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Everything posted by Reddy

  1. I survive off basically ~20K a year give or take in NYC. 15K in anywhere that's not NYC is doable, and many do live in this city with wages in that area, and lower.
  2. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Nov 21, 2013 -> 02:57 PM) Most of the problems with education are really problems with poverty in the first place. ^
  3. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Nov 21, 2013 -> 02:44 PM) 1. Generally, I believe a person with significant experience making $9 an hour would probably be happy with the raise. 2. We haven't tried spiking the minimum wage up to $15 or anything like that, but there is a lot of economic research on the subject and it basically finds that there's very little impact on the job market from the minimum wage hikes we've done. There are probably a few jobs lost yes, but at the same time people on minimum wage are able to purchase more goods and services, leading to creation of jobs as well. If you're going to push the minimum wage too far, like $20 an hour or something like that you're correct and you might well reach a point where you're overwhelming that effect and just making it impossible to hire people, but the change in employment associated with minimum wage hikes winds up being within the noise by almost every credible study. Worth adding...we actually have a very low minimum wage compared to comparable countries in the developed world and we also have a very low rate of formation of new small businesses. Having a low minimum wage does not currently get us more small businesses than the UK, France or Germany, we get fewer. I contend that a much larger cause of that issue is health care costs - people who might start small business don't do so because they'd have to give up their health insurance to do so, leaving them "job locked". It's all connected. you fix healthcare, you take a huge chunk out of the problems of our economy and economic inequality. I don't know why people don't see this. Is ACA that fix? Nope. But it's definitely a step in the right direction.
  4. Very proud of Reid for finally developing a spine
  5. Guys please, do yourselves a favor and watch this 6 minute video. It is NON-PARTISAN, and it talks about a distribution of wealth that 92% of Americans agreed upon when polled (sample size 3000 people)
  6. QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Nov 21, 2013 -> 01:50 PM) This is my solution to the problem, though it encompasses far more than health care. First of all, yes, contraception should be widely available, but find some other way than forcing people who have religious objections to provide it. That's an absolutely terrible way to go about it. Planned Parenthood gets hundreds of millions of dollars in government money and tens of millions more in political donations, so if they're going to continue to get that money, make them responsible for providing it. Secondly, nationwide, but especially in poor areas, we need a dramatic increase in education spending. Getting a kid a basic education and high school graduation is the best way to reduce the chances that he'll be a drain on government resources the rest of his life. Aside from teachers, schools need paraprofessionals whose job it is to be out in the community interacting with parents and making sure kids are at school when they're supposed to be. Also aside from teachers, schools need child care facilities that take kids age 3 and up from 6am to 9pm, so that parents can be free to have jobs without worrying about who will be caring for their kids. Yes, this is going to cost a lot of money, but a combination of cutting pork from the budget, modest tax increases, and the expected decrease in the need for other entitlement spending can cover this. Thirdly, let's pass a law that automatically pegs the minimum wage to the cost of living. Having to have Congress argue about it every couple years doesn't help anybody. There's probably more, but this is a start. agree wholeheartedly
  7. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Nov 21, 2013 -> 01:35 PM) That still doesn't address my issue, which is that whatever number we come up - make a thousand different variations depending on your location - and there will ALWAYS be people arguing that it's not enough. So that's your argument for doing nothing? It's a sound one.
  8. QUOTE (illinilaw08 @ Nov 21, 2013 -> 01:32 PM) Jenks, I've noticed that you frequently express your frustration with people that have kids they can't afford. I share that frustration, but I think you are simplifying the problem. The solution to that problem, however (and, again, I agree that it is a problem), is not to make life more terrible for the kid. Maybe the solution is to make access to basic birth control more readily available (since kids are going to have sex - birth control and condoms aren't cheap). The Conservative wing of this country cares a lot about providing rights to the unborn (and I'm not taking a position on that argument here) and then complain about the kids people can't afford to have. That logic derives from a place that believes people can and will abstain from their impulses to have sex when birth control isn't available. Kids aren't a right, well that's fine. But you can't stop them from having kids. So you punish the kids for the poor decision of that parent? And putting the parents in jail for child abuse (which I assume was made in jest) makes things even WORSE for the kid. I don't know what the solution to that particular problem is, but to me anyway, the solution is not to stand up and say "well, so and so, you just shouldn't have had a kid in the first place!" So what's your solution? I like you.
  9. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Nov 21, 2013 -> 01:27 PM) What I've read doesn't provide a hard number, nor does it answer my concern - you provide a basic level of income, and it's not enough. Just like....the minimum wage. It's a great idea in theory but in practice it doesn't work because people are never satisfied. So long as there are billionaires out there people will want everything they have. And if they don't have it, it's not fair, so they should get it. the reason people are never satisfied is because a NATIONAL minimum wage truly makes no sense when one person lives in Iowa and the other NYC.
  10. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Nov 21, 2013 -> 01:00 PM) Yea, we dont need an entire generation filling that quota. I constitute an entire generation!? I'm frankly honored.
  11. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Nov 21, 2013 -> 12:46 PM) Im going to try my best here to not be insulting. We really dont need you. At all, even if I were using the term "you" broadly to address the many others living near identical lives. We need lawyers (sadly), geologists, truck drivers and sad office drones. We dont need dreamchasing actors. America would keep chugging along in their absence. Theres really no nobility to it either. But if I go further down that road Im afraid Ill have no choice but to insult so Ill stop here. This is where you are wrong. Point me to a culture or a civilization throughout all of history that was completely devoid of art
  12. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Nov 21, 2013 -> 12:44 PM) I don't include you in that, as you aren't playing the chosen role of starving artist. YOU, specifically, are doing something about it via freelance instead of completely leaning on the system, as many do (I know a few starving artists...and they choose to get by on the backs of others instead of doing anything about it, such as freelancing). The vast, vast majority of people I know in this city pursuing a career in the arts work incredibly hard, most of the time anywhere from 2 to 4 jobs. The thing Duke doesn't seem to realize, is that no one in this industry succeeds unless they work incredibly hard (discounting celebrities who become so because of family ties). The type of person who's driven and motivated enough to DO this work is not the type of person to be on food stamps or other government assistance programs. I work my ass off, and I deserve health care, and I appreciate that the government agrees with me. I pay taxes, I pay into social security though I'll never see a dime of it, so yes, I think as a human being and a citizen of the USA, asking for health care is not an outlandish request.
  13. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Nov 21, 2013 -> 12:36 PM) The problem with this is, it requires people such as myself that do NOT chase their dreams, to support those that do, who cannot afford to be doing so. I think that's the point Duke is trying to make, and the point NorthSide made more clearly. And I'm forced to agree. But what's the alternative? Society requires people like me to exist as well (whether or not I succeed)
  14. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Nov 21, 2013 -> 12:15 PM) I write all of this on my phone. I think I do a good enough job. By the way, none of you have said anything to really counter me. Id beencouraged that maybe you'll try not to blame and oppress the crazies anymore, but were about due for a good sized shooting a B-) d you'll be right back on the horse again. what is wrong with you?
  15. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Nov 21, 2013 -> 12:23 PM) Hmmm should I work at the plant in Solon OH or make the same money struggling as an actor in NYC? if it's the same money and you'd enjoy the latter, then why the hell not?
  16. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Nov 21, 2013 -> 12:23 PM) And cell phones and xbox 360's and cars and houses and kids they can't afford and... what else should every American get? Let's see. I pay for my cell phone. I don't own an xbox or a car or a house or kids, and probably wont until I can AFFORD to have those things. Why do you equate an Xbox with a living wage?
  17. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Nov 21, 2013 -> 12:17 PM) I actually love driving truck. I just think Im going to enjoy the enjoy the end much more than the means. And what if you could... you know... enjoy all of it?
  18. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Nov 21, 2013 -> 12:01 PM) Oddly enough it is liberals and lefties who cry foul when they have the same rights or the evil organizations that oppress them get defunded. The more mentally ill you have the more people you vab disenfranchise and eventually get rid of, genius! is this even a coherent sentence?
  19. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Nov 21, 2013 -> 12:07 PM) Im less repulsed by the ones who fancy themselves charitable spending other peoples money. you realize it was your choice to not do something you enjoy with your life... right?
  20. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Nov 21, 2013 -> 11:38 AM) Like I said, theres no problem with that if you can support yourself. But when youre turning to food stamps and Obamacare payoffs to keep following that dream youve now included me in the suffering. Thats wrong. am I on food stamps? huh. didn't realize.
  21. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Nov 21, 2013 -> 11:30 AM) I dont really like TV, some movies are cool, video games turn me into a sloth so I gave them up years ago. I answered your question, now make the post everyone knows is coming. Just because we all know it's coming doesn't make it untrue. If you want to have those things (and whether you do or not is irrelevant, because the general populace DOES want those things) then part of it is having people like me doing what I do. You can't have one without the other.
  22. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Nov 21, 2013 -> 11:25 AM) Something's gotta give then. Im sorry Reddy, really I am that whatever GERD is f***s with your life. But thats not my problem. I shouldnt have to pay for it. I want to live on 50 acres in the middle of nowhere with my guns and an army of Mazda Miatas to swap V8's into. Thats my dream, yours is being an actor in New York. The difference is Im going to have to work myself to near death driving this truck for 10 years to make that happen. Its infuriating that you get to do what you want living off money that isnt yours while I have to endure 3 or 4 months away from home at a time risking my life to make what I want a reality. All the while my rate of saving is slowed and the timetable gets pushed back years because some of what I make has to get diverted into the pot you leech off. Sounds to me like someone's complaining about their chosen lifestyle.
  23. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Nov 21, 2013 -> 11:02 AM) Oh man, this pisses me off a lot. If I wasnt just going to take the penalty I'd be furious paying for your care. "Doing the actor thing", motherf***er thats your choice. Dont go asking other people to make up for the fact it doesnt support your lifestyle. Question for you: do you like television? Movies? Video games?
  24. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Nov 21, 2013 -> 11:16 AM) It's not frivolous, as he suffers from a form of a GERD like condition. Thanks. Appreciate this. Duke you make so many assumptions based on absolutely no information. You might want to step back and consider that every now and again you don't have the full story. But I know, that would mean trying to be reasonable, and we can't have that now.
  25. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Nov 21, 2013 -> 10:59 AM) Well, being more than a decade younger is quite a bit. The thing about this is, however, while I'm able to afford the cost increases, a lot of people can't. While the exchanges seem to have helped you, quite considerably, others have found their premiums go way up. Part of the problem with "freedom" is you can lead a horse to water ... but it's free to not drink. I don't mind helping a person such as yourself, because you live an honest life, and take good care of yourself. But what of the Cheetos munching slob that's going to have diabetes in a few years because of the FREEDOM he has to eat bad, never exercise, etc...you do realize that by the letter of this law, WE have to help that guy just as much...and he's actually part of the reason costs keep going up. Now, believe me, I'm not against freedom...I'm glad people have to choice to do those things. I just wish people wouldn't. I absolutely agree with you that this bill is not the total solution. It's far from perfect, and it doesn't solve the real problem of why the hell does health care cost so damn much? I can go in and get my vocal cords scoped which takes all of 5 minutes as they shove a camera up my nose, and if I weren't insured that incredibly difficult 30 second procedure costs over $700. That's asinine. That's what's really broken about our system.
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