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Everything posted by Soxbadger

  1. The more I read about it the less I think its actually anything more than poor word choice to begin the statement. I believe that Mr. Tarsa intended to say that: "I have been a life long Republican up until 2000." I think thats why he states that he was a McCain supporter in 2000, and not a Republican or W supporter in 2000. It seems pretty odd that some one who is the Chairman of the Democratic Party would try and hood wink the readers when in a small community like Lebanon he is probably pretty widely known. But this has given Republican's an opportunity to act as if this is some sort of Obama scheme, when it very well could just be a man telling the truth. It would turn out really bad for Republicans if Mr. Tarsa has a Republican voting record (I cant pull that information if anyone perhaps is a law school student with LexisNexis I believe that you would have access to voter records database and could find out prior to the year 2000 what Tarsa was registered as.) The reality of the situation is that I dont think either side should be to quick to jump on these things. If Tarsa turns out to be telling the truth, a lot of people are going to look pretty silly. On the other hand if Tarsa was lying just to try and influence people, then he is getting all the attention that it deserves. One thing I havent seen mentioned is why did the liberal news reveal this? I thought that newspapers were controlled by the left, so why would they post the part about him being on the Democratic Committee? I guess maybe the media isnt as biased as the right likes to believe. {Edit} Points up, as you can see its already happening. Obama is being blamed for the actions of others when there is no proof. Even ip logs popping up Chicago dont prove anything. For all people know its just people in Chicago doing shady things that have no connection to the Obama campaign. Would it be fair to blame Pods personall for getting elected to the All-Star game because a bunch of people in Chicago voted thousands of times? Once again, unless you have actual proof some of these arguments are pretty strained.
  2. They played it during both games it was great. Congrats Oney!
  3. At least the Sox starting pitching has looked good recently. Im pretty sure Ozzie just couldnt burn his bullpen after yesterday, so he was trying to see if Wasserman could get the job done. Sucks that we are tinkering at the end of the season but right now the Sox are running on fumes. They just need to make the playoffs so that they can go out there and put the best relievers in every game and not worry. If Linebrink, Thornton, Jenks and hell even Dotel were available tonight there is no way Wasserman pitches. We just need to some how get through this. And McDougal getting some outs, where was he to start the 7th, at least he has some stuff.
  4. I cant even concentrate last inning was so ridiculous. I mean Wasserman and Ramirez, what the hell is going on. Ridiculous
  5. SS2k5, No one wants those skeletons out of the closet. I mean does anyone really think that a junior Senator was the second highest on the payroll?
  6. I like DJ, hopefully he can stick with the Sox because I think he has some good games in his future.
  7. Soxbadger


    I thought it was good, reminded me a little of Surface. House and Fringe should be a nice Fox Tuesday.
  8. Ask and you shall receive. Floyd gets Wells to ground into inning ending DP.
  9. That was a really bad call, lets just get another grounder and call it an inning. The ball almost got knocked out of his mitt.
  10. It is in Alaska: http://archives.cnn.com/2000/NATURE/05/03/....enn/index.html And a bounty was placed on wolves in 2007: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17735990/ For the sake of fairness I only pulled articles that were published prior to Palin being chosen for VP. The first is from 2000 I believe and the second is 2007.
  11. Hell yah Uribe, I was just commenting today how our offense actually looked better the last few weeks when Uribe was starting.
  12. Suing for what exactly? Good luck proving a slander/defamation case, the test for a public figure requires malice (actual knowledge of the falseness of the statement).
  13. How do you get that this is a geographical comparison. Examples: The Cuban army is tiny compared to the United States Army. The Cuban GDP is tiny compared to the United States GDP. How in any way shape or form is tiny related to geography? And if the comparison was size, why does he refer to the United States as a "strong" country, and not a "large" or "small" country. Seriously hilarious reading going on.
  14. What really has anyone accomplished? If I was to use the word "accomplish" I would say that they are things like, graduating college, graduating law school, passing the bar, being elected to a state office, being elected to a federal office, writing a book, being selected nominated as a Presidential candidate. I guess at the end of the day no one is "clearly fit" to run this country. I personally think that Obama has accomplished a lot compared to where he started from. I dont really think you can quantify leadership, nor do I think there is any set of rules on how to become a good leader. People are born leaders, or they are not. Obama and McCain both can lead in their own way, so I think all of this nonsense about leadership is overblown. The real question is what direction is the leader going to take us. I myself am very liberally social (even though I am some what fiscally conservative) so I really have no choice in this election.
  15. The media bias is towards money, yes I said it the media is biased towards making money. Big cities like Chicago, NY, and LA are considered liberal. Does it make sense to be a newspaper in that city and write stories that no one wants to read, or to write stories that sell?
  16. lol I was going to say something along the lines of shipps but it may have included tropical fruit as well. Anyways have fun and congrats!
  17. SS2k, I assumed it was fake But with how quickly myspace pages were taken down I felt it was safer to just show it and then let the truth sort it out. Instead of trying to verify it and then have the page gone before you can get a screen capture. ;P Mr Genius, I have no knowledge of blogs or coding or any of that stuff. Its why I asked people if it was legitimate or not and stated that I myself, some one who is not an expert, believed it to be fake. What if I was wrong, and it was real and people could have seen the info before it was taken down? Thats why I prefaced it with:
  18. See thats all I needed to know. I assumed it was fake, but at the same time the my space pages were real so you never really can tell just how ridiculous kids are these days.
  19. I think I clearly state: 1) This cant be real 2) There may be a way to make posts appear older. Im just reporting to what I find and I was pretty skeptical but still thought it was interesting none the less. A lot of these sites are getting taken down quickly (Levi's my space, his sister Mercedes my space) so its hard to try and get the information before it gets deleted.
  20. So I searched Levi Johnston, found a strange webpage: http://levijohnston.com/Blog/ Now I know that cant be real, but its odd that it has posts about all of the Palin daughter stuff prior to her mother even being selected as VP... Now there may be a way to make the posts appear to be older, but the one about meeting Bristol is from a year ago.
  21. Nice work Gavin, lets just close this game out.
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