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Everything posted by Reddy

  1. WOW I am so freaking looking foreward to this year now. Frank is finally having FUN, and i think it's gonna rub off. I'm gonna once again make my reference to the movie Little Big League. We're gonna have fun this year and i think we're gonna rock! i dunno, franks always been my favorite and now he is even more. He's making himself a good case to stay here on the southside the rest of his career.
  2. thats bulls***... we play baseball!!! Iowa's behind the rest of the country but not that far behind, jeez...
  3. 1st off im not, secondly i am a he, and thirdly, whats wrong about having the idea that maybe just maybe more than 1 party can be responsible?
  4. lol yeah... but the thing is no one will ever be able to sway the other so it just seems kinda pointless... at least in this specific situation.
  5. yeah, the israelis are setting a great example for their children and the rest of the world. Much better than those palestinians huh? both sides are in the wrong here
  6. its always been my understanding that XBox has the better graphics... personaly i think sony's online is better becuase it's free. Sony also has a wider variety of games and that'd be my suggestion for ya
  7. :headshake cant we all just get along???
  8. i wouldnt call it executed per say
  9. Reddy

    Salt and Vinegar

    first of all i really dont like salt and vinegar chips... and secondly CLONES SUCK EVEN MORE!!!!!!
  10. lol!!!! thats a bunch of bulls***! first of all, which terrorist group would be stupid enough to attempt this? as soon as you take a hostage you give away your position and why would they want to do that? secondly who says they would even want saddam?? thats purely speculative and not based on anything remotely resembling fact
  11. ya know, i guess willie deserves a chance... but honestly Uribe is leading the team in HRs so far this ST and is hitting a helluva lot better than willie... i have a feeling this guy could break out this year while willie... im not as sure about him. Anyway, thats just my 2 cents on the issue. we should start out with harris and switch to uribe as fast as possible and not platoon the dp combo, thats a disaster waiting to happen defensively
  12. Reddy

    Salt and Vinegar

    this is the coolest thread ever
  13. Alright i'm gonna take a lotta heat for this but i'm backing duke all the way my dad went there for college and i've been raised on blue devil basketball and Coach K... so im not just a bandwagoner *after saying this I hide in a corner and hope no one can see me*
  14. check out the article on the sox page. It makes me look foreward to what frank could accomplish this year just because of his attitude Smiles All Around for Thomas
  15. Reddy

    MVP PS2 Online League

    Im definitely in as soon as i get the game. I'm on vacation right now but when i get back i'd be in
  16. lol nice, thats what counts
  17. that sucks... i'm not trying to... spring break!!
  18. everyone has lied at some point in their lives... no party or government is infallable. Though sometimes certain governments and parties my lie more than others. Our own beloved president has lied on numerous occasions. Just compare his state of the union addresses together before the war and after the war. I'd consider it worse to lie about a war than about who you're sleeping with... anyone else agree?
  19. interesting, we'll see if this style of managing is what the sox need, or just a push in the wrong direction. I have a feeling it'll help tho... heres to hoping
  20. Here's the link nothing really surprising
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