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Everything posted by Reddy

  1. frankly an attack like that deserves legal charges made against him, it's disgusting
  2. yeah but i think being 15 or 16 should still be considered a kid... i just think they should raise the age. Although i got away with it when i wuz 14-16, i prolly still could at 17 but havent tried it yet.
  3. I was at a mets cardinals game (my bro likes the mets) and during BP mark mcgwire hit a homer right to where i wuz sitting. I ran up in this crowd of people to catch it, stuck my glove out... and the ball landed in my glove but it was hit so hard and i didnt squeeze it so it bounced back out and some other dude got it. I think thats the most depressing one i've had
  4. and swings like crede just made
  5. carlos caught stealing
  6. yeah i wuz worried... lets get delgado here
  7. great play by willie, 1 out
  8. damn that was a play...
  9. i wouldnt totally agree soxfan... granted he had a low ba, but he has been a huge clubhouse man and he also comes through when you need it. He was as clutch as anyone for the last few years. To say he hasnt pulled his weight is just wrong. I'm a firm believer in the fact that a good clubhouse and good team chemistry can often times make up for a certain degree of talent. I'm with elrockin on this one
  10. i dont really want carl back, i want our team to be our team... i dont wanna bring some guy in for half the season again... i dunno why i just think we should go with rowand, and if not him then reed or something like that. Something homegrown.
  11. yeah i say they work on him as a closer and if he looks good, try him up here in boch's place... couldnt be worse could he?
  12. mike piazza was drafted in the last round in whichever year it was... hows that for a nice pickup
  13. is it only on wciu??? why do they have so many games this year?
  14. whats with all this anti-arow? so hes hitting poorly in the first 30 games... still 130 left to go guys... he's an awesome defensive CF and i know his hitting will come around. He can hit 270-290. i just dont know why people are so excited to get rid of him
  15. wow, i'm really happy about that... score one for the fans!
  16. i f***ing hate this guy, why do we have to make it a one run lead EVERY FREAKING TIME????
  17. please suit up and jump in there! PLEASE!
  18. crap, sorry bout that, you can combine it or delete it or whatever
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