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Everything posted by Reddy

  1. all of fox news are conservatives...
  2. Reddy

    8 year old Pregnant

    out of curiosity, all you conservatives... is this a time when an abortion would be a good option? if you say no, 2 people may die, if you say yes... one... and frankly this isnt a great situation since they found out so late because an abortion at this point is wrong IMO, but hypothetically if they'd found out earlier what do you think?
  3. i wish he were the presidential candidate.... he's better than kerry and bush by a LONG shot... *sigh*
  4. first off i think powell is just trying to hide the truth... but as to texsox: liberal media? when bush comments about kerry it's a "criticism" but when kerry comments about bush it's an "attack" there are numerous small things like that that the media (FOX) uses to put its views accross to viewers. If you look for them you'll notice that I'm right. It's amazing the impact such a small thing can have though on the mind of the viewer. Those media people know their psychology
  5. lol i love that! I really would love to see these two guys debate. It would be freaking hilarious
  6. i meant thats not exactly what he's known for. i know it wasnt worded well, but you dont hear about what a great guy clee is in the clubhouse
  7. if i were to trade one it would be CLee... honestly i dont think he does as much for the club as paulie. I know oz wants grinders and i know paulie isnt exactly a grinder, but he does work his ass off for this team and is a helluva clubhouse guy. Lee is nothing near that. Lee will work hard sometimes and slack sometimes and he's not a specifically good clubhouse guy. Their numbers are similar enough that i'd keep Paulie over Carlos just because he does so much more for the team. I'd be sad to see him go but i'd be totally fine with a Clee trade.
  8. good opp for valdez's first hit, come on
  9. thats because instead of the same old "our players are suckin it up" we have ozzie making decisions that really make you say "what the f***?" At least he's making it interesting...
  10. i agree! lets pitch gload! he'd be good... whatta bout Jose? hmm... too bad Frank's hurt i'd suggest him
  11. just looked at the gameday, i know its prolly been said, but: WHAT THE f*** IS OZZIE DOING THROWING 4 STARTERS IN A f***ING ROW???? ESPECIALLY DIAZ WHO WENT 6 TWO DAYS AGO???? he's lost it...
  12. i really dont wanna see him go, hes a true leader and a class act, plus he's damn good... he needs to stay, dump carlos... i wouldnt have a problem with that.
  13. i have a feeling that Iowa's not gonna do as well as people think... just a hunch but i have a feeling QB is gonna be a pretty weak link on the team this year, we're not gonna have a Banks or Chandler step up this year... Anyone whos predicting a 2nd place finish for them is smokin something. btw, danman, i'm just curious but what made you an NU fan?
  14. wow... now we see how often i've been around lately... Actually I wrote that post for the precise reason of demonstrating why the dips*** smiley is needed! :dips***
  15. Cheat you an Iowa fan?????? cuz i sure as hell am... I'm missing Brad Banks and even Nathan Chandler right now too... Tate? hmmm
  16. maybe this should be in a PM... i dunno... but does this policy include former posters as well? I dont know, i just think that the little anti-jason thing in the sig of SS2k4's kinda annoying since i personally didnt have anything against the guy... if we're gonna try and not start arguments among posters (about each other and whatnot) i think that SS2k4 should take that off... Maybe I'm being oversensitive but i just think we need consisntancy... by the way, i totally agree with the policy
  17. look at the stats, A-Row is the BEST CF in the AL right now, he's 6th in BA and 5th in Slugging... WOW!
  18. kickass dude-girl! ....
  19. Reddy

    Mt Dew

    1.Livewire 2.Pitch Black 3.Code Red 4.Mt Dew 5.never had that baja s*** so i'm takin your word for it
  20. I am only ok with an Omar pickup if its cheap. I agree with Yas on this one. There are other possibilities around the majors that arent 40 years old...
  21. gotta give the guy his props, he was a helluva guy to have around. I could see him being a manager somewhere in the majors, hopefully here when Ozzie's gone, cuz he really knows the game and I think he'd be a great one. If not that... then maybe sumthing in the bullpen... coach or catcher...
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