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Everything posted by Soxbadger

  1. If Vaughn was going to be a solid MLB player, he likely is better than most of the players drafted in the top 5. That is just the reality of the MLB draft. As I said a few days ago, its Rutschman and then Vaughn for me.
  2. What made the books/show great for mewas all of the lore/history. What made the ending less satisfying for me was all of the lore/history. At a certain point you have to start providing answers to all of the mystery. Many good shows/books have fallen victim to this problem. Part of the fun of GOT was getting lost in an idea of things like the "prince who was promised", and its hard for every revelation to be a "Hodor" moment. That is really the unfortunate part. There just wont be any answers.
  3. After Zion it's a whole bunch of what ifs. Id have liked Barrett too, but at 7 im fine taking risks
  4. Im not sure how she could have a more tragic arc than what she had. Her first husband and unborn child are killed (possibly by a person who she helped save). In Meereen bad things happen, Barristan Selmy is killed, Grey Worm injured, a ton of people die. She gets across the sea. 1 dragon and Jorah die in a battle she doesnt even really care about but is doing for the "greater good". She goes to King's Landing, another dragon is killed, the person she loves "betray's her" and arguable her best friend is murdered. I really thought that the bells were going to ring, she was going to stop fighting and then Cersei was going to take advantage and kill Dany's army.
  5. I think the problem is that people want to conclude she is the "Mad Queen", even though her story arc has 0 similarity to the "Mad King." When she decimated King's Landing it wasnt because she was hearing voices or went crazy, it was culmination of being a ruler for years. She has come to the conclusion that she will never be the people's choice, and she never was going to give up her claim, so she did what she believed will preserve her rule. (Edit) She made it pretty clear when she compared the people of Meereen to those of King's Landing.
  6. The build up to the decision when the blls rang is the entire series. Many times when she has given the "other" side a break, it has resulted in misfortune for her. Even in the beginning, she tries to save Mirri Maz Duur, which leads to the death of her unborn child. I guess I just dont think it really needed more explanation.
  7. I really think its more about bringing the show back to the beginning. Even with all of the shit thats gone down, people in King's Landing are still going to plot etc. The part that seemed strange to me is that Cersei didnt kill Tyrion. He has information that is extremely detrimental to her, and yet she just sits there.
  8. But the problem is that people are conveniently ignoring the fact that at the time he confessed he was a minor. In the eyes of the law, minors are not even capable of entering into contracts. His lawyer and family advised him to take the deal. Its easy to say now that it blew up, that it was bad to confess if he was innocent. But if it never came out in the open, if he was drafted in the first round and making millions, then confessing to a crime he didnt commit may have been the best decision he ever made. Trials are extremely risky, even with his current outcome it may have been better that he avoided trial, even if he was innocent.
  9. I think people have this way backwards. When you use something that you didnt create, you know that you are using someone elses stuff. This is basic intellectual property law. Its the person who uses it job to make sure that they are allowed to, not the other way around. When someone asks "Can I use this image from the web?" My answer is "Did you get permission?". Its not really a hard concept. They stole her content, she has no responsibility to respond to them.
  10. Who is victim shaming? That phrase doesnt even make sense for this case.
  11. The fact that this thread has 2 pages of posts and no indication that the Sox are even thinking of signing him suggests hes not worth the risk.
  12. Make them a great offer. Like youll pay them $10,000 today and then if you drive the car for 100,000 miles this year youll give them $1mil. I mean thats obviously a great deal for them, they could make $1mil!
  13. Of course he wont start in mlb. That goes without saying.
  14. I get what hes saying. You get 7 years of control whether its may of 2018 or 2019. Just by starting in 2018 hed hit fa 1 year earlier, but you still had the same amount of control.
  15. If the Phils blow it and the Sox get Harper, obviously it changes things. But I dont see that happening.
  16. To be fair, I think Phils get Harper. Sox took what seemed like a guaranteed shot of getting Harper or Machado, and turned it into 0. Its pretty remarkable.
  17. I think Lozano put similar numbers out and the Sox refused thinking they were the only game in town. And I think youre misunderstanding Shack. I think he believes that there negotiation wasnt very good at all.
  18. They negotiated like a bunch of posters on this board wanted them to. "Dont bid against yourself", they said. "No one else will enter this late", they said. Strange part is, youd think those posters would be happy with the result, because it was the likely outcome when things didnt get done in January. You lose momentum, you lose the deal.
  19. Balta, For a baseline, we both agree neither of us have any sources and that neither of us have any idea how it really went down. We are both speculating, correct? So here is what I mean by animosity. I believe that Machado preferred the Sox to the Padres at the start. I think that he wanted Lozado to work a deal with the Sox when it became apparent that the Yankees werent going to be real players. But after a month of the Sox sitting on their offer, he started to think "Maybe this isnt where I want to be." So when the Padres came in, they werent playing from behind, they actually had an advantage. The reason I believe this is because if Machado still wanted to be on the Sox, even if it was 10/300 v 8/250 possibly more. Lozado would have gone back to the Sox to hammer something out. He wouldnt have just taken the 10/300. The reason he took the 10/300 is because the Sox dicked around for a month and blew their chance. Thats my no sauces take.
  20. I think thats a little to simple. When you negotiate sometimes you hit their number, sometimes they hit your number. But you really never want to just sit on a number for months. Talks get stale and it breeds animosity.
  21. This was the problem of having never signing a contract iver $100mil. They just didnt anticipate that they had to keep hammering away even if they perceived themselves as the top offer. If Machado is your guy, you sign him in January before anyone else gets involved.
  22. I think they didnt get a chance to match because when you dick around for almost 2 months the other side gets sick of your bullshit. Any good will the Sox had they burned when they didnt want to negotiate and felt they could sit on their offer. I honestly feel if they made their final offer in January machado signs here.
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