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Everything posted by Reddy

  1. good... everett can hit bad... contrares 80 pitches thru 4 ugly... our offense sucks (cant string ANYTHING together)
  2. YOU'RE f***ING KIDDING ME gooch picked off... we suck
  3. lol its not that i wont be with the team i'm just stating the fact that our offense blows! GO SOX!
  4. better be hermey if anyone... i dont want cotts or politte
  5. C'MON SCOTTY PO! MAKE UP FOR THE LAST 5 GAMES TONIGHT!!! (aka 5 stolen bases!)
  6. its been stated by ozzie and coop that he thinks too much and tries to do too much. like you said yourself he tries to be too perfect. He's sort of like Garland is/used to be. He gets himself psyched up too much... he just needs to throw the ball and let AJ do the calling and not think too hard
  7. QUOTE(aboz56 @ Apr 18, 2005 -> 06:20 PM) Contreras is trying to be too perfect. i'm tellin ya hes a headcase... talent or not its hard to work with someone like that... on a good note... Torii Hunter's up!
  8. jose's just a headcase who has prolly psyched himself out too much for tonight, but i'm still hoping
  9. mauer giving jose his money's worth... ugh 9 pitches so far
  10. like how many quality starts a team has or tough losses or cheap wins etc etc etc
  11. thats the dumbest poll ever! 'who will lead the sox in SB?' text the players last name i think its just a joke to make people try and press 'podsednik' into their phones and see how many effed up spellings they come up with
  12. QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Apr 17, 2005 -> 01:48 PM) *waits for the "Timo's bunt wouldn't have matter anyways" post.* well actually....
  13. now you bunt you have 2 outs... not good... you dont bunt you get two outs unless gooch can turn things around here
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