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Soxbadger last won the day on November 2 2020

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About Soxbadger

  • Birthday 06/24/1981

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    Charlotte Knights (AAA)

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  1. I was contacted by an old poster Princess Dye, it seems he has somehow locked his account without any way to retrieve it. Is there anyway that it could be salvaged for him? I can vouch for his authenticity.
  2. Soxbadger

    2022 Catch All

    Dang almost got myself locked out of my account permanently. Thankfully figured out my password haha
  3. Average length of a nfl career is like 3 years but still its the 3rd round and the Bears should just be going bpa.
  4. Bears just refuse to trade down. Played 6 years in college, he may be a st player but still accumulate picks.
  5. A lot of qbs on the board now would be a good time to see if you can trade down and get extra picks. Not a need but Chenal is going to be an impact player.
  6. Deebo just looks really good this. Seems to have taken it to another level.
  7. Soxbadger


    Most of it is probably worthless. I have no idea why people spend thousands of dollars on some of stuff. The only thing Ive really spent time on is the NBA one. To me its like collecting cards, except for I dont have to worry about their rating. Im not sure if they will ever have value, but if you limit yourself to the $10-$20 packs you probably arent going to lose much either. From the last $19 pack there were a few that sold within the week for $10,000+. The most expensive was Lebron #23 (the moment is of his first game winner ever), it went for $40,000.
  8. Soxbadger


    I guess Candy is dropping some today. I just signed up. Seems its $50 for a pack. (edit) Topshot is also dropping archive packs, they are going to be tricky to get unless you have a pretty big collection. If you want to get started the have some common packs for cheap, but you missed out on the free Wade moment.
  9. Id rather the Bulls use White as a trade chip. Unless White has dramatically improved his shooting there just arent many times when White is going to be the guy you want taking shots.
  10. Soxbadger


    I have a bunch of different stuff. Sports wise I have 1 wooden something from the first MLB Topps thing happened and then I have a bunch of Topshot moments. Best advice I can give is that 1) only buy what you can lose and 2) if you want to be profitable only buy packs. A lot of it makes no sense because its filled with crypto people with limited sports knowledge. My biggest shock when I joined TS was seeing Tom Satoransky moments going for hundreds of dollars.
  11. I read part 2 is only a maybe. Pretty surprising because that ending is really weak for a stand a lone. I guess they were concerned about it because of how the 80s version did. I personally liked it and hope the y do a 2nd one.
  12. Looks like your Ball love may be panning out too. It seems like he has a new much better form for his shot.
  13. You still shading Lavine? I remember the day I became a Lavine truther, I posted that I think the Bulls should give him a max deal which back then was somewhat controversial. Now we can only hope he accepts it.
  14. So my initial response was yes (it was crazy), but I think he just passed Lenny Wilkins for 80th in scoring all time. Depending how many years left he could easily finish top 50.
  15. Poor anyone who has had a life impacted by addiction or disease. Everyone has problems, maybe I'm a bad person because I'd rather see people get help and succeed than be buried by past mistakes. /shrugs Agree its horrific. I just dont know the best way to deal with it. Ive always found criminalizing addict behavior is not helpful. But at the same time drunk driving could hurt someone else. Its a tricky one because does jail really help an addict or does it make them worse? Should we be punishing or rehabiliting? Those are way above my pay grade, but I just see some hypocrisy. People mention Blackhawks as good, but didn't they have an employee sexually harassed? I just dont know, but today at least I just got tiring reading the same old attacks.
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