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Everything posted by Soxbadger

  1. I have a strange feeling about this field goal. So close you just see some funny things.
  2. It wasnt irrefutable. I think that his wrist may have been down, but from the angles they had it wasnt clear enough. Thats why they said the call stands instead of confirmed.
  3. Are they going to count his wrist as down? Only call you could make there (to overturn).
  4. Yep shovel pass is basically an inverted option. Unlike the old school Nebraska option you cant really run the triple option as effectively from the spread, so you have to decide to attack the edge or the middle. And last quarter has been interesting.
  5. They need to get outside, straight option or swing pass. But you cant keep doing the zone read.
  6. Newton usually runs tougher, and both of these teams weakness seems to be lining up and pounding the ball.
  7. Yeah he is hurting, he just went down on the next play instead of getting contact, and you could tell on the zone read he never even considered taking the ball.
  8. 10 yards and in is some what the kryponite of spread option offense. The defense can get close to the line of scrimmage and the offense is 3-4 yards behind it.
  9. If by better you mean it reminds me of a Madden game where the other player uses every gimmick to try and win. Id guess the strategy for going for 2 is that you dont believe your defense can stop them, so 14-11 is a fg versus 14-10 needing a td.
  10. The real message from all of this is that words have consequences. What politicians and parties say have meaning to people. Not everyone understands that ideologicalization of the parties is just so that rich Democrats and rich Republicans can get richer. Some people actually believe that these politicians care about them, they believe that unless they stand up and do something, that the politicians that they believe in wont be able to fight the "evil" on the other side. So this is the logical end. That when you inflame and incite, you get this. The second message from all of this should be that people need to wait for facts. Everyone is jumping to conclusions about the guy being a Republican or whatever, but there is absolutely no concrete evidence to support this. From what Ive read the guy seems like an anarchist, not a hell bent liberal or conservative. The press needs to get better, because they do nothing but help to incite situations by bringing their own biases to the party. Leave the opinions for op ed, the news should be news. In the end you cant make sense out of madness. This person clearly has no cohesive vision or thought. Whatever his motives, whatever his reasons, it will leave most sane people with an empty feeling inside. Because sane people look for reason behind an action like this. Sane people do not easily accept that some one could kill 6 people just because. But that is reality.
  11. Yeah I remembered after you said something (they made a big deal when it held the NFL Super Bowl) I more meant I have no idea how they got natural grass to act like field turf and screw up a knee like that.
  12. Damn my prediction was going to be that after this game people would think neither team deserved to be NC.
  13. The way the grass moved it looked like field turf, but it does appear to be grass. Not sure what they did to get the field to act that way.
  14. I think itll be close. Oregon has more margin of error though as Auburn is going to need a great performance from Newton to have a chance. Hard to pick against Oregon, but Newton has been spectacular.
  15. Soxbadger

    2011 TV Thread

    Thought Bob's was decent, will need to see more before making a commitment.
  16. Soxbadger


    Joseph Banks has decent selection at pretty good prices (you can get 60% or more off). My favorite is Brooks Brothers, but it is more costly.
  17. Loved the trade, Danks was a high ceiling lefty where as B-Mac really never wowed me. But if you go back far enough all of us have a bad moment.
  18. JJ Watt declares for the NFL. Hope that he gets paid because from all accounts he is a great guy with a great story. After transferring from a smaller school with a scholarship, he walked on to Wisconsin and earned a scholarship his first year. He has great NFL size and can work as a DE in both 4-3 and 3-4.
  19. My guess is that when Michigan talks to Harbaugh he is going to highly recommend Cameron or Michigan going with another "Michigan Man". I could be completely wrong but I think the Rodriquez hire was there "Kelly" and now they are going to go much more conservative.
  20. I dunno if you made me guess a name Id say some one like Cam Cameron. He worked for Michigan for 10 years early in his career and was a head coach at Indiana. They either have to get some one like that or try and get an up and coming coach, just not sure who that would be.
  21. It depends on how they approach it. I really doubt Harbaugh goes there, but Michigan could really overpay if they wanted. (I hope he doesnt go there because I think hes one of the few coaches who instantly would change perception there.) My guess is that they try and throw money at a coach who was successful and then went to the NFL and didnt fare as well. They potentially have a lot of money, should be interesting to see what they can try and pull together.
  22. Haha sorry about that Ive basically already forgotten the guys name.
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