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Everything posted by Reddy

  1. Reddy

    Vacation Plans

    not really vacation... im going to Northwestern University to be in their summer theatre program (yeah im an actor)... its 7 weeks long and 14 hours a day 7 days a week... it'll be intense
  2. i know you meant that in green right
  3. plus the As arent as injury prone like all the others
  4. if we could dump shoney and get washburn i'd be ecstatic... that would rock. im sure coop could whip him back into his former shape... or if not he's at least a helluva lot better than shoney
  5. i sure hope not... and if the mets were to get him they definitely would not move cameron to right. Hes one of the best defensive CF in the game
  6. the As, i love the way billy beane runs his club. It's amazing
  7. heck even if takatsu and Koch are only decent this year we've got 2 really kick ass pitchers back here in the pen... i think as long as our starting pitching holds together well enough we'll do well. Our Offense definitely aint a problem
  8. shoney scares me a lot... i really think cotts should get his chance
  9. Okie state over duke... I want duke to win but im being realistic here
  10. Reddy


    nah i wouldnt think olivo... he's been on the club before and sandy likes him... thats why i think it's uribe. He's never played a game for the sox but he's already supposedly gauranteed a spot on the lineup... i dunno
  11. Reddy


    maybe it's uribe??? he's blasting homers and theres all this talk of him starting the opening game but hes batting 220... maybe thats it?
  12. #1 duke doesnt suck #2 you're just jealous #3 BEAT XAVIER!
  13. Reddy

    George Bush Joke

    that pisses me off... he's sick
  14. please please we need 1 more person. 225532 is the ID# and the pass is hawkeye
  15. now i could go all crazy on you but its really not worth it... but thats not a very good analogy
  16. Reddy

    Rooting out all smut

    He says as he has that great avatar
  17. it's come down to the wire now and i need just one more player in my league!! the league number is 225532 and the password is hawkeye
  18. Reddy

    Rooting out all smut

    big deal... not really... why do they worry about stuff like that?
  19. it's sick and disgusting but the kid obviously wasnt too bright... being paid... but you're killing yourself... whats the point?
  20. wow frank ordonez garland... i think we're starting to click... even harris getting in on the action
  21. Reddy

    Salt and Vinegar

    you are dead wrong BBQ SAUCE ALL THE WAY!
  22. Reddy

    Salt and Vinegar

    ok i have never seen half of these kinds of chips and i work in a friggin grocery store!!! hmmm
  23. ya know... shedding blood in response to shedding blood will never solve things... but sometimes you wonder if they even want to solve them
  24. merge the threads but this is hella good news! FRANK ROCKS!
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