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Everything posted by Reddy

  1. QUOTE (brett05 @ Feb 20, 2017 -> 01:23 PM) Probably done by the paid liberals Do you seriously think I'm getting paid to go to the dozen or so rallies I've attended? Like, seriously?
  2. Milo's only gaining from all this attention, right Rabbit? Oh wait... CPAC and his publisher both just ditched him... Huh. But no, you're right, it's just my vendetta against you that leads me to call you out.
  3. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Feb 20, 2017 -> 02:25 PM) I think people call you Conservative because of the tone of your posts and that you seemingly insult liberals while rarely (if ever) insult conservatives in a similar fashion. this
  4. QUOTE (raBBit @ Feb 20, 2017 -> 02:10 PM) Yiannopolous has been legitimized by the college aged kids who tear up their campuses when someone they don't agree with comes on campus. The guy's notoriety has blown up because of young liberal's inability to allow people with differing opinions freedom of speech because the guy is, by their account, a Nazi. A "nazi" who is Jewish and brags about f***ing black guys and muslim dudes. Right, because your people are SO GOOD with folks who have differing opinions... (see: any Donald Trump rally) Give me a break with your faux outrage and your "conservatives-can-do-no-wrong" blinders.
  5. Can we get a Jose Valentin banner stat?
  6. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Feb 15, 2017 -> 11:34 AM) FYI this a routine thing, and the US also parks Navy vessels in international waters off the coast of foreign countries all the time. We've got a carrier group near Iran pretty much 24/7. Timing.
  7. This is a bridge too far for me. Is anyone here striking on Friday? If not, I'd consider it. We're at the point where we can't just make calls and sign petitions. We need to take real action - big action. We need thousands engaging in sit ins (outs) outside the White House. We need GOP congressmen berated every time they walk outside. We need to divest our money from the big banks. We need to speak with our wallets. We need to do everything in our power to save this country. I mean, there's a f***ing Russian warship 30 miles from Connecticut. So I would personally appreciate if any of you would join the Strike on Friday, but if that's not plausible, at least share this event. These truly are desperate times, and we all need to get involved. #F17Strike Event Page
  8. QUOTE (greg775 @ Feb 15, 2017 -> 01:19 AM) How do I not know this? 70 percent of all Americans can't identify all the states on the map. 70 percent of All Americans can't identify various countries on a map. A majority of people read at a fifth grade level. I never said I was Einstein. Most Americans don't know squat about the House and Senate. I never said I was a genius re. all topics. this is my favorite post ever.
  9. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Feb 14, 2017 -> 03:07 PM) Oh isnt that cute that Chaffetz is all tough now Guarantee he's cultivating a 2020 run.
  10. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Feb 14, 2017 -> 09:56 AM) Pence is 200% tier 1 As is Pruitt.
  11. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Feb 13, 2017 -> 11:41 PM) Don't forget DeVos and Trump. There. Are. So. Many.
  12. QUOTE (bmags @ Feb 13, 2017 -> 11:19 PM) Good. I hope someone serious about the job can take his place. And it's investigated. Flynn was among the scariest brought to a high position, also probably the stupidest. Stephen Miller is waging quite the campaign for that title
  13. QUOTE (greg775 @ Feb 13, 2017 -> 03:56 PM) I feel I have to remind people because I get lumped in with Trump lovers. I'm just giving him a chance unlike many on the board. We couldn't even have a nice thread wishing him the best after the election. There's no reason for me to want Trump to fail. What would Trump have to do to blow that "chance" you're giving him? Because he's already violated the constitution at LEAST a dozen times.
  14. But y'all, just look at how great America is getting! #hashtagblessed #hashtagholyf***whatisthisworld #hashtagnothingsurprisesmeanymore
  15. QUOTE (KagakuOtoko @ Feb 5, 2017 -> 11:08 PM) you guys gotta go easy on brett Why, exactly, is that?
  16. QUOTE (raBBit @ Feb 4, 2017 -> 10:42 PM) One day you'll grow up. Maybe. We'll see. personal attack?
  17. QUOTE (raBBit @ Feb 4, 2017 -> 05:28 PM) Relevance? HAHAHAHAHAHA oh lord.
  18. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Feb 4, 2017 -> 11:20 AM) I think if anything, history means absolutely nothing to this base. fixed
  19. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Feb 3, 2017 -> 03:13 PM) Didn't vote for Tillerson. Pretty clear he's not gonna vote for DeVos. Probably won't vote Sessions. I doubt he votes for many if any of the remaining noms. The ones who have been confirmed so far (outside of Tillerson) were confirmed because they weren't terrible picks. Pompeo is debatable.
  20. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Feb 3, 2017 -> 01:32 PM) Not that I think Hillary is equal to Trump but I question her decision making when she had Kaine as her VP. He's voted yes on all of Trump's cabinet picks so far. Spineless. .... He did not vote for Tillerson.
  21. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Feb 3, 2017 -> 11:58 AM) In a surprise plot twist, Germany will be leading the Allied coalition against the evil US empire in WW3. This is so real
  22. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Feb 3, 2017 -> 08:55 AM)
  23. QUOTE (brett05 @ Feb 3, 2017 -> 08:39 AM) You are clueless. Conservative but clueless. It's not why I post here. Tell me about the Bowling Green Massacre.
  24. QUOTE (New Era on South Side @ Feb 2, 2017 -> 06:39 PM) I'm really not sure who the far left is from reading this thread. Something about Shaun Hill and them not supporting Hillary? If far left is a new term, I just want to be able to define it. When I talk about far left, I'm talking about the Bernie Bros and the Jill Stein supporters - the ones who thought Hillary was evil and created the false equivalency paradigm regarding her and Trump.
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