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Everything posted by Reddy

  1. Convince of what? We agree on policy, just not the tactics that will actually GET us those policies.
  2. For the record - I, too, believe that we should work on both simultaneously.
  3. You're a young white man, right? You're fine. This shit hardly affects you - if at all - and if it DOES, you have a way out of it. Others aren't as privileged as you are, but you're willing to throw them under the bus because of YOUR political ideals, and every fiber of my being thinks that's awful.
  4. BUT YOU DON'T ENDURE IT. OTHER PEOPLE DO. THAT'S THE FUCKING WHOLE POINT. The privilege of your statement is disgusting.
  5. So you're fine with real people getting hurt as long as it gets you closer to the economic policy you'd prefer. Also:
  6. To the first bolded: No. It actually doesn't. Second: Didn't someone try to primary him this year? Third: This is the kicker. You'd rather have a Republican in and fuck over the country for 6 years than have a guy who votes with Dems to protect Dreamers, Women and Equal Rights. That is the thing I can't stand about Bernie-or-Busters. You don't care who you hurt as long as you get your economic policies "eventually"
  7. It has nothing to do with a "disagreement". If his position were built on any sort of solid ground it'd be one thing. He's legitimately trying to argue there's a possibility - an actual possible outcome - that results in a write-in candidate winning the WV senate race. I mean the odds are worse than successfully navigating an asteroid field. That's not a position on which to build an argument, and if you think it actually IS, yes, that's naïveté. It's not an insult man. It's just.... It's what it is. Also, side note, is there no more "mute"/"ignore"/"block" option on ST anymore?
  8. Your naïveté is adorable but whoa.
  9. Uh. They're the only two who can *win*, thus there are only two eventualities - one with Manchin, and one with Morrissey in that seat. How old are you, out of pure curiosity? Not snark, I'm honestly curious.
  10. Aren't those the only two choices for that seat? How is it a false dilemma? lol
  11. Dam, would you rather have Joe Manchin or a Far-Right Republican in that WV Senate seat?
  12. I literally linked a full book that is full of full studies.
  13. Can you support this assertion with actual empirical evidence or are you just making it up because it supports your position? People don't know what they care about or don't care about til their airwaves are being saturated with something. For instance, people ask me every day now about the attacks our opponent is levying against my candidate. These are things people *weren't* talking about before, and had you asked them before they'd have said they weren't important. Yet now I answer questions about them multiple times a day BECAUSE they were in a TV ad. This is basic psychology man. But if you can back up your claim with evidence then by all means do so.
  14. can you refer to a source that isn't the Daily Wire or the National Review? C'mon man.
  15. Sigh. Ok. You can win. I just won't respond to you anymore, k? Great. Now back to the grownup conversation...
  16. I do nothing that everyone else in this thread doesn't also do. You just happen to disagree with me and like to hold me to a different standard as everyone else. I'm used to it by now, but it's still funny to see you act like a tweenage troll trying to derail things and get a rise out of me while we're having an actual discussion, instead of acting like the ~40 year old man you are and contributing in any meaningful way.
  17. You'd think mods would hold themselves to a higher standard, but I guess you are a conservative.
  18. Have you not been getting enough attention today? I thought intentional trolling was against 'buster rules.
  19. I love how hard it is for you to say I'm right
  20. oh, honey. read my Dad's book: https://www.amazon.com/Positive-Case-Negative-Campaigning-ebook/dp/B00TB4Z07O Negative ads CREATE public perception. It is not the other way around.
  21. Good lord. Can you link for me the ad running against Heitkamp/Manchin that cites them siding with radical feminist leftists in blocking the most qualified Supreme Court nominee in a generation? TY in advance. They *can't* attack Manchin's record on supporting Trump because he's done a good job of walking that line. That's why he's up by 8-10 points in a Trump +40 state. He's winning BECAUSE he's played his hand perfectly. Heitkamp is less good at it, thus... her current polling.
  22. the numbers reflect what's being done RIGHT NOW. Without negative ads, of course the numbers look good. See: Hillary Clinton's 2014 approval rating. But also you still believe Bernie would've won because "polls", so.
  23. Do we still have Obamacare or nah? Lord. Do some research man. Seriously. He voted against ending net neutrality. Voted against defunding planned parenthood. Voted against repealing Obamacare. Voted in support of DACA and Dreamers. The ONLY things he votes with the Rs on are appointments. Everything else he's voted with Dems. How likely do you think that would be with Senator Morrissey? The intellectual dishonesty from you guys here is ridiculous.
  24. If your vote literally makes no difference in the outcome, how on EARTH is that more important than retaining a Blue seat for 6 more years? You guys are smarter than that. Use your brains and take your bias out of it for a second.
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