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Everything posted by Reddy

  1. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Apr 24, 2005 -> 09:13 PM) One earned run or not a start where a guy walks 6 batters and throws 110 pitches and barely squeaks through 5 innings is NOT a quality start at all. He better tighten his s*** up or he's gonna have a real bad day and sooner rather than later. im just saying that until he has that day why dont we just support our guy?
  2. nah not futuresox! he's gonna get called up in no time! im kinda glad to see him back but i dont know why...
  3. Reddy


    what the hell is an .shn file?
  4. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Apr 24, 2005 -> 07:19 PM) Anytime you have Contreras or Duque on the mound you know its gonna be ugly but I'll take a win any way I can get it. thats a bunch of crap, they've both been good for us this year and kept us in the games and yeah, for the last couple outings they've gotten high pitch counts fast, but chill, its the beginning of the season and so far things are working out for us. COUNT and DUKE.... YES!
  5. Zito, Harden, Sarloos is MUCH better than Harden, Haren, Zito/Blanton so we're lucky in that sense... i think we can win 2 of three
  6. you want winning ugly that was winning ugly... good god, but hell i'll take it!
  7. QUOTE(knightni @ Apr 24, 2005 -> 10:59 AM) Tied for the league lead in "Caught Stealing" as well. thats what happens when everett and uribe try to steal...
  8. QUOTE(quickman @ Apr 23, 2005 -> 07:28 PM) I am calling Hammstring it looked like something in the lower leg though...
  9. i hope he's ok... here's a good test for our "weak" bullpen to prove itself
  10. QUOTE(gettysburg32 @ Apr 23, 2005 -> 10:07 AM) Individual Leaders AVG J. Crede .328 HR P. Konerko 7 RBI C. Everett 16 R J. Crede 10 SB S. Podsednik 9 W J. Garland 3 SV S. Takatsu 5 IP M. Buehrle 31.0 ERA O. Hernández 2.50 first of all, CREDE YOU DA MAN 2nd, its awesome to have so many players represented on the team leaders list - that means EVERYONE (with this exception of rowand and dye) are really pulling their weight.
  11. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Apr 23, 2005 -> 10:22 AM) If you notice the other posts he made at the same time last night, ISF was definitely being sarcastic. ok i guess i didnt get it in context
  12. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Apr 23, 2005 -> 10:16 AM) Who pissed in your cheerios? Every post you made was negative towards someone else. In case you missed it, the Sox have the best record in all of baseball right now, and I don't see the reason for people not to enjoy it while it lasts. Now you can go back to your puppy kicking. what? he said to call jostens... they make rings... aka world series ring... wow
  14. Reddy

    Going Nuclear

    QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Apr 22, 2005 -> 04:12 PM) You can pucker up and kiss my ass......b****. my point...
  15. Reddy

    Going Nuclear

    nuke we all realize you're 'anti-liberal' but you dont need to be so flaming about it... seriously...
  16. Reddy

    Going Nuclear

    QUOTE(kapkomet @ Apr 22, 2005 -> 03:44 PM) they are not eliminating the filibuster, they are eliminating the filibuster on JUDICIAL NOMINEES, which are NOT to be a super majority vote - which is directly in the constitution when a super majority is called for. Nominations on judicary is NOT one of those. The democrats have found a way to circumvent a straight up or down vote by using this procedure, which has not happened in 200 years. I posted on here the other day, this whole f***ing government of ours needs blown up and started over. They are all self-serving f***s. Two party system is killing us. i'll drink to that last part... ugh
  17. Reddy

    Going Nuclear

    forget the nominee for a sec, this is about Cheney and the Republicans destroying the freedom of speech in the senate. its simply disgusting - and this really shouldnt be a partisan issue either because this is destroying 200 years of PARTISAN speech in the senate... regardless of whether you like the nominee or not, no one should be in favor of eliminating the filibuster
  18. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Apr 22, 2005 -> 01:52 PM) 5+2+14=21 i thought the same thing! before you make fun of someone make sure theres actually something to make fun of!
  19. Reddy

    Going Nuclear

    according to Cheney: This is scary This may destroy 200 years of tradition in the senate just to get an extra 10 judges appointed... I personally just think this is disgusting. Nothing like this has ever happened before, why does Cheney think he can manipulate the way politics have been since the country's creation? what are you guys' thoughts?
  20. QUOTE(JimH @ Apr 22, 2005 -> 01:31 PM) It's not a huge issue but it is an issue. And it has been brought up before, many times, by many different posters in one form or the other. ok thats kool, i just have never personally had a problem but if other people have then it's an issue. JimH and quickman both of those posts were great and i agree with both of you
  21. im a big westbrook fan and i feel sorry for him that he's stuck with this team... whats his contract situation? not like we'd ever go this route but still im just curious
  22. im happy at least someone on the sox is getting some recognition. Buehrle for Cy Young in '05!
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