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Everything posted by Soxbadger

  1. Because most people can't afford to risk 25k on a franchise. But losing $10 isn't comparable to losing $50,000. How many franchises have you represented? How many have you tried to get out of a bad franchise agreement? They'd have killed to only be out 1,000 as opposed to filling bk and losing their home. You have 0 experience in this. I personally worked with GNC franchises this summer. There is a rep for the franchisor who makes money when they bring in a new one. If you've ever seen a franchise contract it's pretty unfavorable. Look at how bad GNC owners got burned. They had thousands of dollars of products and were stuck in commercial leases for thousands.
  2. I hate to break it you, but franchises are the same scheme, just with higher barriers of entry and geographical restrictions. It's the same dream just with bigger dollars. Most people who lose on MLM are likely out less than $1k. If you lose on a franchise you could be out 20-50k.
  3. I dont think MLM is a great way to make a living for most people unless you are an excellent salesperson. 8 don't think uber is a great full time job or many other things, but its not my place to judge how people want to live their lives. That being said many people have mad3 additional income selling Tupperware, Avon etc to their friends. Notice even the article you cite disagrees. It says "characteristics" not that it is. Pyramid schemes are illegal, in my day job, ive helped many people avoid losing money to things like gifting circles and other similar schemes. MLM is different.
  4. Yep. But that got lost when it turned into just a generalized attack on capitalism and society.
  5. You have every right to dislike MLM, capitalism, whatever. But he said MLM is a pyramid scheme which is false. That is really all I came to say. It went off tangent because it turns out he just doesn't like capitalism at all.
  6. And what I am saying is you are misinterpreting 3. https://knightcolumbia.org/cases/knight-institute-v-trump The lawsuit maintains that the @realDonaldTrump account is a “public forum” under the First Amendment, from which the government may not exclude people based simply on their views. It does not make any ruling as to whether Twitter is a public forum, just Trump's account as he is a public official. Its a very technical argument.
  7. You're wrong and that is a fact not an opinion. Maybe one day you'll find the time to learn from someone else who may just know a little bit more than you on a subject, but that day clearly isnt today.
  8. I dont have any idea about that because I have never equated 1a with "arrest." And I think you should reread the case. The public forum wasnt "Twitter", it was Trump's account. You're misinterpreting the argument. The lawsuit was against Trump.
  9. Well you beat me to it. Everything is predatory by your argument. My job is predatory because they know I need money and that without my job I won't survive. The difference is your opinion isnt a fact. And you have every right to your opinion, but you should make it clear you are making an argument based on your opinion, not on an everyday interpretation of how the world works.
  10. You have this ruling completely backwards. It is that a govt official couldn't do something, not Twitter. You fundamentally misunderstand the argument.
  11. Youre just wrong. And the more you argue the worse you make yourself look. In your opinion its predatory. In the opinion of any person who has dealt with numerous straight commission contracts its pretty normal. I mean why isnt any company predatory who sells to any middle man? I mean when the farmer sells cheese to a restaurant he knows there is more cheese sold than will be eaten and that some of the restaurants will fail. Shouldn't he give the cheese away and then only collect if the restaurant sells the lizza? There are multiple different forums that you can use. You dont have to use Twitter, faceboon or whatever will be the new technology 5 years from now. A public utility is based on the idea that I could not get water from any other source because there is only 1 water line going to my house. Things like electricity go over public utility easements. Twitter does none of these things. A competitor could come tomorrow and wipe them out. Facebook isnt some unique thing, its no better than MySpace. The govt has no place in forcing private entities how to operate. Its opening a pandoras box that will vastly expand federal power and is not going to end well.
  12. How is it predatory? No one forces people to buy the products and try and sell them. And you clearly dont understand the difference because now you completely backtracked and are saying its "predatory." A pyramid scheme will always fail because you eventually run out of suckers. A Mary Kay salesman can make more money than me if they have good repeat customers. Your argument is the equivalent of saying an orange isnt food and then arguing you meant its not an apple.
  13. If twitter is a public forum, then no private enterprise could ever restrict speech. This board could not ban, it could not stop me from creating political threads or doing whatever I want. That is why twitter can enforce its own rules, so long as those rules do not violate some other law (ie discrimination). I do believe if twitter banned every minority they would lose in court. But jackass, to the best of my knowledge, is still not a protected class.
  14. Phone company is a public utility and governed by different laws. Twitter is not as Twitter is not essential like water or electricity.
  15. You cant put your soap box on my private property. Twitter is a private company, you agree to their rules when you use their platform.
  16. Youre wrong. A pyramid scheme revolves around getting new investors with no actual product. By your definition Target is a pyramid scheme because they have to purchase the product. If you want to understand the difference look up Ponzi Scheme, and read about Ponzi, who is an actual person. I have no problem with people who may misunderstand a business concept, but at least admit you have no idea what you are talking about. Acting smart just makes you look foolish.
  17. Then every business is a scam, because most MLM sell actual products. Its just a sales model that is built on a commission structure, but the end user gets an actual product. My parents used to buy some Avon products, Im not sure how that is any different than going into Target and buying a different brand.
  18. I wouldnt engage at this point. I think most reasonable people understood your posts. Some just need it always to be the extreme.
  19. Bacon cheeseburger is a good switch up order when Im not feeling like a beef.
  20. They created a new flavor of Mt. Dew and they wanted to share it.
  21. I, For One, Welcome Our New Socialist Wall Street Elite Overlords.
  22. Im not sure how far they are going to take this, but if there is any truth to different departments purposefully not providing enough support to secure the Capital, I think its possible they try and charge some of the higher ups. Based on the statements by the Governor of Maryland, it appears there was a purposeful effort to not provide adequate support. And that is the truly terrible part, he died a hero protecting the capital while others tacitly supported a dictator.
  23. There are conflicting reports. So hopefully its not true.
  24. Youre unreasonably blaming normal police officers for what happened. Not only that, if you are against police authoritarianism and violence, you should always hope for a peaceful end to conflict like this. (Yes 1 person died, but that is shockingly low for what happened today.) The President of the US attempted to start an insurrection and you are expecting low ranking police to take on a mob.
  25. Im glad that we didn't witness police using violence.
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