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Everything posted by Soxbadger

  1. http://www.reuters.com/article/us-twitter-...t-idUSKBN1782PH US trying to get twitter to turn over identity of user who is anti-Trump. Here is a copy of twitter's lawsuit: https://cdn1.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_ass...ter-v-dhs.0.pdf
  2. QUOTE (raBBit @ Apr 5, 2017 -> 01:01 PM) I agree but let them act out before scrutinizing. Some (if it's not you, it's not you I am talking about) on the left think they can rip his family for no reason because Trump ruined their identity and is threatening their imagination's utopic worldview. That's not fair. Family is separate. If Eric Trump or Ivanka botch some policy, please go ahead and get them. But stop attacking his grandkid at school, stop f***ing with his daughter's business because your panties are in a bunch and stop acting as if his children are evil people. If my old man or my mother was a liar or a public embarrassment I'd have enough issues. I wouldn't want to be subjected to dissent for things out of my control. The left is showing that in times of political craziness that it is okay to bully and prod the lives the lives of individuals on account of things they can't control. Why are you so defensive of Trump? Trump attacked people's families before, he insulted people's wives for their appearance. Limbaugh insulted Carter's daughter (called her unattractive), possibly insulted Chelsea (hard to tell but it appears he was trying to suggest the dog Millie was better looking.) But its always about "the left". Left are bullies, left are snowflakes, left are this, left are that. Maybe instead of making everything "left" and "right", you should look at the actual facts and think about why people are doing things. American's (both left and right) can scrutinize other people for any reason or no reason. If Trump wants to scrutinize Obama because Trump doesnt think hes American, he can do that. If Trump wants to scrutinize other candidates because of their parents, wives, children, he can do that. But their are consequences. And the consequences are that people do the same s*** back to you. Again your premise is faulty, people arent ripping Trump's children for no reason, they are ripping Trump and his family for reasons you dont personally agree with. And while most agree that Barron is off limits, their is a long history of children's presidents being insulted, and its not just the "left" who you seem to blame for everything.
  3. QUOTE (raBBit @ Apr 4, 2017 -> 04:54 PM) Thanks for taking a break from your protests and your revolution to make this divisive, fruitless post. Youre welcome, back to the revolution! Rock, Eh dont worry about it, sticks and stones. Actually made me think about the only time I ever went to a protest. The year was 2000, it was a chilly spring day in Madison. A bunch of rabble-rousers were upset that Wisconsin was sponsored by Nike who was using child labor. I was on my way to a class and decided I could use the protest as a way to get out of class. I convinced the TA (it was some sort of global poli sci class) that we should all go to see it. End of story was my entire class (except for me) got pepper sprayed when the protesters started to try and break into the chancellor's office. I had realized things were about to go bad, so I went to get my bag in case I had to run from the police. Ill see you guys later, about to get into my gym bag and port back to the year 2000 and change history.
  4. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Apr 4, 2017 -> 04:49 PM) BS. With all of the equal rights pushes, you can't talk about things like gay rights, and then try to disqualify someone's believably level because of something like that. It is hypocrisy. Not sure what you mean, but if someone pushes "conspiracy" theories without basis, I think that it hurts their overall credibility. Not sure what that has to do with gay rights.
  5. Don't know what you got till it's gone Don't know what it is I did so wrong Now I know what I got It's just this song And it ain't easy to get back Takes so long
  6. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Apr 4, 2017 -> 04:42 PM) You are the one trying to claim that someone's lifestyle choices are so awful that it should disqualify them from being allowed to be a believable person. Im dont want to mess up your thread, but I think that this statement is outrageous. If I am having an argument math and someone says: 2+2= 5 and then goes on to tell me about mathematical equations, I have every right to question whether that person should be believable when it comes to math.
  7. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Apr 4, 2017 -> 04:35 PM) They were trying to determine the extent of Russian interference in the election and Trump's team just kept coming up in legal surveillance of the foreign officials. No, its all illegal. Dont you get how this works: Obama, guilty until proven innocent. Trump, innocent until proven guilty. Havent you read the constitution?
  8. QUOTE (JenksIsMyHero @ Apr 4, 2017 -> 03:30 PM) Seriously though, the stupidity of the admin just blows my mind. It's not asking much to check your history to make sure you haven't said something that contradicts what you're about to say. You don't have to look back at every VHS tape from your interviews in 1983. But for f***'s sake, it's Twitter. It's a God damn search engine. It's not difficult or time consuming! Im not even sure if its "stupidity." At this point they have gotten away with lying, so why change? Who is exactly calling them on it? At this point it may even be "smart" for them to just continue to make up s***, deny the past, etc. Trump's entire life is built on unproven statements. He was elected President based on "promises" any rational person knew he could never keep. So hell just keep blaming "Obama" because to certain people "Obama" is the boogeyman under their bed. Meanwhile Trump will do whatever he can to enrich himself and his friends, while none of his supporters even care.
  9. For obvious reasons Ive always liked UNC, but Gonzaga winning would have been more rewarding.
  10. QUOTE (whitesoxfan99 @ Apr 3, 2017 -> 10:27 PM) More helpful would be refs that aren't completely incompetent. If this game has a great ending I don't want to hear anyone call it a great game or a classic. This game has featured horrendous offense from both teams, some of the worst shots and passes you will ever seen and remarkably terrible officiating. If I didn't have money on it I would have turned it off. They are college refs, you see odd calls all the time. IE Right there Meeks hand was out bounds and he touched the ball...
  11. Really think college should go to 6 fouls. 1 or 2 touch fouls can basically change an entire game.
  12. I think the tweet to the FBI is better. Its almost as if he doesnt understand that the FBI reports to people he appointed.
  13. QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Apr 3, 2017 -> 10:54 AM) Sad that Grimm ended. Wife & I always enjoyed it. Walking Dead was really entertaining too. I didn't see that twist coming. Going to miss Grimm as well. Lost Bones and Grimm in the last week, so looks like next year Ill be looking for some new shows.
  14. Republican's are for big govt. They hate state rights and want to expand the fed.
  15. QUOTE (raBBit @ Mar 30, 2017 -> 05:21 PM) If you think half of the country are bad people because of their politics then it's you that is the problem, not them. #TolerantLeft Where did Steve say anyone was "bad people"?
  16. QUOTE (greg775 @ Mar 30, 2017 -> 01:43 PM) Have you read Kyyie's posts? He said flat out he wants him to fail. Cut and dried. If he's hoping for the best, I'd like to read more proof of that. For some reason nobody argues or disagrees with anybody except me. As far as your last line, I don't think Trump has done that much in 80 days for me to completely deem him satan. Do I like him? Of course not. If I liked him I'd have fricking voted for him. Doesn't anybody read my positions on things? My stance is he won and by gosh I want success! And results. And if he commits an impeachable offense by all means kick his ass out the door. I'm not brainwashed by Donald. If I were I'd have voted for him! Doesn't anybody get it? Because I understand what Kyle is saying. He is saying that based on Trump's current agenda he wants it to fail because he believes its bad for America. He can correct me if Im wrong.
  17. QUOTE (greg775 @ Mar 30, 2017 -> 01:31 PM) I still like his quote. I can't argue with it. Trump most definitely is a chump. But I want the best, like Biden. Some people on this board are not hoping for the best at all. I disagree. They are hoping for the best, they just believe that if Trump's agenda is "successful" it will mean terrible things for America. That is still hoping for the best. I would say most Americans want whats best for America, I think that a small amount dont care about America at all and only want what's best for them. Unfortunately I believe that Trump does not really care about America. That being said "I hope that Trump will change who he is/what he stands for and do what is best for America." (Edit) If you love Biden/Bernie you should hate what Trump is doing more than anything. He is basically destroying what they stand for.
  18. Why do people respond to false premises? Biden doesnt agree with Greg. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix...m=.fca79cb8bfdb After attacking Trump, Biden then said "we should have hope". I cant name 1 time that Greg has attacked Trump, called him a scoundrel, told Trump to grow up, etc. So no Biden doesnt agree with you Greg. He just merely said that (and Im using my own words here): "Trump is a terrible President, he is a disaster, but even when you are looking at a disaster, you have to hope for the best."
  19. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Mar 30, 2017 -> 12:42 PM) The penalty for not being insured wouldn't even cover one emergency room visit. Theoretically not being insured and still getting sick or hit by a bus raised costs for all, so it's really not that different from mandatory car insurance, which no one ever says boo about. Well driving a car is a privilege not a right, so in order to get the privilege states are allowed to make you have insurance. Medical care is a right, not a privilege, yet its bad to make people pay $500 if they dont want to get their own insurance. Its just so odd how people come to these conclusions. Kind of like how Republican's are about to shoot down state sponsored IRA's because they werent "regulated enough".
  20. QUOTE (KagakuOtoko @ Mar 30, 2017 -> 12:33 PM) Respect. People have their preferences and I'm just giving him a hard time, but if he's not interested in those assets feel free to pass the buck. So your saying youll "pull up quick to retrieve it" like Sir Mix-A-lot?
  21. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Mar 30, 2017 -> 12:21 PM) American's should also have the right to NOT have health care. How do you propose this? There would have to be some sort of "Opt out" whereby if you do not take health insurance, you are barred from any emergency services, hospital services, etc unless you pay up front. But I would be fine with that. If you want something like a "DNR" that says "This person does not get any emergency services, hospital, etc, under any circumstances", and then allows that person to be completely denied any service. Just dont believe anyone really wants this, but sure, Im fine putting that on the table. Actually Id be 100% fine with a provision that states "If you agree to opt out of healthcare, you do not have to pay the $500 penalty."
  22. Instead of talking about healthcare like the price of a product, I think we need to first decide if we believe that all Americans deserve healthcare. I personally believe that all American's should have access to some sort of healthcare and I understand that likely means I have to pay for it. Somethings arent about the bottom line, although I do believe a good argument can be made that the US will benefit economically if we have a healthier populace.
  23. That loss was hard, maybe one of the hardest Ive watched. Not just the ending, but because so many of those players have been with Wisconsin for years and its just hard to believe that was their last moment.
  24. First rule of dealing with internet trolls, when you realize that they are a troll stop posting. If you really want to engage them, realize that they are a troll and that no logical argument can be presented to change their mind. I wouldnt even know where to begin to respond to that inanity without really enraging them all. Which is why I wouldnt even both because its all just opinion, and no one is ever going to get people to agree on opinions. If they cant focus on the real issue, its just not worth the time.
  25. QUOTE (Reddy @ Mar 28, 2017 -> 01:30 PM) But just like they need us, don't we need them? The progressive movement needs the Bernie wing - as hardline and uncompromising as they tend to be. Don't we? Do I need someone who is not going to listen to my ideas because I happen to be a white guy? No. There is a big difference between someone saying "I believe in free trade, I do not agree with tariffs, I am not going to budge on this for the following reasons." As compared to someone saying "Youre a white male, Im not listening to you because of this." I dont mind someone who stubbornly stands by their beliefs, thats like their opinion man. But I have no time for someone who isnt going to listen, merely because I may be of a different race, gender, whatever. Id just tell them good luck and go on my way. They dont want my talent, Ill gladly take it somewhere else.
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