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Everything posted by Reddy

  1. ^ that goes for everyone jumping on that bandwagon.
  2. QUOTE (JenksIsMyHero @ May 23, 2017 -> 04:17 PM) It's ironic that he shares the same generalization problem that Trump suffers from. All black people are poor gangbangers living in the ghetto, apparently. You know for an absolute fact that I neither said nor believe that. Way to be intentionally disingenuous.
  3. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ May 23, 2017 -> 01:46 PM) Reddy, I dont believe that this board is very indicative of speaking to a white male audience, so I wouldnt really take that much from it. There arent a lot of "free agents", there are some posters who many swing back and forth, but those posters you can recognize pretty quickly based on their tone. The real problem isnt about "winning people back to a side", its about trying to explain why certain policies may not be in the best interest of "either" side. Most people arent going to come out as winners due to the current administration's policies, and that is what needs to be focused on. Its not about race, its about economic oppression. Agreed. 100%
  4. QUOTE (raBBit @ May 23, 2017 -> 02:50 PM) Oh, okay. Yeah, that is true. I thought I was missing something. Didn't you have s*** to do?
  5. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ May 23, 2017 -> 02:40 PM) Here's something interesting. If they are correct, it says moms make 71% of dads in the same position, black and latina moms make even less: http://www.chicagotribune.com/lifestyles/p...0522-story.html Fake news. /green
  6. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ May 23, 2017 -> 02:35 PM) This entire discussion exists because of your fake outrage. The fact that you are the one labeling black kids as needing to deal drugs (even if it is "as an example") instead of doing what they typically doing the same thing as white kids in the same situations is as telling as anything. Again, speaking as someone who is familiar with poverty and the people in it, your stereotyping couldn't be any more wrong, or harmful to the people you are talking down on. The only one labeling people based on race here is you. If you don't see that or understand that, you really do need a lot of self-examination. I'm not going to engage any further with you on this. I won't be able to surmount your confirmation bias.
  7. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ May 23, 2017 -> 01:49 PM) I can't believe you can type something like this and not see the naked racism in it. The vast majority of poor black households work for a living, not deal drugs. This is the exact thing I am talking about with your ignorant stereotyping of people you know nothing about. Poor black kids aren't drug dealers. They don't need to deal drugs. Most people in this situation work real jobs to help out their families. How you can call your self moral and compassionate and still post stuff like that is beyond me. Couple things: 1) I was simplifying for rabbit's benefit 2) do you or do you not believe in political correctness? You can't have it both ways 3) clearly I was making an example, not asserting that all black kids need to deal drugs. Obviously that's not true, so I didn't feel it needed stating. 4) black kids are significantly more likely to find themselves in the situation I described than white kids because of economic disparity, not inherently because of their skin color. 5) Put away the faux outrage
  8. QUOTE (raBBit @ May 23, 2017 -> 01:34 PM) Some people have s*** to do. My white privilege isn't good enough by itself to support my career.
  9. QUOTE (raBBit @ May 23, 2017 -> 01:26 PM) The funny part is Reddy made himself, and all of his awesomeness and achieving, the prime example of white privelege. Nevermind he's a failed film maker making 30K living in a s***ty NY apartment. Apparently those white privilege checks ain't cashing for you. Hopefully daddy still has cash for you to keep the wifi going so you can continue to promolgulate your white guilt. Have a good one. I.... I know. I am a prime example of white privilege. The difference between you and me is that I recognize that. But sick closing argument. ETA: for the record, your attempt at a burn assuming my "daddy" pays my bills is a pretty pathetic way to pick up your toys and leave when you can't hold up your end of a debate any longer. Didn't you pull the "racist" card when I assumed you got an allowance? Your hypocrisy is just funny. And a little sad. *kisses*
  10. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ May 23, 2017 -> 01:16 PM) Reddy, I know that many times we have been on the opposite side of the fence. But I do believe that many times your heart/mind are in the right place. Right or wrong, there is always a place for those who argue on behalf of others. Appreciate that. Like I said, I'm pretty aware of my weaknesses in terms of my online debate skills, but going through these s*** shows helps me re-evaluate and hone my messaging. I'm not usually speaking with an exclusively white male audience in my day to day life, and I need to learn how to speak with a group like this one (which is nearly exclusively straight, white and male). Our side needs to win back those white votes we lost in November, and the only way we can do that is by learning how to talk about these issues without causing the reaction I caused here today.
  11. In fact, between the two of us, I was the only one to post actual statistics that supported my argument. The second you do the same, I'll lend some validity to your argument. Isn't that how this works?
  12. QUOTE (raBBit @ May 23, 2017 -> 01:21 PM) This is a good point. The salient point is to argue for others ever when you have no regard for the facts at hand. This is indeed the crux of white guilt. Heart cooks brain. Your "facts" are not necessarily the correct facts.
  13. QUOTE (raBBit @ May 23, 2017 -> 01:18 PM) So black people had slavery - I'm aware. Doesn't that mean everyone is privileged other than them? All the Asians I went to school with had better cars and computers than me. They had spending money from their parents and I had to work. Aren't they privileged? We're Mexican people also slaves? Why do I have privilege over them? Still skin color? What about my Mexican friend Ian who is pale as printer paper and has red hair? Is he privileged or not? Does he get reparations and why? I actually answered this question in the post you're quoting. Not sure how you didn't get that. There are few people I know who work as hard for as little as latin american immigrants.
  14. QUOTE (raBBit @ May 23, 2017 -> 01:14 PM) You namecall to deflect the point you can't address. I called you what everyone else saw you display. I. I literally addressed it in depth just above your post. Lol. And I actually didn't call you anything. If you took it that way, maybe it's because deep down you know it was accurate. I simply said you were making an alt-right argument. Hang in there, buddy.
  15. QUOTE (raBBit @ May 23, 2017 -> 01:00 PM) Cut your name calling bulls***. The irony. Wow.
  16. QUOTE (raBBit @ May 23, 2017 -> 01:00 PM) Cut your name calling bulls***. You said whites makes more than blacks and Mexicans so they're privileged. Asians and Jews make more than whites so they must also be privileged Right? Explain why they do better. Explain why the system isn't rigged against them. I did not say that. I said that white privilege allows them to have an advantage over blacks and latinos because of skin color and societal realities such as the one you admitted to - unfair sentencing and incarceration. Asians, Indians and others would be in the same boat, except that there are cultural differences due to their highly structured home countries that have translated over to their lives in the US. If African countries were the same economic powerhouses China, Japan and India are, then things may in fact be different. But black people in America HAVE no home culture. All of it has been developed HERE in America and came out of slave culture, because they were taken away from their homes - NOT by choice. Asians and Indians and others chose to move here pursuing economic advantages. That creates a massive difference in their ability to be financially successful.
  17. There is no snow to shovel (the city does it), and there are no lawns to mow in the The Bronx. Next?
  18. QUOTE (raBBit @ May 23, 2017 -> 12:58 PM) My parents never gave me an allowance and that's a racist implication. When it snowed I hit the streets with a shovel. When it was spring I tired to find another lawn to mow. don't get all snowflakey on me now.
  19. QUOTE (raBBit @ May 23, 2017 -> 12:55 PM) So explain how whites earn in the middle of the pack? Is there also a Jewish privilege? Indian privilege? When the Chinese come here and do well is that despite all the racists? What are the rates of education level and parents in the household for Chinese people? How about Indians? Why are the excelling? They too have a darker skin tone. Why are there more whites than chinese in jail? Is it because of Chinese privelege? Now we're getting into a cultural discussion. You're moving the goalpost and starting a nice little Alt-Right rant about cultural superiority. You really wanna go there?
  20. White kids like you don't need to deal drugs because they get an allowance from mom and dad. Black kids in impoverished neighborhoods have to deal drugs to help their single parent put food on the table and take care of their two siblings, because the other parent is in jail on trumped up charges and a harsher than necessary sentence. You're asking them to turn down the huge sums of money that literally feed their families out of some sense of morality? What's truly more moral? Not deal drugs and let your family suffer or deal drugs, feed your family, and risk being put in jail?
  21. QUOTE (raBBit @ May 23, 2017 -> 12:44 PM) I have noticed that. I should note that it has nothing to do with wages but it's actually at the center of my politcial beliefs. I've always talked about how republicans need to make decriminalization a part of their platform so they can have real policy to help the impoverished instead of just pandering to hold the votes every November. I believe in decriminalization to some extent and more importantly lesser sentences on nonviolent offenses. I've posted about Rand Paul and Booker and their proposed policy in the past. So yeah the system is wrong. At the same time, don't sling drugs and you won't have this issue. I never had to have my parents bail me out for selling drugs. You're putting on a white privilege CLINIC today.
  22. QUOTE (raBBit @ May 23, 2017 -> 12:46 PM) Do you think judges just decide to put the black guy in jail? The white guy usually shows up with a lawyer. If you can't afford a lawyer don't put yourself in front of a judge. You think the white meth Mules in the Ozarks get off? No. It's not the skin color that gets them off it's the familial support and the lawyer. WHICH THEY ONLY HAVE ACCESS TO BECAUSE OF THEIR ECONOMIC PRIVILEGE WHICH THEY HAVE IN PART BECAUSE OF THEIR SKIN COLOR jesus.
  23. QUOTE (raBBit @ May 23, 2017 -> 12:32 PM) Explain how women get paid less than men in the same field. Women's issues in employment are solely based on the fact that if they want to raise a family they may have to choose between doing so and having a fruitful career. It's a complicated issue that I have no solution for. That being said, male or female, I'm a teacher, a Chem engineer or a data analyst we will make the same salary. Are you really that obtuse? You think they give men 65K and women 60k? Are you that ignorant? I'm employed in the top of my field and all the girls I studied with in college got the same offers as me. Men earn more than women because they go to degrees that pay more. The top paying degrees - Chem engineering, petroleum engineering, computer science, etc. are all male dominated degrees. The lowest paying degrees - sociology, social work, poli sci, etc. are all women dominated. this is one of the most ignorant posts I've ever seen. I'm at a loss. I don't know if I have the time to tackle every single thing that's factually and statistically incorrect in this post, but I'll see what I can do.
  24. Race and poverty and education and jobs are all one interconnected web of an issue. You can't separate one from the others. Every part of the problem involves the other parts of the problem. It's not as simplistic as you GOP-ers make it out to be.
  25. QUOTE (raBBit @ May 23, 2017 -> 12:22 PM) That doesn't prove anything. I believe in equality of opportunity and you don't. You believe in equality of outcome and I don't. I believe in equality of opportunity. That means women and minorities should be paid equally for equal work, and should have equal access to education and jobs. They don't, however, because of implicit bias. And of course to you, an extremely high black and hispanic poverty rate doesn't prove anything.
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