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Everything posted by Soxbadger

  1. CNN just updated PA a little more, the last increase wasnt as good for Biden as the previous ones.
  2. Donald Trump 50.4% 3,227,044 Joe Biden 48.5% 3,108,460
  3. Last update in PA was something like 1k for Trump 10k+ for Biden. (edit) Yahoo is faster than CNN again: Donald Trump 50.4% 3,225,536 Joe Biden 48.4% 3,100,662
  4. AZ isnt clear. If Trump flips AZ back then NV alone isnt enough.
  5. Where did you see that number? The latest one I have seen is: Donald Trump 49.7% 2,428,225 Joe Biden 49.1% 2,399,704
  6. Little bit more from Georgia, Trump's lead sub 30k now.
  7. Ive always felt 150k was the number for Biden to be at or under with 90% left. 760k still not counted in PA
  8. With the raw data he has had + 70% in the last 3 updates. Its going to be extremely close.
  9. Yahoo seems to have PA totals before CNN: Donald Trump 50.7% 3,215,983 Joe Biden 48.1% 3,051,565 89% reporting
  10. Trump lead in GA down to 31,000. Trump got less than a 1000, Biden got approximately 3000.
  11. Ugh hours ago I said GA may turn out to be a sub 10k victory for Trump and it looks to be playing that way. Would have been nice to have 1 deep red state. I know its still possible but running out of votes. If Biden can get it to 150k or so at 90% that would be favorable.
  12. Breaking News. Trump files lawsuit against all states that he is losing in.
  13. Trump's lead is under 200k in PA. Still says only 85% reporting. His lead is down to 60k in GA.
  14. For most of Trump's life he was friendly with the govts of places like NY and Chicago. He only has started trouble for them in the last 4 years.
  15. Another big gain for Biden in PA. Roughly 6k for Trump, 36k for Biden. If there are a million votes left at that rate Biden would overtake him. If there are closer to 500k votes it likely goes to Trump.
  16. Which of those 4 things would you say Trump supports more than Biden? Because each one of them Biden supports to some degree.
  17. I think covid helped trump amongst his supporters. His supporters blamed Democrats for not being able to go to a bar or wear a mask.
  18. I think people are vastly underestimating how much COVID helped Trump in rural areas. Democrats were seen as the ones "shutting down the economy." Trump also got some breaks with major civil unrest in Democrat held cities. Instead of looking at polls, lets look how people voted.
  19. Latest increase on Yahoo in PA has Trump gaining 1,000 votes, Biden gaining 7,000. (those are rough estimates). If it continues at around 5-1 and there are 1,000,000 votes left Biden can win.
  20. I would love to be sitting here looking at wins in Florida, NC, GA etc and saying "the country has moved left, we can now have a more liberal agenda." But what part of what has happened today or tonight suggests that is the case? In my opinion, nothing. The most important thing for the "liberal" party is to win elections. After you win the election then you can worry about your agenda. But so far I have seen nothing to suggests that more liberal candidates would have faired better in any of the elections that you pointed to. Do you have any evidence that a more liberal candidate would have out performed?
  21. The main attack on Biden was he was "too" progressive. Imagine if the Democrats actually ran someone more progressive. IMO the reason Biden is getting these victories in the Midwest is because he was a moderate.
  22. Collins was vulnerable, but unseating someone is always hard. Collins played smart in the end and didnt vote for ACB.
  23. The money was spent to make the GOP defend those seats so the GOP couldnt spend as much money on other more contested seats.
  24. Right now Yahoo and CNN have a huge difference when it comes to PA. CNN is estimating 80% reporting, Yahoo is at 64% They have almost identical vote figures. If Yahoo is right that is huge for Biden's chances.
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