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Everything posted by Reddy

  1. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Sep 29, 2016 -> 11:10 AM) Given how much the party machinery has dug into Stein and Johnson I would say that each party seems to fear that potential voters will leave them for a 3rd party more than they do that they will leave for the other major candidate. I can't recall this much attention being given to the 3rd party people since Nader and Ross Perot. Every poll shows Hillary doing worse vs Trump when all four candidates are listed, and better when they aren't, therefore it does seem that it's liberals, or at least left-leaning independents that are voting for 3rd party candidates.
  2. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Sep 29, 2016 -> 09:32 AM) You walked into a thread talking about Johnson and world leaders, and asked why people aren't talking about Johnson and world leaders. That sums it up nicely. I'm pretty sure the thread is about Gary Johnson, and the current topic became world leaders when he couldn't name one. Oh! He also couldn't name a supreme court justice in the same town hall event. Weld says "Kennedy" after GJ flounders again. Then slowly, Johnson follows with..... You guessed it, Kennedy. My question is this. In light of the revelation that Gary Johnson has absolutely no graphics on high school level foreign policy, and may just have no grasp on policy period, how do his supporters justify their votes?
  3. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Sep 29, 2016 -> 08:24 AM) You are the only going after people for not posting what you said they should be posting. You tell us. The deflection is strong.
  4. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Sep 29, 2016 -> 08:24 AM) I didn't mention his pot smoking at all. My bad. Mixed it up with rabbit's post.
  5. QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 29, 2016 -> 12:14 AM) You present a good argument. But I don't think the writer of the article of the game would say Sale pitched "brilliantly." I think he'd get Robin and others on the Sox and the manager of the other team to say it. Just my take. "Sale Spins Gem in Sox Loss" "Sale Brilliant in Tough Loss" You don't see these as reasonable headlines huh?
  6. QUOTE (raBBit @ Sep 29, 2016 -> 12:06 AM) Next time you're left without recourse just move onto the next thread. so angry.
  7. QUOTE (raBBit @ Sep 28, 2016 -> 09:50 PM) Yemen, Libya, Afghanistan, Somalia and Pakistan could follow suit. Who DIDN'T see this coming besides our 10% approval rating congress? Wow.
  8. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Sep 28, 2016 -> 08:05 PM) See this is where politics gets in the way. You could also say there is no better time in history to be black, female, and/or poor in this country, and you would be absolutely correct. Yep EDIT: Doesn't mean we shouldn't stop striving to improve.
  9. QUOTE (raBBit @ Sep 28, 2016 -> 09:36 PM) What is this group you're placing me into? Also it's hilarious that you went to "nobody cares about him not being able to name a foreign leader" when I acknowledged his lack of understanding internationally yesterday, before this story even came out. Read up the page before you make your comments that are detached from reality. why so defensive and angry bro?? haha
  10. QUOTE (raBBit @ Sep 28, 2016 -> 09:30 PM) His lack of understanding with foreign affairs is well known. After missing the debates, his relevance is negligible. Yet a number of you plan on voting for him...
  11. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Sep 28, 2016 -> 09:26 PM) Clearly it is being ignored in a thread where it is being discussed. come on. you made it about the pot-smoking instead of the actual massive issue with his competency.
  12. and why are we ignoring that Gary Johnson couldn't name ONE SINGLE FOREIGN LEADER? Hahahaha
  13. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Sep 28, 2016 -> 09:22 PM) I sure haven't seen a lead referring to Obama as an admitted cocaine user. Were you asleep during all of 07-08?
  14. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Sep 28, 2016 -> 08:52 PM) http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/s...n-leader-alepp/ So Gary Johnson can't name a single foreign leader, including Vincente Fox. Five minute candidate. This is my surprised face:
  15. Here ya go, greg Just a few pesky statistics to prove we live in the safest time in the history of human kind.
  16. QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 25, 2016 -> 11:44 PM) How the hell could that be true? Are you talking in America? Give me stats regarding cities of over 150,000. Chicago, Baltimore, St. Louis, Kansas City. Murder, murder, murder. You make it sound like America is Mayberry. Cmon. Our country is DANGEROUS. It's much much much less dangerous than at any other point in history. Not just our country, but the world. Fact.
  17. greg step away from the tv, turn off the computer, and go outside. hit the park. somewhere pretty. and enjoy the world. it's really not worth it to be as obsessed with the s***ty things going on in the world to the degree you are. I promise.
  18. QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 25, 2016 -> 03:11 PM) Too much violence. Feel sad for innocent victims getting shot and killed. meanwhile, in reality, there's statistically never been a better, safer time to be alive than now. So...
  19. QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 25, 2016 -> 03:28 PM) What does he have to lose? Why not bring nukes into the equation if you are N. Korea's leader? Is there anything you're not afraid of?
  20. If the terrorists are winning it's because of the fear they've successfully sewn throughout the the GOP base by way of Fox News. In NYC, we legitimately don't give a f*** about the bombs that went off last week, yet if you listen to the national news or people from everywhere else but here, "ISIS IS TAKING OVER NEW YORK!" Terrorism is about fear, and in that way they're absolutely succeeding, and in a big way.
  21. QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 25, 2016 -> 03:21 PM) North Korea to me seems to be the place that starts the next huge mess. North Korea has threatened to wipe out Seoul with a nuke. If the North Korean leader feels like he's about to be over-run and assassinated I could definitely see him wanting to go out of this world in a blaze of glory, i.e. lob a nuke or two at South Korea. What happens environmentally after that, with fallout of a nuke being detonated in a major city, as well as the response of others could trigger the end of the world as we know it. What if the USA then blows North Korea off the map so to speak in an act of war vs. N. Korea? Then are both N and S Korea inhabitable? Does China get involved and blow up some U.S. city in Hawaii? I just see North Korea's leader being the guy who gets the ball rolling on mass destruction eventually. he's going to feel like somebody in North Korea wants to over-run him and he's going to, before he gets assassinated, do some major destruction. Do you at least agree with me that Kim Jong-Un is gonna be the guy who before he dies fires a nuke a S. Korea or the USA? I think HE WILL. http://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2016/09/23...ncocks-lklv.cnn Nope.
  22. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Sep 17, 2016 -> 11:47 AM) If you ask 100 Democrats, less than ten percent could articulate her campaign theme (everyone knows Trump's) and even fewer could articulate her top five ideas for improving the economy. Or maybe the other way around. This is not the time for Dick Morris triangulation. There's just no compelling vision of what she wants to do, and that's typical in elections when the incumbent party is trying to hold the White House three consecutive terms. We saw it in the 1988 and 2000 elections. it's incredibly EASY to articulate being the change candidate. It doesn't take policies, skill, or knowledge. It just takes fear-mongering, which Trump and the GOP excel at.
  23. QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Sep 17, 2016 -> 09:26 AM) Clinton will not be any more effective than Obama with the ragingly incompetent congress that's running amok. Obama has been extremely effective. I'm not sure what more you could've asked for given the monumental obstructionism. The country is unequivocally better off now than it was 8 years ago. But unfortunately people have very short memories where politics are concerned.
  24. Wait there are people who think MLK was a universally beloved figure when he was alive in the 60s???? What has happened to our educational system? haha
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