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Everything posted by Reddy

  1. Um. Marginalized groups like minorities, women and LGBTQ people maaaaaay have a bone to pick with you on that.
  2. Yep, we can call voters and mail them absentee ballot request forms. Totally legal.
  3. That's literally what our campaign is doing every day. My little team signed up 26 people yesterday to vote by mail
  4. We're pushing VBM, too, because not only does it boost turnout, but someone who's a low-propensity voter is 50% more likely to vote if they receive a ballot. That's huge. It's basically the real reason we're canvassing at this point, and I'm sure they view it the same way. Thanks again for doing that. It really is incredibly valuable to the campaign. Field programs can boost turnout by 2-4%, which is really significant in close races like many of these will be.
  5. Doors are the most effective voter contact by a large margin. Thanks for doing that. My whole life revolves around convincing people to do it, so I appreciate you taking the time.
  6. Think it's dumb, but it was politically necessary going into 2020. Bring on liberal Trump! I can't WAIT til we're begging for superdelegates to stop Avenatti.
  7. Watch Dems win the House and have Nancy Pelosi become President. Talk about making the GOPs brains explode. ?
  8. Pence would have a much better chance of winning than Trump. When things go back to "normal" the spin will be that HE was the one who returned decency and decorum to Washington and the GOP will message that brilliantly. Though I'm more and more wondering if Pence may actually go down with this ship - something I'd never given serious thought to before this past week.
  9. This has always been the long game
  10. Fundraisers are different than Town Halls man. If facts don't matter to you then I don't know what to tell you. Fundraisers are necessary in order to win elections where your opponent can write himself a half a million dollar check. Have fun with all your purity if you can't actually win elections. (Also I'm a progressive)
  11. Because we all know the real reason the media wasn't there is because AOC has a tendency to make gaffes. She can spin it all she wants. Fundraisers =/= Town Halls. Don't call it the latter if you're not willing to have media present so that your constituents not in attendance have just as much opportunity to see/hear you speak.
  12. Those are two completely different things. If a Republican had a no-media Town Hall we'd all go nuts. My campaign would be using it in our oppo.
  13. It's ok when our people do it, just not when their people do it.
  14. Are you still here? I'm not in her district, and a Dem will win there regardless. Dems shouldn't be blocking the press from their town halls. Not a fan of anyone who does that.
  15. Which is exactly what these polls, and Nate, suggest. Statistics are really simple. There's still a 25% chance Dems don't take the House according to these metrics. That's pretty dang high. In '16 that 25% is the thing that came to fruition and it could again.
  16. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2018-midterm-election-forecast/house/?ex_cid=irpromo God I love polls.
  17. Rasmussen. It should be dismissed.
  18. Uh... nope. Lived there for 7 years. Beyond the crazy amount of time you have to register before the election and the fact that tons of names got purged off the rolls in '16, NYS is hardly a paragon of hassle-free voting.
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