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Everything posted by Soxbadger

  1. This should be a pretty predictable play. Run down the clock, either iso with Rose at the top or pick and roll. Cant let Miami get the ball back with more than 30 seconds, no reason to go quick unless there is an easy lay up/dunk.
  2. Gotta respect Bosh for not giving up. Youd have to figure most players would try and drive or get some easy shots, instead of just shooting the same jump shot and missing.
  3. When Lebron goes on Rose, Deng has to make Miami pay.
  4. I guess im not sure why Boozer wasnt fouled but Lebron was.
  5. Bulls making this tough on themselves. Korver cold tonight so basically worthless as his defense is horrendous. They need a basket bad.
  6. Ugh Taj needs to pass that instead of trying to make a spectacular play. Taj now just killing the Bulls by himself.
  7. I think Rose can come back in the game now, we need his offense.
  8. Wade watches his shot rim out instead of getting back on defense leading to an easy score.
  9. Thib needs to switch up the playing the B team to start every quarter. The other team ratchets up the intensity and then we get behind.
  10. Reasonable people can disagree on whether you want Mayo or Asik, but some people suggested that Asik had no value and that he wasnt traded because no one wanted him. That just simply isnt true.
  11. Bulls starting to look good as Miami gets 2 dimensional with Bosh shooting horrific. Chalmers with 4 forcing Wade/Lebron to guard Rose.
  12. James on Rose, Bulls have try and get Deng in the post against Chalmers.
  13. Rose needs to complain more. You arent going get calls unless you b**** at the refs. That is how basketball works.
  14. Err no the Bulls could have easily gotten a deal done had they wanted to. The reason he isnt gone is because the Bulls valued him over any deal that they could get. Had they just wanted to get any value for him, he would have been traded like James Johnson. Once again, makes no sense.
  15. ???? By all accounts teams wanted Asik but the Bulls refused to trade him. So if NBA Gms are "smart" like you say, then they are in agreement that Asik is valuable. If Asik has no value, then why were teams wanting him to be included in deals? Your argument makes no sense.
  16. Yeah I got a red light ticket and could not believe it. The time was 1pm during a work day and so I thought I was no where near the intersection. Turns out that it was White Sox opening day and I had been driving to my friends house (haha). When I saw my car go through the light and watched the speed increase, I knew they had me.
  17. If you have to go to court to prove your insurance you may as well fight the ticket. In most counties if the police officer does not show up, the ticket is dismissed for want of prosecution. Basically a ticket is hearsay evidence and without the officer the prosecution has no foundation to introduce the evidence. Without the evidence of the ticket they have no case. Some counties will continue the case to see if the officer will show up at the next hearing. The only ticket that is unbeatable is red light ticket. Most likely if you talk with the prosecutor they can work out a deal where it doesnt go on your driving record (non-moving violation) if you just want to pay them. Good luck.
  18. Sure Rose was athletic, but people are rewriting history. Beasley was putting up freakish numbers. I guess that Love wasnt good because he was only 6'7 (without shoes) Michael Beasley, Kansas State Height: 6'7" (6'8 1/2" in shoes) Wingspan: 7'0 1/4" Standing Reach: 8'11" Body Fat: 7.7% Vertical Jump (no step): 30" Vertical Jump (max): 35" Bench Press: 19 Lane Agility: 11.06 3/4 Court Sprint: 3.24 Kevin Love, UCLA Height: 6'7 3/4" (6'9 1/2") Wingspan: 6'11 1/4" Standing Reach: 8'10" Body Fat: 12.9% Vertical Jump (no step): 29.5" Vertical Jump (max): 35" Bench Press: 18 Lane Agility: 11.17 3/4 Court Sprint: 3.22 Notice that Beasley beats Love in every single measurement, yet Love is some how the better player. Its just impossible to tell until they are in the NBA.
  19. No luck would have been if the Bulls had no choice but to take Rose. Its easy to say now Rose was the right pick, but back then there were plenty of people who thought Beasley (myself included). If you watched them in college youd have thought Beasley would have put up Love type numbers in the NBA. Just doesnt always work that way. The guy averaged 26 pts and 12 rebounds, Love averaged 17 and 11. Picking Rose was much more difficult than you make it out to be.
  20. You can say the Bulls lucked into winning the lottery, but you cant deny that with the pick, they made the best selection. There are plenty of teams who had the #1 pick and did not get the best guy in the draft. The Bulls picked Rose, they get credit for it.
  21. I actually wonder how much you have watched Mayo play. Because you seem to think that because he was the 3rd pick overall, that actually means something. Even during his college career there were major concerns about him. He shot to much, didnt play team basketball, to many turnovers. I personally thought Eric Gordon (7th pick) was considerably better than Mayo, but I guess because Mayo went 3, he must be better.
  22. Talk about a completely unprovable and most likely wrong statement. From all reports, teams wanted ASIK. But hey you probably would have said that Minnesota was crazy for trading Mayo for Love. After all Mayo was a superstar in the making, Love was just a solid big man.
  23. Yeah Mayo is comparable to KG and Gasol. And who is overrating Asik? People are saying hes a good bench player. Its just you believe that Mayo is more than a bench player right now. Most of us are saying that trading a bench player for a bench player doesnt make much sense, especially because our bench player plays at the more scarce position. That is a completely reasonable and legitimate argument. Your argument is based on your belief that Mayo will all of a sudden play a lot better. It can happen, but there is absolutely no evidence to suggest it. Mayo's stats are the worst in his career, yet he is going to trend up? That makes no sense.
  24. Asik is 24.. If Asik was 33 Id be in complete agreement, might as well go for the young with upside. But this is like arguing one player has more upside versus another. There just is absolutely no reason at the moment to believe the light is going to click for Mayo. If his stats were great (ft % and shooting %) but his minutes were low ( less than 25 per game) I could agree that the coaching staff may be holding him back. But his stats are bad (under 40% from the field is under 40%, I dont care if your a starter or coming from the stands) and hes getting solid minutes for having such bad stats. I cant imagine how pissed Id be watching a guy shooting under 40%. Bogans is shooting 40%, at least hes supposed to be good at defense. Mayo was a hyped player in High School. In college he was good but not special and in the pros he has been meh. Unless he makes a major attitude change, he probably will never come close to his talent. (Edit) BJ Upton has put up significantly better numbers than Mayo. What year did Mayo even come close to what would be a 894 ops in the Basketball?
  25. Trading Perkins will probably haunt the Celtics, but realistically how many years does that team have left? With the East seemingly getting more and more under 30 stars, that team is going to fade fast in the next few years.
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