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Everything posted by Reddy

  1. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ May 23, 2017 -> 12:19 PM) Despite your best effort to make this is a racist issue it is not. In order for it to be true, you would need to be able to prove that affluent black parents tend to raise poverty stricken black kids at a higher rate than whites do. Can you prove that? I know the reflex is to see race in everything, but that simplistic idea just doesn't fly here. if you're born black, you're nearly 300% more likely to be poor than if you're born white. Yeah. Black people totally aren't systemically disenfranchised in America....
  2. QUOTE (raBBit @ May 23, 2017 -> 12:17 PM) Which socioeconomic factors determine poverty? Things like how many parents you have at home, how educated your parent(s) are, etc. Unless you think non-whites can't raise a child together and get a degree I'm not sure what your point is. show me the demographic breakdown along racial lines for poverty in this country. Wait. I'll do it: Poverty Rate by Race/Ethnicity
  3. QUOTE (raBBit @ May 23, 2017 -> 12:15 PM) I didn't go to school to be a s***ty film maker and make $30,000 a year. This was a disadvantage to me in my pursuit of a job when I graduated. There were less opportunities available to me because of reparations for crimes that happened when my family was in Europe. Sharing a similar skin tone with slave owners from the 19th century shouldn't make it tougher for me to get a scholarships, financial aid, jobs or anything. Why not? Sharing the same skin tone as slaves in the 19th century makes it tougher for black kids to go to college and find jobs.
  4. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ May 23, 2017 -> 12:16 PM) People that had poor parents. can you give me the demographic breakdown of the communities that experience the most poverty in, say, the Chicagoland area?
  5. and brother, that is not even a little bit what I'm intending to do, and you know that. If that's how it's coming off to you guys, fine - I'll consider that and re-evaluate how to better express myself, but in having discussions exactly like this one with my friends who are POC, I haven't had the same level of gut-check, defensive reactions I've gotten from you all.
  6. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ May 23, 2017 -> 12:12 PM) This entire thread is just absolutely 100% wrong. It couldn't be more wrong and insulting to be honest. As someone who has extensive experience not only working with the types of kids you are looking down on, but also a wife we has 15 years of experience teaching the kids you are looking down on you have it fully wrong. This is not a racial problem. The thought that it is a racial problem only complicates the matter. This is a poverty issue. This is a cycle of kids having people like you telling them that they can't amount of anything because of who they are and what they look like. The work undoing this line of thought is impossible most of the time and condemns kids to repeat the cycle of poverty for their lifetimes. Get out of your shell and actually work with some of these kids and understand them. I couldn't be more disgusted right now. Of course it's a poverty issue. Which groups of people are more likely to be in poverty?
  7. QUOTE (raBBit @ May 23, 2017 -> 12:04 PM) All white people aren't entitled prisses because you are reddy. Get out of your bubble. Why does this guy get to make continual personal attacks? #snowflake
  8. QUOTE (raBBit @ May 23, 2017 -> 12:04 PM) Black people have affirmative action, scholarship opportunities and hiring preferences in corporate America on account of their background. If I said "I'm so sick and f***ing tired of black people because they can't grasp they have an advantage" you would have the satin panties your daddy bought you in a bunch. Of course I wouldn't say that about a whole group of people because I have respect and compassion for others. Why is it okay for you to rip and generalize A whole sect of people when you run around trying to call others racists for doing the same thing? All white people aren't entitled prisses because you are reddy. Get out of your bubble. black people getting a leg up to be put on even footing with white people is not "an advantage".
  9. QUOTE (raBBit @ May 23, 2017 -> 12:05 PM) It's not you Reddy it's everybody else! I'll fully accept responsibility for not being as clear as I should've. I just didn't realize that it was a difficult concept to articulate/grasp. I now know that outside of New York and LA, it is.
  10. You people are seriously reading this as me saying "I'm better because I'm white"? I'm saying I have societal advantages because I'm white, which opened doors to me that wouldn't have otherwise opened and allowed me to be able to do XYZ. Is this nuance really that difficult to grasp?
  11. QUOTE (raBBit @ May 23, 2017 -> 11:58 AM) Everybody who read your bs on the last page thinks even less of you than you did before. You're an arrogant clueless narcissist who thinks every good thing about you comes from you being white and the supposed privelege that comes with it. Shows what you think about minorities and how they can't share all these same awesome traits your whiteness gave you. that is a completely perverted and twisted interpretation of what I wrote. I don't believe all of those things are true BECAUSE I am white. My whiteness does not make me better or worse than anyone else, but my whiteness gives me a specific advantage economically and socially due to people like you having an implicit bias against POC that you don't recognize. Jesus. The fact that I have to even explain this blows my mind. I forget sometimes that my bubble is made up of rational, compassionate, empathetic people who would take the things I posted on the last page as givens in this country.
  12. The inability of white people to grasp that they have an advantage in life due to the color of their skin is part of why I'm so sick and f***ing tired of white people. Haha
  13. QUOTE (raBBit @ May 23, 2017 -> 11:54 AM) Nope. Only white people can be the best at everything in their school be good looking and get awesome grades. It comes with the territory. You're racist if you can't admit that. White people are better because they're white. Reddy made that clear. That's he why is so awesome himself - because he's white. If that's seriously what you took away from my posts, then you're a lost cause. If you're trolling, then at least I'd still have some respect for you.
  14. QUOTE (raBBit @ May 23, 2017 -> 11:52 AM) Reddy is to the left is what Limbaugh to the right. Just awful to see people really believe this stuff. I'd be so stoked to read data that contradicts what I've suggested. Feel free to give me that information at any time.
  15. QUOTE (JenksIsMyHero @ May 23, 2017 -> 11:41 AM) Reddy, the weight of your white guilt must be really tough to carry around on a daily basis. It's not at all, because I'm actively working to do something about it. Why is the phrase "white guilt" an insult? Doesn't that just mean I have compassion and empathy where you couldn't give two f***s about the way we've treated marginalized communities over the centuries? Go ahead and sling it as an insult. I don't take it as one.
  16. QUOTE (soxfan2014 @ May 23, 2017 -> 10:22 AM) I literally thought the same. He can be a "good looking straight black male who does very well with the ladies, was always good at sports, was the best singer/actor/performer in my high school and college, excelled at most things I did, eagle scout, etc etc etc." Good looking straight black males who do very well with ladies and are good at sports or a good singer actor or performer exist lol Want to read my response to that point? It's actually statistically much, much more difficult to do all of the above as a black kid, because black kids are disproportionately from low income areas/households, and parents can't pay for lessons/training/camping trips/etc The responses to that comment actually highlight the white privilege that exists here - because you don't recognize that those things ARE born out of my privilege. Even being "good looking"! The fact that I had access to good clothes that fit me properly and good haircuts, contact lenses, etc etc etc are partially a result of my white privilege.
  17. QUOTE (SouthSide2004 @ May 23, 2017 -> 08:21 AM) Good god dude you are one arrogant dude. What does any of that have to do with being a straight white male? The only thing your privilege has allowed you to do is become a full time social justic warrior and part time terrible film maker. The fact you've confused genetically predisposed physical traits like good looks, athletic abilities, & singing voice with privilege shows just how out of touch from reality you are. I mean I was just being honest (and f***ing with Rabbit). I have plenty of shortcomings, flaws and failings I could list, too. I'm pretty clear eyed about my strengths and weaknesses - of which there are many. I was just illustrating a point. Yep. The filmmaking thing didn't pan out (hey look! I failed!), though man - how on earth do you remember that? As far as genetically pre-disposed traits, there are many MANY people who are pre-disposed to be good at something but aren't able to train or practice enough to make themselves competitive in that arena because they don't have the privilege I had. That same privilege you reference that allowed me to dabble in filmmaking and allows me to be the activist I am is what allowed me to devote time and energy to music, acting and sports as a kid, and currently allows me to rock climb and travel. I am in no way out of touch with reality, however. I've held at least one job, usually two or more simultaneously, since I was 15 years old. I grew up in middle America. I've never made more than thirty-some grand a year, and I've supported myself on that income in the most expensive city in America living in a s*** hole of an apartment. I just prioritize the spending of my money differently. I don't party or drink much at all. I don't go out often. I live in a cheap, crappy apartment, and I hardly ever buy new clothes, gadgets, etc. But because of that prioritization, I've traveled to all fifty states and I've spoken with and met people from all walks of life while working on numerous campaigns, and while on performing gigs. Just because your reality and my reality don't look the same, doesn't mean I'm "out of touch".
  18. QUOTE (raBBit @ May 23, 2017 -> 01:18 AM) I've never met an eagle scout who can act, sing and really just perform way better than the entire high school and on the field and on the stage while picking up girls and getting great grades and still keeping the face pretty. You are just that exceptional Reddy. However, if you could put yourself in someone else's shoes you could understand that not all white guys are excelling at all facets of life and inherently perfect (and good looking) like you are. They also have nothing to do with the lack of a case against Julian Assange. You've met me! Brother, it doesn't matter how much a white person has or hasn't succeeded. They still started out ahead of those who aren't white. Same with being male. I know that's a hard pill to swallow, because it then means that you - comparatively - did even worse for yourself if you're not successful, but it's reality. Think of it like a marathon. Straight white men get to start a couple miles in, and it staggers back to the start for each group of people depending on how marginalized you are. Everyone's running the same race, and has to work hard, but some just have an inherent leg up or have to work harder due to factors beyond their control. I was fortunate. I was (and am) privileged.
  19. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ May 22, 2017 -> 05:57 PM) Hard to imagine Handel winning...it's largely a referendum on the past two weeks for Trump, sliding poll numbers nationally and antipathy to the AHCA that Price was the architect of, along with Ryan. Btw, if we listed all the lawsuits against Trump, subpoenas, newspaper FOIA requests, injunctions...SoxTalk would simply implode due to all the character space it would require. As someone currently working on the campaign and speaking with staff on the ground regularly, she could still easily win. Ossoff winning this race has been a massive uphill battle, and will continue to be so, regardless of the media hype. This is a heavily, heavily red district. That said, this new poll is encouraging, because it was done by an extremely reliable pollster who actually underestimated Ossoff's vote share in the primary. Fortunately, Handel was/is the weakest candidate against Ossoff in the runoff, and for that reason I was extremely happy to see her win the primary.
  20. QUOTE (raBBit @ May 22, 2017 -> 11:19 PM) This was politically motivated from the start. The court threw the case out. Do you think a country would feel okay letting a highly publicized supposed rapist back into regular population? Why you have to make assumptions about my standing, ethic background, sexual orientation and gender identification, I don't know. Are you racist? Sexist? Gender insensitive? Do you hate straight white males? Are you also a straight white male? If you're not a straight, white, male, could I also make plenty of general assumptions about you - your race, gender choice, background, orientation, etc. - without being referred to as multiple different -ists? Or is your consistent condemnation of a group of people only afforded to non-whites? Or are you also a white male but allowed to attack others based on their predispositions because you hate other white males and you have the guise of being "progressive" to cover you? Seriously though where does your hatred stem from? This has to be a psychologically programmed into. Do you associate straight white males with your childhood? Was it tough growing up? Did you not gett the popular girls or were you bad at sports or just socially awkward? Did white males bully you? Is your father a white male who had certain expectations for you that you rebelled against? How could you hate a group of people so much? You can't even talk about a world renown publisher being politically targeted without voicing your displeasure with ~35% of our country. I'm a good looking straight white male who does very well with the ladies, was always good at sports, was the best singer/actor/performer in my high school and college, excelled at most things I did, eagle scout, etc etc etc. All of that is thanks to my privilege of being born white, straight and male to upper middle class parents. I didn't have to work very hard at all to accomplish all the things I have, compared to the struggle any non-white, non-male person has to go through to accomplish the same things. It's a simple matter of whether or not you have empathy.
  21. QUOTE (greg775 @ May 22, 2017 -> 04:48 PM) OMG, what a great post! Rabbit is the voice of reason here IMO! It's so gratifying to see some people who agree with me! You are literally Donald Trump, aren't you?
  22. QUOTE (ptatc @ May 22, 2017 -> 02:55 PM) No it's not. They are a Catholic based school. These are the views of the founding of the school. There maybe differences of individuals at the school but not the school. They won't come out and specifically comment on it as they aren't stupid and will avoid it. So you're saying the actual official stances and policies of the school are just a front, and that they actually DON'T stand behind their anti-discrimination policies, etc? You're usually so on top of things, but this is a weird position to be taking for anyone not named greg...
  23. QUOTE (greg775 @ May 22, 2017 -> 12:11 PM) Like all supporters. That's why they are called supporters. I won't mention the H word but she had supporters as well through all her scandals. Most of us were completely clear eyed about what we were supporting in Clinton. But I agree with Rock. What the hell does that have to do with Trump supporters rationalizing his abandonment of all of his campaign rhetoric regarding Islam and the mid-east?
  24. QUOTE (bmags @ May 22, 2017 -> 02:12 PM) I actually remember going to see Bill Clinton because you or Tex talked about how special it is to see a President/former in person. At the time I hated Clinton, came to appreciate the difficulties he faced after Obama lost the dem congress and was like "ohh, makes more sense now". I actually think that very lack of context is why young people - especially women - didn't flock to Hillary in the numbers they'd anticipated. Young millennials have never known anything but Obama, and didn't grasp the actual risk of a Trump Presidency, because they weren't politically conscious during most of W. I feel many millennials today have the attitude about Hillary you had about Bill back then. If they'd had the proper context of her in the 80s and 90s, and understood the risks of a GOP governmental trifecta, I think we'd have seen a different result in November.* *She also ran a terrible campaign. I know. There are simply MANY reasons for anything that happens, and this is no exception.
  25. QUOTE (raBBit @ May 22, 2017 -> 01:00 PM) http://www.newsweek.com/dnc-fraud-lawsuit-...-hillary-611165 Lawsuit for DNC's election rigging. Lol. As a private entity it isn't beholden to fairness. This will go nowhere. Good luck proving Bernie "would have won" in court. HILLarious.
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