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Everything posted by Soxbadger

  1. If the GOP didnt want the Supreme Court to be packed they should have voted on Merrick Garland, they should have not abolished the 60 vote requirement for SC judges and they should not voted for ACB. 3 strikes you are out.
  2. Thankfully I live in the "Windy" City so my TV should be secure, but I am worried about when I visit other non windy areas.
  3. Definitely a game changer, Im looking into how I can change my vote.
  4. Im not giving Bush a free pass. I never said "both sides were equally responsible." I said that congress authorized it. Many times in US history the US has done bad things, especially when it comes to military intervention. Our record post WWII is not stellar. But if I have to compare them, Trump is worse than Bush.
  5. This is just wrong on so many levels. This is exactly why some GOP are resistant when you try and explain why Trump is far worse than Bush. The war on Iraq was authorized by Congress. Party Ayes Nays Not Voting Republican 215 6 2 Democratic 81 126 1 Independent 0 1 0 TOTALS 296 133 3 Party Yeas Nays Republican 48 1 Democratic 29 21 Independent 0 1 TOTALS 77 23 Amongst those who voted for the Iraq war were Clinton and Biden. You can go back to 2003. I was against the Iraq war. I said it made no sense and that the entire WMD premise seemed faulty. But there is nothing unordinary about congress authorizing military action and the President agreeing to it. The US had made mistakes on military intervention in the past, they may make them again in the future. But what Bush never did, is attack American institutions. He did not (to the best of my knowledge) let certain parts of the country suffer because they didnt vote for him. He did not suggest that it extrajudicial killings were okay. He did not support his party assaulting people who were part of the other party. He did not use his office for profit. He did not use the attorney general as his personal attorney. He did not erode support in the judicial system. He did not attempt to undermine the election. He did not falsely accuse his predecessor of spying on him. The list goes on and on. There is no equivalence between the two. Bush made mistakes, Trump did his on purpose. Intent matters.
  6. Im going to disagree. I could write a laundry list of bad things Democrats have done too. But that is besides the point. The simplest argument I can make for why GWB is nothing like Trump, is that GWB and Michelle Obama are friends. That maybe there is an ocean of difference in their politics, but they still have a common decency. "America rejects bigotry. We reject every act of hatred against people of Arab background or Muslim faith America values and welcomes peaceful people of all faiths -- Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, Hindu and many others. Every faith is practiced and protected here, because we are one country. Every immigrant can be fully and equally American because we're one country. Race and color should not divide us, because America is one country." Trump is on a different planet. When you compare him to the old GOP you normalize him. He is not a conservative, he is not a Republican. I have been here for around 20 years. If ever the Democrats nominate someone like Trump feel free to take me up on my statement.
  7. I cant speak for anyone else, but if the Democrats nominated someone like Trump, I would go scorched earth on every single politician and person who supported the Democratic candidate. 4 years ago, I was extremely vocal on why Trump was far worse than what people imagined. I said that his election would be the greatest thing to ever happen to GWB's legacy. I may not agree with GWB on a lot of things, but I think that he for the most part tried to make decisions that were best for the US. That doesnt mean all of his decisions were good, that doesnt mean he didnt make mistakes, but it means that at the end of the day he tried. Trump doesnt try. He would burn this country down if he thought it would make him an extra dollar. I can understand the people who 4 years ago voted for him because everyone gets conned or makes a bad decision at some point in their life. But after the last 4 years, if you still want to vote for Trump, I have no sympathy. I am also hard pressed to give "moderate GOP" a pass, because by hitching their wagon to Trump they really cant be considered "moderate." Trump in many ways has decimated everything that the "moderate GOP" supposedly stood for. Just because he has a little "R" next to his name, doesnt make him a conservative, it doesnt make him a Republican. If anything the "moderate GOP" are the ones who should bear the most responsibility. I was always taught when one of your own does something wrong, its your own responsibility to take care of that problem. Where were the "moderate GOP" when this could have been reigned in? Where are all the "moderate GOP" arguing "every vote counts?" What type of society have we become where we dont want every person to have an equal chance at voting? Its gone beyond anything that can be reasonably accepted by Americans.
  8. Yes that was Donald Trump's response. (Edit) Here is the full response: In my opinion, these patriots did nothing wrong. Instead, the FBI & Justice should be investigating the terrorists, anarchists, and agitators of ANTIFA, who run around burning down our Democrat run cities and hurting our people!
  9. I hope these actions sway some moderate GOP to see why this cannot go on for another 4 years. I will agree you cant judge supporters by the actions of other supporters. But you can absolutely judge supporters by the actions of the person they voted for. "In my opinion, these patriots did nothing wrong." - Donald Trump In a just world, that should be the end of his Presidency. A President should never support violence against a political opponent. If you vote for Trump in 2020, you should be judged accordingly.
  10. Why do you think white people have to be "pretending-to-be-mad?" I dont really get to live in any world because there is no where that I truly fit in that regard. If you saw me on the street, you would say that I am "white." But less than a hundred years ago there were "white" people who were kiilling people like me because they werent really "white." A thousand years of persecution by "white people" makes it hard to see yourself as one of them. To me the US has always meant a lot. Back in the filibuster days I was probably one of the people who argued hardest for immigrant rights. Everyone having a chance here is extremely important to how I view this country. And the last 4 years have made me mad. And I am trying to be optimistic, I am trying so hard to believe that American's will make the right choice, that deep down inside there is a fundamental fairness and that the majority of Americans will be repulsed by what has happened to our country over the last 4 years. If things go the other way, I am not sure what I should do. I do not want to give up on America because it is has given my family so much. So do I leave? Do I spend hours trying to convince people to change their way of thinking? Do I go to protests? Do I start to disobey? I dont have a good answer right now. But I understand why white people are mad. I dont think people are pretending.
  11. Im not sure where you are going with this. Maybe my first post was unclear but I was trying to show that sometimes young people need to stand up against inequality and injustice. That often times the powers that be call it a "riot" or try and arrest them. I used young white people because that is what the poster in front of me said and Im pretty sure they were referring to liberals (implying they were bad actors) and not Nazi youths. Either way, white people have done a lot of bad things, but they also have done good. Im not really sure why the person originally took the time to post "white" and possibly my interpretation was wrong. That being said my point was that what has happened the last 4 years cant continue and sometimes theres nothing wrong with some revolutionary spirit.
  12. I wouldn't know about that, my people were too busy fighting slavery in Egypt.
  13. King of England was also not a fan of young white people in America. Young white people been up to no good since BCE.
  14. Back in the day I got to meet La Russa while he managed the A's. I think he got Harold Baines to sign a ball for me because he was my favorite player as a child. Based on that experience this can only go well.
  15. Clinton is actually more likeable than people give her credit for. The biggest baggage she had was running as the 1st female President. That is a tremendous weight to be under and so I think she played it "safe" in the way she acted. Now that she is out of politics you can actually see her humor and personality. Howard Stern tried to get her on his show to humanize her. As for every vote counting, we shall see what Trump says if he is losing on November 3. I guarantee he will immediately change his position and say that we should wait for every vote to be counted.
  16. Its been many moons since I lived in Wisconsin, but Id guess it will go for Biden. A big reason is the recent developments with respect to Graham Mertz and Wisconsin football. People in Wisconsin love football. The game Saturday is cancelled, Mertz is out 21 days and may possibly miss the Michigan game. The Badgers are something that brings together the liberal and conservative factions in Wisconsin. There is going to be a lot of anger.
  17. China is more successful now then they were 4 years ago in terms of world influence. The TPP was going to be a huge counterbalance and give the US massive economic sway in South East Asia. Its the equivalent of the United Kingdom thinking in 18th century that by taxing the colonies more they will eventually fall in line.
  18. I think Americans will do the right thing. I think at the end of the day we are a country that respect's differences, that we may not all agree, but we have a basic belief in fairness and equality. If things go the other way, I dont really know how I will feel.
  19. Nagy just let them run the clock out. He is quite the coach.
  20. The Bears are so slow on offense. Now they are going to call a timeout to run a terrible play.
  21. I think that pass may have been tipped by Nichols on the int. They showed only the first bears hand on the replay
  22. This is a winnable game. Nagy's supposed to be an offensive coach. He should have plays to get 30 yards for a winning fg attempt.
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