is blameless? wow. that's a pretty sweet gig he had then.
  15. QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 26, 2011 -> 09:21 PM) Why would I be happy? He's a great manager. No surprise though. It was obvious he'd be gone for a long time. Get ready for a KW puppet. I'd expect next season most fans will turn on KW when we suck again. Hard to blame Ozzie for next year when he's sunning in Florida. I would LOVE a KW puppet. Know why? because teams are built to play the way they're built to play - ozzie trying to play smallball with a power hitting team has always been retarded. retarded. A GM has to have power over his manager and personnel. End of story. This whole "manager is the face of the franchise" bulls*** is over, and good riddance.
  16. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Sep 18, 2011 -> 04:36 PM) If you actually think that's a mile long post, well...I'm not quite sure what to say. I guess I should be like Oney and just out sent tweets. i read it on my cell phone. thus, twas long. but you're right, for you that might as well have been a tweet.
  17. did you really just take this thread seriously? And write a mile long post about it? Only caulfield.
  18. i will fight greg to the death for the bat boy position. to. the. death.
  19. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Sep 16, 2011 -> 08:26 AM) You realize Royce Clayton is in Moneyball, right? He plays Miguel Tejada. that. is. ridiculous.
  20. QUOTE (Chet Kincaid @ Sep 16, 2011 -> 08:17 AM) Put Dunn in. Chet where do you find these pictures?
  21. QUOTE (Fantl916 @ Sep 16, 2011 -> 12:54 PM) weird random idea... i was reading how the marlins are likely to increase their payroll significantly as they move into a new stadium and such. i could be off my rocker, but wouldnt the following trade make some sense as it solves problems on both ends? i imagine to sox would love this but how averse would the marlins be to this:: logan morrison for quentin, a prospect like mitchell, and ozzie? eff that i want lomo for ozzie straight UP
  22. QUOTE (elrockinMT @ Sep 16, 2011 -> 08:58 AM) The regular players are paid to play. Make them earn it. I don't really think playing rookies for the last 13 days is going to make a difference for 2012. Hopefully Spring Training is where they show up. Using the logic of playing rookies to see their contributions for the remainder of the season is like thinking Dunn or Rios will magically appear also. So it's six of one and seven of the other this is ... just baffling. why do some sox fans lose any modicum of baseball intelligence when the discussion turns to ozzie guillen? remind me how it's not useful to see what you'll get out of youngsters at the major league level when there's nothing riding on it? please - i'd love to hear the answer.
  23. rotoworld blurb on LoMo said he's filed a grievance against the Marlins - soooo looks like they're gonna wanna ship the kid out. We wanna boot Ozzie... I think that's a deal we'd ALL be happy with.
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