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Everything posted by Soxbadger

  1. I think its rally Griffey, I dont know why but seeing that last swing of his just seems like some how the old Griffey woke up and decided hes just going to carry our ass into the playoffs.
  2. Nice 1-2-3 Lets tie this up and get momentum back on our side. There is no reason why the Sox can not win this game. This is the game, do not let it go until tomorrow.
  3. We got 1 back, flipped the line up over. We need a 1-2-3 and to get back up to bat, I think the Griffey home run may have just woke the Sox up, they need to get out of this inning with no runs.
  4. I think even a Cubs fan would keep a Griffey ball. Come on Juan just make some good contact and get the damn run in.
  5. f*** this Griffey lets f***in win this game, that home run was massive. I swear Griffey went as slow around the basepaths as possible just to get in the pitchers head. Lets tie this b**** and just stop f***ing around.
  6. My statement was a knock off of Bejamin Franklin's: "We must all hang together ,or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately."
  7. Solidarity. Either we hang together, or we die alone.
  8. Biden was in the senate just as long, if there is blame to be placed it is blame on the entire system. John McCain did not have the technical knowledge of what was going on in the banking and financial institutions thats why John McCain has always supported transparency and better record keeping and reporting from major lending institutions. This is a failure of the lending system, no one person a lone could have prevented this crises. But now that it is upon us, we must all come together as Americans and solve the problem. We cant just look back and say we didnt do anything in the past, so why should we do something now. Its time to roll up our sleeves and get down to business, some times we get lemons, but Ill be damned if Im not going down to the street corner, setting up a shop, and selling those damn lemons as lemonade. (haha) Anyways, I think that in the hands of proper spin professionals all of this can play really well to the Republican base and try and shore up the necessary states to win. The problem for Obama is how to stay aggressive but not come off like he could care less about the country and just is a power monger whose whole political career has basically been a race to the top. He needs to stop it from going down the road of; "What have you done" and keep it on track of "What is he going to do." I just dont know whether or not people are going to see this as legitimate or think that McCain is afraid of the debates.
  9. I disagree, I think this may save McCain. The Republican's had jumped the shark with their rhetoric this campaign, they were trying to beat Obama at his own game the "change" card. It started to become ridiculous comparisons of "who is the bigger reformer", "who brings more change", and at the end of the day its just strange that they thought it was a good idea to run on that idea. Now they can change tactics drastically and not lose any face. McCain will "stop campaigning" while the campaign changes directions. McCain will run on the fact that he just wants to do whats best for America, that he is and has always been willing to sacrifice for America. Here are a bunch of statements if I was McCain Id use against Obama now: "Look at what I did when I was running for President, I put aside my chances to win, so that I could solve the crises, I gave up my dream, so that the rest of America could be saved. If I lost my chance to be elected President because I cared to much about America, I can live with that. I can live with looking into American's eyes and saying I did the right thing, as opposed to I did what was best for me. Because thats what I believe America is about, its about selflessness, its about the good of everyone. And today I did what was best for America, because some times doing the right thing means you have to sacrifice." Strategy wise, I think its pretty good it could backfire but I believe right now McCain felt that things hadnt been going his way recently, so desperate times call for desperate measures.
  10. I used to live in Old town, but now live in Buena Park/Uptown area. Im pretty happy with the area as its not as expensive as some places but still has access to getting around the city and close to Lake Shore Drive so I barely never have to use the highway to get to the city. A lot about the city is location, so if you dont go for the premium locations you can find better prices.
  11. Im not sure if this is genius or heresy. WWRCD?
  12. I heard McCain's family fought for the Confederacy! Boooooooo
  13. Tinker v. Des Moines http://www.bc.edu/bc_org/avp/cas/comm/free...ech/tinker.html I would say that an anti-obama ribbon would probably be okay. The reality is that you could argue any "anti" slogan should be disallowed in school and replaced by a "pro" slogan. Another fact would be were students allowed to wear "McCain is a terrorist" t-shirts. If they were allowed to wear the McCain shirt, but not the Obama shirt, then perhaps there is something here.
  14. The facts are there is no right to wear anything you want in school. Example: A young high school student (myself) gets a rocking t-shirt from Breckenridge Colorado. The shirt is a take off of the Absolut vodka advertisements. It says something about how the Rockies are all natural smooth skiing etc, it never makes on reference to alcohol or anything illegal. My parents let me wear it to school, no big deal we imagine, when I get to school I get sent to the principal and get a detention. Now I only got a detention because I didnt make a huge scene and flipped the t-shirt inside out. Im sure if I would have refused I would have been sent home that day. The father needs to get over himself.
  15. Basically hes telling all of the people who have s*** on him for his entire career that they can take a long walk off a short pier. He responded directly to the question, hes not going to go out there and try and change peoples minds, hes going to go out there and pitch the best game he can. If he wins he wins, if he loses he loses. Hes not going to hang himself, hes not going to cry about it the rest of his life, when hes done with this game hes moving on. /shrugs The facts are hes played almost 10 years and in 9 of them has started 30+ games. He shows up to work every day and for the most part is pretty consistent at what he does. The point he is making is that if you dont like him, thats your problem and something that is not going to effect him. Sounds pretty reasonable to me. Although I guess people would have preferred him saying that this is the biggest game of his career and if he doesnt win hes going to go home and kill his family cause he just couldnt live with the fact he lost a game?
  16. I think GILF is highly offensive and should not be used on this thread. What about all the other grand mothers out there who have been marginalized due to their hot body and unquenchable appetite for young men? The last thing we want is a boycott from the red hat society.
  17. But there is no inconsistency here. The ACLU's mission statement is to protect you from the GOVERNMENT not from private citizens. http://www.aclu.org/about/index.html Notice in right to privacy it states from unwarranted government intrusion. The question really is, what could the ACLU even do? Are there any Civil law "email hacking" statutes? Because under what theory of law would hacking an email fall under? Its not damage to property, its not negligence, perhaps theft but that would once again be criminal, you cant really do conversion, quantum meriut doesnt really work, there is no real fraud, and the damages are not monetary. Maybe you could sue for a permanent injunction to stop the hacking, but the only repercussion for failing to follow an injunction is more penalties, so if hacking itself is a crime it would be like getting a permanent injunction for your neighbor to stop stealing your money. Its important to remember that civil liberties generally apply to govt action, because the bill of rights protects you from the govt. It does not protect you from private entities or private citizens. That is why if you are at my house I could say: "You can never say the phrase 'Cubs World Series'". And it would not be a first amendment violation, as Im a private actor. Now lets say it turned out that the Bush administration was behind the email hacking, then Im pretty sure the ACLU would get involved and be quite happy to stand up for Palin's right to privacy from govt intrusion.
  18. That Vazquez needs to throw his change up more about a million times.
  19. Why does DJ generally seem more insightful about our team than our own managers?
  20. Its not mindless, I have to agree with Flasox here, I think he can attest to the fact that him and I have never met, and him and I have never really even had a conversation on any forum in these boards. Yet I was still able to read his post and understand the point he was making. So the only way it can be read another way is if you are looking beyond the words in the post to try and attribute meaning thats not there. I know you cant read that but whatever, perhaps the rest of the world can see your true genius.
  21. I know you cant read this but the rest of the world can so here it goes: That statement should really be in bold, because it shows that if anything Flasox wants her on the ticket so that she can be the undoing of McCain. If she had been removed immediately it may have stung some, but might not have destroyed their chances. If Palin goes down now, its ova. (I know there is a double entendre there so im leaving it). And Flasox, Dont worry about the scuffle, some how I think I will continue living even though my posts will no longer be read by the genius.
  22. I feel honored, I can say that ive been posting here for almost 6 years now and I dont believe that I have ever been added to a persons ignore list. No you are editorializing what you think his post was saying. No where in it does it give any indication of his "wishes" or "desires" that is entirely written in by you. The post itself is merely speculation on the idea that there may be something so damning in Palin's past that she might not have made it as VP. But seeing as Im on ignore, I doubt you will respond so Im just going to take it as a concession that your argument and logic was obviously flawed. Thank you good night!
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