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Everything posted by Soxbadger

  1. Its not at all about Glennon, its about Trubisky. Ill give credit where its due, Trubisky looked really good. Give him the bets chance to suceed and thats when they have wr.
  2. QUOTE (JenksIsMyHero @ Sep 27, 2017 -> 09:44 AM) Oof, this is going to get a lot worse: If your favorite program has NBA players, you better be worried. So youre saying Wisconsin probably isnt on the list.
  3. https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-not-strike...-141747325.html Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov: For being really close to NK and the potential fall out, Russia seems to be completely unconcerned.
  4. QUOTE (Chicago White Sox @ Sep 22, 2017 -> 04:51 PM) Well Balta's post clearly says otherwise. And no offense, there are definitely multiple posters here condoning that type of behavior indirectly. I've seen multiple comments like "well if your people were being gunned down unjustly" as some sort of justification for violent & illegal behavior. Civil disobedience is very much different from the type of behavior we have seen in most of the more recent high profile protests. Unfortunately in this country people tend to give others who fall on the same side of the political spectrum or share a particular belief a free pass for their immoral actions if it's in support of that idea or identity. I'm a liberal and I am sickened by the frequent police injustices against minorities in this country, but under no circumstance is looting & violence an acceptable response. This has nothing to do with Greg, but solely with some of the rhetoric the hard core liberals on this board are spewing. I think its the phrasing of your statement. I think you mean "violent illegal behavior" because things like Rosa parks not moving to the back of the bus, etc were "illegal." But one of the main arguments of civil disobedience is that if the law is unjust than breaking it is not "illegal." As for whether violence is an acceptable response, that really is for history to judge. If a group of people violently rose up against Hitler would we consider them criminals? Was the Boston Tea Party "criminal" or "revolutionary." There is no good answer because much of life is dependent on what side of the fence you sit.
  5. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Sep 22, 2017 -> 03:19 PM) Those two thoughts don't work together. If China/Russia are encouraging this... by definition they are on their side, otherwise they wouldn't believe in their backing enough to keep talking about destroying the places like the US and SK. They are 2 different thoughts. In my opinion its A) but it could possibly be B). I have no way of knowing, just merely speculating as to why NK is acting different all of a sudden.
  6. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Sep 22, 2017 -> 02:50 PM) And none of them have done anything about the NK nuclear program. Thats actually not true. A long time ago there were talks about disarming the NK program but (depending on the time) different sides walked away. In my opinion NK does not believe China/Russia to be as dependable of allies as Israel believes the US to be. Not to mention, we are completely discounting the idea that either Russia/China are behind what Kim is doing. As they are countries that stand to benefit greatly from the US looking weak and unhinged.
  7. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Sep 22, 2017 -> 02:45 PM) NK has both China and Russia to protect them. They always have protected them all of the way back to the Korean war. Even through the aggressiveness of NK, they are still being protected by them. China and Russia's support is much weaker. I could be wrong, but I do not believe the US has EVER agreed with sanctions on Israel.
  8. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Sep 22, 2017 -> 02:25 PM) He is way past symbolic. If the left is right, he has had his nuclear program that he wants, and the world knows about it and has for a while. All of the accelerating tests, firing missiles towards other countries, on top of the rhetoric is putting himself in a situation where he could draw an attack from the US. If all he wanted was a nuclear program, he could well have gone the Israeli route where they refuse to talk about it, yet the entire world knows it is there. Israeli nuclear program and NK program are completely different. Israel has the US to protect them, NK does not. There is more to what Kim is doing and I am starting to lean towards Russia encouraging him. There are reports that Russia is helping him avoid sanctions. This is entirely speculation, but there is something more driving Kim here, and whatever it is, it making him more aggressive in his posturing.
  9. http://southpark.cc.com/full-episodes/s21e...rt=!airdate That should work.
  10. QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 21, 2017 -> 02:09 PM) Hawaii preparing for nuclear attack. Hmmm ... clickbait, fake news or are the end times a coming? https://www.usnews.com/news/national-news/a...-by-north-korea Prepare for the worst, hope for the best. Watch South Park from last night Greg, itll give you a good perspective.
  11. South Park this week hit the nail right on the head with some of the reactions in this thread. (Rhyme not intended.)
  12. Littlehurt and Jerksticks, Do you not see the overarching problem here? I bet a crazy higher percentage of Americans want the following: Better insurance at a lower cost. The goal of Obamacare was to deliver that, but somehow it isnt working. The worst part, is the solution is relatively simple. The US govt could easily fix Obamacare, could easily pass laws that would make the majority of Americans happy. But for some reason it wont. Irrespective of the D or R, why are we all fighting each other when most of us all want the same thing? Everyone knows that the new Republican plan will be worse for the majority of people. Its not going to have cheaper insurance, its not going to be better and its not going to cover more people. Yet many in our country openly encourage it for unexplained reasons. There is plenty of money to be made in the insurance game even if they were to do "outrageous" things like 1) cap the amount your premium can increase every year as long as you consistently have had coverage, 2) provide access for independent contractors to competitive insurance plans, 3) ban lifetime caps, 4) ban preexisting conditions as long as you have had consistent coverage. and 5) provide coverage for those who cannot afford it. A lot of the fundamental flaws arent in the insurance, it is in companies bending rules to avoid calling their worker an "employee." Lets say on average I speak to a business a week about how they can attempt to misclassify their employees as independent contractors. Under the law of IL, pretty much every worker should be an employee. But the owners dont want to pay things like "workmans comp" or "overtime" or "insurance" or "withholding taxes" or anything that hurts their how much money they are making. Its not because their company cant afford it, its because they want to make more money for themselves. In my entire career as an attorney, I have had 0 clients/consultations where following the rules would cause the business to go under. Yet weekly I get people who are trying to bend things to their advantage. Now there is no way to stop people from bending rules, no way to stop people who can afford it from paying people who know how to bend rules, but what we can do is put in place a system where it gives regular people some minimum level of benefits. Maybe that is too crazy, maybe that is a way out there suggestion. I dont really know. But unless we all start working together its going to get worse. Obviously I have no way of seeing what the Republican bill is, but I can tell a s*** show from a mile away. When the best thing that are said about something are the equivalent of "We said wed do something so we have to do it" or "If your car is going over a cliff you get in any car you can find" you know its going to be horrendous. I mean personally, if my choice is a) go over a cliff and die instantly or b) get in a car where Im going to be tortured for the rest of my life as well as anyone I ever care about with no chance of escape, Im picking A. But thats just me.
  13. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Sep 20, 2017 -> 05:11 PM) Donald Trump Jr literally tweeted out proof that they at least attempted to collude with Russians to influence the election. Today a story on manafort came out that he offered to brief one of putting close allies on the inner details of the campaign. His idiot son in law tried to set up a communications channel that the intelligence community wouldn't be aware of through the Russian embassy. That stuff is all wapo nyt wsj etc reporting, not Reddit conspiracy nonsense. I dont doubt that any of this happened. But it doesnt change my opinion that Russia put it all in motion because they saw Trump as weak and easily manipulated. Irrespective of whether they are my friend or enemy, they are innocent until proven guilty. Lots of time to speculate on outcomes of court cases, but what we should be doing now is making Russia pay dearly.
  14. I doubt there is ever a smoking gun to connect it. You would have to be extremely careless and criminal prosecutions are way too hard. I think at the end of the day the people are going to believe what they want. My personal opinion is this: Russia wanted badly to get out of economic hell and become a world player again. They saw Trump as a naive buffoon who they could potentially deal with. Russia did whatever it could to get Trump elected. In a normal world this would be enough that parties would set aside their differences and put Russia in a much worse hell than they have ever been in as a statement that we will not tolerate outside meddling. I mean even John Huntsman thinks Russia meddled. The only suspicious part is Trump's refusal to acknowledge it, but I actually believe that is more his ego.
  15. QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 20, 2017 -> 01:15 PM) I know but Kim said the same thing, that he'd destroy the USA. USA is just responding with the same rhetoric. Hopefully it won't happen. Once nuclear war begins like I said we won't be worrying about the Sox No. 1 draft pick. There will be no more sports once nuclear fallout hits, etc. Kim is the weaker party, he is the one who has to threaten. The US is the strongest country on the planet, there is no need to threaten. Everyone already knows we can wipe NK off the planet, what is the point in repeating it? After the first warning/threat, its meaningless. Watch how it becomes weaker each time: Dont do this or Ill do X I swear if you do it again, Ill do X. I really really mean it if you do it again, Ill do X. One threat is enough, if you make a threat you have to be willing to act on it or it completely loses its value.
  16. QUOTE (JenksIsMyHero @ Sep 20, 2017 -> 09:50 AM) Yeah, yeah, #itsdifferent. Et tu Jenks? Here is the summary of Obama's interview from when it happened: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/president-obam...sea-aggression/ Notice the headline is "Obama on why the US wont 'destroy North Korea'" Its clear from the context that Obama is just stating a fact, we could destroy NK, and then follows it up with, why we wont. There is no reasonable way to interpret that as a threat because he isnt addressing NK directly, just discussing the reality of the situation. (edit) It seems that you are backing off now and admitting that actually is "different" as now you are saying its "unique" which by definition means "different." If something is unique, it cant be the same.
  17. QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 20, 2017 -> 01:13 AM) I hope you are right cause he has me thinking he's an old guy who is willing to drop nukes. Remember, all it will take is an accident. Kim's bombs have been flying over land right en route to falling in the sea. If he hits Japan or Guam, Trump IMO will start thermonuclear war. Hope you are right that he won't. Some people would argue that it's nice to see us fight back words against Kim's words. Kim has threatened to bomb us. That's not good either. If NK hits a country with a weapon, well cross that bridge when we get there. But for all we know that could be the precipice for deescalation because at that point Kim will know an actual response has to happen. It really shouldnt be about what some people think. This isnt High School, we dont have to prove that we can beat someone up. Words are meaningless.
  18. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Sep 20, 2017 -> 12:54 AM) Maybe it's just me, but I think it's bad when the president of the United States threatens genocide. Of course its bad.The US doesnt need to look "crazy", we are the biggest and baddest fighter in the room. Its the little guy who knows that they cant win that has to look crazy in an attempt to put fear into others. That is what Greg seems to be missing. We dont need to threaten NK, they already know we can wipe them out. Threats only work if they can be acted on. Too many people die if the US nukes NK, its a global catastrophe and the US would suffer mightily as well.
  19. QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 20, 2017 -> 12:26 AM) I disagree with the premise. The US doesn't look weak here IMO. In fact it looks insane and crazy. I picture Trump as telling the truth. When I heard it I thought he meant it. Also there was a murmur in the hall when he said it. We can disagree here but I think Trump means it. Yes he's crazy enough to be the president who ends the world. Sure he is. You know I know not a lot are religious on here but I'm starting to wonder if the end times are near. Earthquakes, repeat hurricanes basically decimating a few countries so far, and two nutjobs: Trump and Kim Jong-Un to hit the nuclear war buttons. We have never had a nutty dangerous president like Trump to be matched against the crazies of other countries. As much as I despise Hillary and am neutral on Obama, they of course would not have us this close to nuke war. I disagree that people know the US can't nuke NK as you say. I think Trump would do it. Yes he's that irresponsible or whatever word you want to use. If one of Kim's bombs actually falls on land in Japan or Hawaii I believe Trump would blow NK off the map. The only thing that puzzles me is he hasn't ordered all US troops to get out of S. Korea in advance of possible bombings of the North which would force Kim to blow up South Korea and kill so many of our troops. Why? They have threatened us. Now the USA is threatening back while mocking Kim calling him Rocket Man. I disagree with your premise. Trump has a lot to lose in life. He is not going to do anything that will change the world order. As long as Trump does nothing, tomorrow he and his family wake up as rich people with great lives. There is no incentive for him to risk that. Calling Trump insane and crazy is lazy, the same way as it is to call Kim that. I may disagree with a lot of what Trump does, I may think he is not the smartest guy in many rooms, but whatever he is doing, he has an angle. And his angle is to make people think that he is maybe "crazy enough" to do it. But at the end of the day, I think Trump knows war is extremely unpopular. Death is extremely unpopular. And in a digital age, the pictures of a nuclear holocaust are going to be unbelievably unpopular. Why do you think the countries that are immediately threatened by NK arent asking for intervention? And if the US did nuke NK, what the hell are we going to do about cleaning up the Korean peninsula? Not one country wants the US to do this, we are going to be pariahs with a lot of blood on our hands. Look at what Trump said about Iraq, etc, things like "We should have taken the oil". What is to be gained here for the US? The answer is nothing.
  20. QUOTE (Quin @ Sep 20, 2017 -> 12:04 AM) It also makes North Korean propaganda much, much easier. NK already has almost complete control of the media, they can just make things up they dont need real news. In my opinion one of the biggest problems is that people tend to just write off NK/Kim as completely crazy and underestimate that their may be an actual end game for them. I think that their is an end game, NK knows that unification of Korea isnt on the table so they promote that in order to obscure what their real goal is, and that is to legitimize NK as a real power. NK knows the truth, their survival is tied to China. If something were to happen in China (revolution, etc) NK is done for. So I believe that they are attempting to create their own alliances with countries that are openly antagonistic to the US. While this may be a small list, NK knows that if they can supply nuclear weapons to their "allies" that it will create a military stalemate. Thus NK is trying to show countries like Iran that if they work with NK and get nukes, they will be able to stand up to the US. So every time NK sends a missile and Trump makes an idle threat, it supports their end game which is to create an alliance of nuclear states opposed to the US etc. NK is getting everything it wants right now from Trump, they are getting him to threaten to wipe them off the planet, they are getting him to suggest he will renege on the Iran deal. My guess is that NK leaders saw Trump is prone to bluffing his way through life and figured that they would test him. They called his bluff about the missile laucnhes and now the US has for the short term lost. If the US attacks NK, we lose. If the US does nothing, we lose. I do not know how any American can be happy with how this situation has turned out. Olympics are about to be in SK, Kim is going to be the talk of the town.
  21. QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 19, 2017 -> 11:18 PM) Well when you put it that way, it's not good. It just struck me as funny calling him Rocket Man. I can picture Kim fuming. I picture Kim really happy. All he wants is attention and to be noticed. He is getting everything he wants right now and in the process making the US look weak. He knows that the US cant nuke NK, its not an option. So the entire point is to show the rest of the world that they can call the US bluff as long as they have nuclear weapons. He has done more to promote nuclear proliferation in the 6 months than any other country had done in the previous 50. All the US has to do is make threats it can enforce. But Trump has to take it beyond what we can actually do, and in the process it has made the US look extremely weak. That is why you only threaten what you can deliver on. The only possible end game is for the US is to walk back all the threats and start the game over.
  22. QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 19, 2017 -> 10:08 PM) Trump told the U.N. he might "totally destroy" North Korea and called Kim Un Jung "Rocket Man." Even if you hate Trump you have to love the Rocket Man reference. I wonder if Jung heard about it. s***, if you are an advisor and tell Jung about it, he might have you killed just for the hell of it. I hope you all are right and Jung doesn't want thermonuclear war. I don't feel like missing the 2018 Sox season living underground somewhere in a bunker. You gotta admit, as repulsive as Trump is, this tough talk is refreshing. Kim Jong Un is totally in the wrong with what he's been up to. GO SOX! GO USA! Rocket man is a terrible reference. It makes me think of Elton John and in that song the Rocket Man is not a bad guy at all. It actually makes Kim seem like a sympathetic figure who is doing this because its his job.
  23. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Sep 19, 2017 -> 03:36 PM) That is a very different type of construction. That is a "Soft story" building, with either a wood or concrete frame. Those are able to flex more, but it's often the case that they are weak during earthquakes because people like having open space on the first floor. Having too much open space on the first floor means that when the upper floors start moving, there isn't enough strength on the first floor to hold them in place, so the motion builds and they collapse from that. Edit: Also don't know the quality of building code enforcement there. It's expensive to enforce building codes, so sometimes buildings like that aren't quite as strongly reinforced by steel as they should be. That often contributes to failure as well, but still very different mechanism of failure compared to brick and mortar. Balta, Yeah I dont know anything about construction. But when you look at the 2 videos, you notice in the first nothing (not trees, etc) are moving at all. You also will notice in the top right hand corner their is a flash which would suggest a controlled demolition. Obviously hard to tell, but just trying to suggest not to believe everything on the internet.
  24. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Sep 19, 2017 -> 03:20 PM) Brick and mortar buildings will not sway. They literally cannot - you try to make brick and mortar sway and instead it fractures and turns to powder. Bad phrasing on my part. I meant you dont see anything moving that would suggest an earthquake just hit. Compare it to this one: https://twitter.com/BreakWatcher You see the building moving a bit and then just crumble on itself. Im pretty sure the first one was an implosion.
  25. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Sep 19, 2017 -> 03:04 PM) I can read enough Spanish to get by. There are some people questioning and some journalists asking if the uploader shot the video and if they can have permission to use it, but nothing definitive. From the high rise video I posted earlier, you can see widespread damage so it's not inconceivable that someone managed to capture a building falling down. Its not inconceivable but when you look at the video the building isnt swaying at all (compare it to the other video you posted). When I first looked it just seemed the building fell strangely for an earthquake, but im not an expert.
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