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Everything posted by Reddy

  1. QUOTE (SoxAce @ Jan 16, 2015 -> 09:11 AM) I nailed this chick raw a few times and she has one of those ring things in her vagina to avoid pregnancy 99.9999% of the time. (So nothing yet....) what a dreamboat :wub:
  2. I found out yesterday that love ISN'T all you need! Y2HH told me that years ago but I didn't really believe him. Met a girl on my cruise ship last summer and we've been dating ever since. Only problem is she lives in LA and I'm in NYC. Big prob right? Well I'd already been considering moving there, so we'd been talking about it, and every time I had a few days or a week between gigs I just had my producers fly me to/from LA instead of home, so I was getting to see her relatively regularly. Anyway, she's 35 and I'm 28 and her biological clock is going haywire and I just couldn't guarantee that I'd be in that place financially or ... life-wise within a year or two. Between the LA thing and that, it seemed literally impossible to make it work. Even if I DID move to LA and WAS into having a kid in a year or two, I'd need to work non-stop to be in a financial place to make that happen, and working non stop means never being HOME with her since my two jobs both take me out of town for long stretches. Literally no scenario where it works out. So we broke up. And it sucks! I mean I really, really know it's the right decision, which is making it easier for sure. Nothing like my breakups in the pass that wrecked me, but it's strange. Why is Y2HH right about EVERYTHING!? Ugh. Oh, and precum. members. ejaculate. For good measure.
  3. QUOTE (knightni @ Jan 14, 2015 -> 01:55 PM) Doesn't always work. The male member releases pre-ejaculate that can contain sperm, so you've got a chance of pregnancy even before there's even an orgasm/release. So, basically, you're just rolling dice without a condom. That happened. hahaha
  4. Sort of along these lines, some of you might remember the documentary I was hawking last summer - the one where we roadtripped 6,000 miles from Seattle to NYC, camping the whole way, only spending as much per week as the average American spends on food. Anyway, we're heading into post-production now, and we've got a pretty sick Instagram with some great images from the trip, if anyone's into that kind of thing. @just_go_roadtrip http://instagram.com/just_go_roadtrip/ /shameless plug
  5. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Jan 15, 2015 -> 01:35 PM) Tom Glavine also won the Cy Young award twice, twice finished 2nd, and twice finished 3rd. That's 6 seasons where he was considered by the voters to be one of the 3 best pitchers in the league. Buehrle's highest finish was 5th in 2005. That's a significant difference. Personally though, I think Buehrle does merit some consideration for the Hall of Fame. He's currently 83rd all time in fWAR for pitchers at 51.8. A 2.5 fWAR season puts him at 72nd all time, ahead of guys like Carl Hubbell, Tommy Bridges, and Javier Vazquez (yes), while a 3 fWAR season moves him ahead of Billy Pierce and Luis Tiant for 70th all time. Using ERA as our basis for WAR (bWAR or RA9-WAR), he's currently 86th at 59.2, 0.1 behind CC Sabathia. A 3 bWAR season puts him at 62.2, tied with Frank Tanana and just behind Andy Pettitte. He's not going to win a major pitching award at this point, but he'll get 200 wins and it's certainly possible that, if he pitched another 3-4 years, he could conceivably end up around the 60 fWAR area and the 65 bWAR area, and I think, to some extent, that diminishes his ability to hold runners on base and prevent runners from stealing as well as his fielding prowess. Not sure if I think he is a Hall of Famer or not, but his career isn't over. I think he'll remain on the ballot for a few years but will ultimately fall short. Perhaps I'm wrong. Worth pointing out that Buehrle would've won a Cy Young or two pitching for the Braves in the 90s too... Context matters.
  6. QUOTE (Tex @ Jan 11, 2015 -> 10:45 AM) Why are religious groups treated differently than any other group? When Charles Whitman climbed the clock tower at UT-Austin and murdered 16 people should every member of the Boy Scouts worldwide have made pronouncements denouncing Whitman? When Ligue ran on the field and assaulted a Royals coach, was it the responsibility of every Sox fan to denounce the attack? Just because someone perverts a belief and does something because they believe a certain way, doesn't mean that an entire group should somehow be responsible. Everyone here belongs to groups that share an idea, a belief, something, that doesn't mean you are responsible for everything that happens to be done in that name. Your arguments are way off base, but I'll humor you to show you the glaring difference. If Whitman did that in the NAME of the Boy Scouts, or Ligue did it in the NAME of all Sox fans, then those groups have a responsibility to publically say that they do NOT support or condone those actions. This isn't terrorism from people who just happen to be Muslim, it's terrorism in the NAME of all Islam. Therefore it's the leaders of Islams' responsibility to refute their actions.
  7. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jan 10, 2015 -> 08:45 PM) This thread has jumped the shark and is now accomplishing nothing. It's become a mindless stream of "I don't have the answer, or anything close to a suggestion, so here is the most politically correct thing I can say." I'm sure that'll solve the problem. If I was religious, which I'm not because science, but if I was, and things such as this seemed to be happening on a daily a basis in the name of my religion, I'd either leave it or I'd be speaking out against it on a daily f***ing basis, and demanding the leaders of said religion do the same. And if they refused, again, I'd have to do some soul searching to find a new way of life because f*** this and f*** them. I love us sometimes.
  8. QUOTE (Tex @ Jan 10, 2015 -> 06:53 PM) Either argument takes a very small subset of a group of people who share similar beliefs and expands that to include every member. It also makes the supposition that because you identify with a certain belief that all your behaviors can be attributed to that shared belief. Islamists' behaviors CAN be attributed to the shared belief that infidels should submit to sharia or die. That is not the case with all, or most, Muslims. It is the case with those carrying out these types of attacks.
  9. QUOTE (LDF @ Jan 10, 2015 -> 05:03 PM) that is everyone believes he is the lone gunman. not a good example. how bout using the Columbine High School shooting. It's also the N=1 fallacy... Plenty of issues with that argument
  10. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jan 10, 2015 -> 02:14 PM) No, they do it all the time. It's not exactly hard to find this. One Two (even Iran in that one) Three Four Buzzfeed style list of 46 examples Condemnation from Hamas. Summed up well by Brookings Institution fellow "“Each time a terrorist atrocity takes place, the condemnations of Muslim mainstream figures are barely registered." The fact that you don't hear these is not a testament to them not existing, it's a testament to the fact that 2 particular extremes, both of which basically want war, don't want you to hear about them. The true radicals in the islamic world don't want them published, and the true radicals who keep starting wars in that area don't want to hear about them. Great stuff. Thanks. Believe me, I don't WANT to agree with anyone at Fox News. Haha
  11. QUOTE (Tex @ Jan 10, 2015 -> 01:55 PM) If someone that posts here commits a terrible deed are we all tainted by our association? People all have beliefs, we take one set of beliefs, apply a label, and believe that is the cause. So if someone is a certain religion, Christian, Jew, Muslim, etc, and perverts the religion to fit their own world view, we still blame their religion. I'm not certain doing that is necessarily of any help. On a parallel thought, Lee Harvey Oswald did not believe in any organized religion, and based on his time in the Soviet Union, was probably atheistic. Shall we blame his terrorist actions on being an atheist? Apply the same call to action. Stop all atheists, etc. How about we treat criminals in a group, regardless of their motives, and allow honest people to their beliefs? I completely agree, but the question is HOW? Right now we have no way of stopping radical Islamist attacks in Europe because of the ease of transportation across borders. All I'm asking is for the non-radical Muslim leaders of the world to stand the f*** up and say something! Condemn these acts and radicalism in general. Clarify the teachings of the Koran on a global scale. They simply refuse to do it out of either fear, or agreement. How do you all propose to address this?
  12. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jan 10, 2015 -> 12:23 PM) Please, don't act like this stuff doesn't count because it doesn't fit your narrative. My narrative? I was on your side of this argument until a couple days ago. And a few attacks over decades IS different from one every couple weeks! Pakistan, Sydney and France have all happened in the last month or so.
  13. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jan 10, 2015 -> 12:36 PM) Crud, didn't paste the correct link but it was available at the 2nd. And the fact that you're LOLing is equally refusing to look at data on the grounds that they don't fit your context. Kinda don't get you criticizing the LOL when you left out the key information you'd meant to link... After I'll look at it, I'll see if the LOL should be retracted.
  14. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jan 10, 2015 -> 11:47 AM) Link to original document Image source They do note that the "desire to create mass casualties" is a specific quality of islamic related terrorism that isn't there in many of the attacks on things like immigrants or specific religious groups. Lol @ data framing to fit your context. There's also no proof or explanation of the numbers as they've laid them out.
  15. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jan 10, 2015 -> 10:36 AM) Crusades? Inquisition? The Catholic Church's passive approach to Hitler? Haven't millions more in the world died in the name of Christian causes? Is every American responsible for stopping McVeigh, Koresh, militia groups, the KKK etc.? These entities were all fighting "terroristic" wars in the name of religion and anti-government beliefs, yes? What about Fred Phelps' church or Rev. Terry Jones? You mentioned a couple instances over decades. We're currently experiencing Islamist attacks on a weekly basis.
  16. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jan 10, 2015 -> 11:06 AM) I feel this way about ALL organized religion. At some point in time, whether in the past, present or future, some piece of those religions will commit terrible acts in the name of their god. Haha yeah me too.
  17. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jan 10, 2015 -> 10:07 AM) I'm sorry but this is all kinds of bulls***. There are so many different sects of Christianity, and some of them are racist/prejudice/violent, it is not the fault of the rest of them for not controlling the bad ones. They aren't mass murdering people on a weekly basis because the mainstream condemned them and relegated them to being fringe groups. If Muslims worldwide would do that, we'd be good. Or better, at least.
  18. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jan 9, 2015 -> 07:09 PM) Lots of reports said the other 2 came out shooting. That's a pretty solid distraction. Two completely different locations...
  19. Man. Never thought I'd agree with Hannity, and I've been trying to give Islam the benefit of the doubt... I mean... I've got Muslim friends... but I just can't do it anymore. Radical Islam needs to be destroyed, and the non-radicals are refusing to speak out, and therefore are equally culpable in my mind. It's their responsibility to control and redifine their religion, but either they agree with the Islamists or they're cowards. And either way it's unacceptable. Ugh.
  20. QUOTE (hi8is @ Jan 6, 2015 -> 12:12 AM) Thanks. thanks, hi8is. FIFY
  21. Anyone got any ideas for what to do in San Juan, PR for a day? ETA: I'm a little tired of beaches. I know. My life is hard.
  22. QUOTE (Douglas Rome @ Jan 2, 2015 -> 05:44 AM) come to think of it, Robin got coldcocked once too, but he asked for it. thanks, douglas I'm pretty sure AJ is always asking to be coldcocked. Only every minute of every game he's ever played. I like him, too. But players need to not completely hate their managers if you want them to be effective. Thanks, Reddy.
  23. QUOTE (Douglas Rome @ Jan 2, 2015 -> 05:31 AM) no, I'm talking about Kiplinger. I never thought much of him when he was standing in the batter's box, and he proved he stole JR.s money. thanks, douglas Please don't ever ban this guy. It's gonna be so entertaining. Did you know that Rudyard Kipling wrote the musical Guys & Dolls? Wonder if there's any relation.
  24. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Dec 31, 2014 -> 02:56 PM) Welcome to the life of a cop. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. um... you're not damned if you do your job correctly...
  25. QUOTE (Douglas Rome @ Jan 1, 2015 -> 08:00 AM) I don't get it, how can a guy accept 12mil and never suit up? thanks, douglas never suit up? he played. he was just hurt a lot.
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