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Everything posted by Soxbadger

  1. Are you okay with teachers forfeiting a salary that is reciprocal to the reduced work load. I feel that is a fair compromise.
  2. 1) I suggested that in school they could limit it. IE No gym class, no recess, eat lunch in the classroom. That is easily enforceable. 2) So the answer is, tough luck students? Look if I was scared to go back to work, you better believe Id spend hours figuring out a way to convince my boss and clients how I can deliver a similar level of services from my house. When the pandemic hit, I spent those months showing my bosses and clients I could provide similar level of services from my house. Now that they have seen I can do it, they are fine with it. Why did teachers not take the same approach? Why did they completely blow off the last few months of last year? How am I supposed to believe that next year they will provide adequate instruction, when they couldnt even provide 1 total hour of instruction over an entire month. Im not trying to be a dick here and I completely understand that its a shitty situation, but teachers are supposed to be professionals. And they know that they have children counting on them. So why in the world were they not busting their ass for the last few months to avoid this? At some point there are consequences for not doing the work. 3) Because at the end of the day you have to make the best decision from the bad options. The US simply cant afford to punt an entire school year. The best answer would have been for teachers to rise to the occasion and kick ass in a virtual setting. But they failed miserably. So now what. People need to take responsibility once in a while.
  3. 1) If you want to get legal, the teachers have no leverage here. Here is what they can strike over: Section 4.5 of the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Act (IELRA), which restricted mandatory subjects which the Board and the Union must negotiate to only wages, hours, benefits and contract length. Section 4.5 also created “permissive” subjects we can bargain over if both sides agree: class size, class staffing and assignment, class schedules, academic calendar, and length of the workday and school year. Unlike every other teacher in the state, 4.5 forbids us from striking over these matters. So there wont be anything in writing because the CPS is making an accommodation that they are not required to by law. If the teachers struck, it would be illegal. If they want to quit, they can. Im not sure how many teachers and their families can afford quitting their jobs, but I guess we can call each other's bluffs. 2) Again, you are providing no solution. I am completely okay with virtual learning if teachers do it. But they didnt, so why are they now getting the benefit of the doubt. What plan are they presenting to show me that it wont be the same. They got a 3 month break last year on top of 2 weeks of a strike. Add in all other breaks, they worked less than half a year. During that time, what exactly did they do to make it so that kids will get some level of replacement education. 3) 50 million kids dont interact with each other. This is completely a red herring. If it is too dangerous for kids to go to school, it should be too dangerous to go to the grocery store. Its odd, but id think you as a teacher would value education more than this. Because your arguments seem to not care at all about learning.
  4. What school has 50mil kids? Arent we talking about a classroom of 15 students? Cant we minimize interaction outside of that classroom while they are in school? Im sure that every teacher has been in complete isolation since March, none of them have gone to restaurants etc. Because isnt it hypocritical to be going outside and doing things, and then being too scared to teach a child? If you want 100% virtual learning, than shouldnt the expectation be that the teacher is actually providing learning? I was 100% for it, but the experience proved teachers were incapable of the responsibility. Shouldnt they have to provide me a plan that shows that they can do it now?
  5. Last year they had months to figure out something better than putting up links on a website and using programs on a tablet and they couldnt do it. My kid is young, so its not a huge deal, but she had 2 teachers. 1 teacher did almost nothing. She did not even ask that homework be turned in or review anything. I would send emails that would go unanswered for days about links/passwords etc that werent correct for the work that was supposed to be done. This is supposed to be a full time job. If youre not in the classroom, youre not grading work and your just posting links once a week, what is exactly being done with the rest of the day? On the other hand, the other teacher was putting a lot more effort in. She had sign ups each week for 1 on 1 with students. She asked that all work be turned in and would respond daily. I was absolutely fine with the idea of virtual/outside of the class learning, until after that experience. They had every chance to shine and make it work, but instead didnt. I dont even know what the excuse could possibly be for not having a class wide meeting every single day for 1-2 hours. What else was being done with that time? Its not even my child Im arguing for. Im lucky, my job is letting me do whatever I want right now. I was able to sit next to her and teach while I did my work. But some kids have parents who work at grocery stores etc who have to go to work so that the rest of us can eat. What are they supposed to do with their kids all day? I Again not a scientist, but it seems a gym and restaurant arent comparative to a school. A gym and restaurant have a client base that is varied. They have random people coming every day. A school is isolated. The teacher is going to be exposed to the same people every day.
  6. Im not a scientist but id think being exposed to hundreds of people a day is more risky than 15. If they want protecive gear, thats fine. And teachers last year didnt show up for 2 weeks while they struck, for the last 2 months I taught my child exclusively besides for less than 10 20 minute google meets. All of the course work was print outs from the internet and links to websites. If all they are doing is espark and ixl every day with me doing all of the instruction do you think teachers should take a pay cut? Edit And how quickly someone can be replaced has nothing to do with safety. Its taking an elitist position based on leverage of skill. Even if a grocery bagger can be replaced eaiser, it doesnt mean they deserve less protection.
  7. If that was my job and no way I could do it any other way, yes. We ask people at grocery stores to do it for far less pay with far less protection. If the union wants to use their dues to buy every kid a computer, then virtual learning becomes more feasible and id consider that offer.
  8. Looks like CPS is proposing a 2-1-2 model. Kids are broken into 2 groups. 1 group goes 2 days, then 1 day of virtual instruction, then group 2 goes 2 days. Sounds like the Union is resisting. Not sure what else the teachers can expect here. There just is really no feasible way to have 100% virtual instruction right now.
  9. Im expecting that at most my kid will go 2 out of 5 days. My biggest concern is just losing the social interaction because she is young. I can easily teach a 1st grade curriculum, just need the teachers to give me honest feedback about what the expectations are. If for some reason I actually had to argue a side, Id definitely say take the cautious approach and let other schools be the Guinea pigs. I think the most aggressive idea that I think isn't too risky is to have a rotation like M/W/F, T/TH, M/W, TU/TH/F that way every kid goes to school 5 out 10 days. Then if things get better you could do something like having 1 day week per every kid attends and see how that goes. But its not that easy for everyone to just figure out where to find 50% more daycare. And if you are sending kids to daycare, isnt it just completely defeating the entire purpose, because now they are being exposed to more people/other kids. Which is why there is no good answer.
  10. It just furthers the haves and have nots. Those who can afford it will be inconvenienced to some extent. Thats why the current administration doesn't care. If you can work from home or afford only 1 parent working it's annoying but not the end of the world. If you don't have those things, you're screwed. This is why elections matter. When you put the govt in the hands of someone I wouldn't hire to get my assistant's coffee you earn the result. I think they have to try to split days (mon/wed and (tues/thurs) and teachers are going to have to work twice as hard because they'll need to create lesson plans for the days kid are at home. You could also do friday every other week for one half. They still have half day kindergarten? My daughter started full day in preschool.
  11. The solution was to wear masks, shut things down and stop the spread back in March/April. But we couldnt pull together. Almost every other country could do it. We just didnt prioritize schools, we prioritized our rights not to wear masks. The US still is fighting the science. Why even have school? We dont listen to scientists anyways.
  12. Im sure you can find a country where you can go mine in unsafe conditions for pennies on the dollar. So why arent you? Kopech can do what he wants, its his life.
  13. Not sure if the memory is accurate but I remember the Sox had a bunch of day games in the playoffs and their splits stats for hitting were much better at night. Im not going to look it up because its a sad memory.
  14. Do you really think phase 3 or phase 4 is going to make a difference? Or is it whether people act reasonable. Some people arent going to follow the rules no matter what, they are going to parties, going to other states, not wearing masks etc. There has to be some sort of incentive to work towards. Otherwise more people will act unreasonable.
  15. I guess we just have a different view. Unless the entire US follows the same path, I think it was unrealistic to believe that IL could ever get it under 500 per day consistently. I think a reasonable goal is somewhere between 500-1000. With the current restrictions in place in IL, I think that its enough for IL have some benefits. Again this is all based on the people of Illinois acting responsible. Given the current status of the US, I think IL earned their chance. Especially as even if IL was completely shut down, it wouldnt stop people from going to WI and IN. So why further decimate IL businesses, when IL has shown improvement.
  16. Last 5 days for IL: 862, 639, 614, 587, 980 Had you posted 30 minutes ago the 980 wouldnt be there and the trend would have been down and the statement "Climbing upward" would have been false. So I dont think you can say IL is climbing upwards just yet. Outside of today, IL was trending down. And there are no other states that operated identical to IL, so you cant really compare.
  17. My daughter had a covid test and received results within 24 hours. Prior to test I asked how long and they said it could be same day or at worst tomorrow. Why did Illinois move to Phase 4? Because at some point there has to be a balance. Until the federal govt can be relied on to bail out sectors, you cant just crush restaurants/stores etc indefinitely.
  18. So I can go to the Addison stop and watch a free exhibition.
  19. Hopefully the schools see this and create some sort of loop hole. Not really that hard to say that there will potentially be some in person requirements. Path of least resistance.
  20. Just watched fireworks in a car with my kids because adults cant be responsible because of the "bossy govt." Maybe when they are older they'll purposefully fail a test because the teacher was bossy about studying and doing their homework. What a damn snowflake society weve become when we self sabotage because our poor feelings were hurt when someone was trying to save people from themselves. Happy 4th of July to every self entered bastard who couldn't make the smallest sacrifice asked of any generation in US history.
  21. The reason they were bossy is because the people couldn't act reasonably. Sorry your feelings were hurt but this is a cataclysm and a lot of it was avoidable. I guess it was too much to ask Americans to put on their big boy pants and get through this. No excuses for their irresponsibility.
  22. Unless she has physical evidence its going to be really easy. "She is a liar. That never happened. She is just trying to cut a deal. You cant trust a criminal. Why did she never come forward?" Over 20 women have accused Trump of sexual misconduct. I dont believe any of them are under arrest and possibly facing years in prison. Yet X percentage of the population doesnt believe them. I believe we have come to a point where facts dont necessarily matter that much.
  23. Chicago is planning to force people from risk states to quarantine.
  24. People are required to wear things like a shirt and shoes in order to get service at a store. Non-govt entities can easily regulate masks as a requirement for entry.
  25. Its only fair if we compare countries who also denounce science.
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