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Everything posted by Soxbadger

  1. Keeping the starter in just didnt work today. OC didnt help the bullpen either. Not really sure that you can blame the bullpen for Cabrera's error, or for the fact that Thorton was brought in a terrible position to succeed. Its 1 game just have to focus on tomorrow.
  2. The umpiring has been pretty brutal this series, not sure exactly whats going on.
  3. I mean the Sox have played 2 horrible second half games in a row, and its not like Tampa is blowing them out today... If the Sox actually played well at least one of those games is a win, not really an implosion. More just law of averages after the Sox getting out of Oakland with some wins when most of us expected losses. Javy pitched excellent just are still trying to figure out the set up role with Linebrink out. If he can come back some of these bullpen problems will fix themselves.
  4. Some people are hilarious. Some games you win, some games you lose. The Sox were up 3-1 and are down 5-3, instead of thinking the Sox can perhaps score some runs people just give the game away. We are not even in September, its not even the last week of August. Boston lost 11-0 to Toronto, I wonder if their fans are all saying the season is over?
  5. Youll be happy to know its still there. But this windy city grill place that was in Ogilvie Station by the Ethels closed a few years back. They had a great cheddar burger but such is life.
  6. Nice cat, I disagree with the article it wrote though.
  7. The problem with statement 1 is that no where in the article does it state that the weapon was loaded. The only reference to ammo is in regards to a receipt for an AK 47 and ammo. It does not say ammo was found in the gun or in the car. The problem with statement 2 is that the basic idea of American freedom is that you are allowed to support and believe whatever you want, provided you dont take those beliefs and turn them into unlawful actions. If you dislike that, you are free to move to another country that does not believe in the freedoms America stands for. May I suggest China? I doubt they have any problem with hanging people for bad thoughts.
  8. My guess is that the facts in the case file are not the same as the facts in the article. Without actually seeing the testimony and evidence used at trial its really hard to guess what type of sentence he should have received.
  9. ESPN doesnt list which BTN channel its on. You should get all the games, or at least I have in the past.
  10. I think we should be apologizing to Barnes. You can go to any school in the US and youre considering KU??? I guess Abe and Jakes really is that awesome! (I kid I kid )
  11. Nice. We just gotta play this right, Im thinking that we argue that you are a disturbed Cubs fan who was so heart broken over the Cubs 2008 collapse that you just kind of "broke down". In your state of illness you could only find solace in the idea that if you had that tv that some how the Cubs would make the playoffs and all the wrongs in the world would be righted (world hunger, children with aids, cancer whatever). As long as we get a mainly cubs fan jury I think youre set.
  12. Well what you just posted would be armed robbery... Thats an entirely different law. But go ahead and try it, Ill even defend you for free.
  13. I dont really feel like getting into this, but the bottom line is that most lay people do not interpret attempted murder and assault properly. Words alone are not enough, there has to be action. I stated that if he had just threated to kill people that was not enough. You cant add into that he was wielding a AK-47, because thats not the statement I quoted. The AK-47 would be actions coupled with words. Words alone are not enough. (Now threats against the president are slightly different.)
  14. Really what law is that? I really doubt that if I go to the game tonight and yell: "Im going to kill you Felix Hernandez" Ill be arrested, but maybe I will be... My guess is the prosecutor tried his best to convict this person of the most punishable offense he could, most likely just did not have the evidence to support it. Although i doubt that they really went into the whole dragon/dog argument and how troublesome it is that "The Never Ending Story" has an ending.
  15. I dont know Im pretty sure a snow boarder in 1998 lost his medal for smoking some marijuana. So hopefully none of them were rocking out to Easy Skanking by Bob Marley and took it to far.
  16. Every time I read this thread I wish that it was some sort of bad dream. Damn you Bears why must you torment me!
  17. I really think it was the copy of the Never Ending Story that makes this man a terrorist obviously. All he had to do was get that dog/dragon thing to come to life and then who is laughing!
  18. Hawk did a complete 180 during the game and started blaming Alexei. I honestly have no clue, it seemed like some sort of mix up.
  19. Hopefully you represent the Twins in some way and this is an official surrender. In which case I accept the unconditional surrender of the Twins. If not well, there is a lot of season to be played and I wouldnt count anything done until the final games are played. There is still a chance both the Sox and Twins make the playoffs while neither the Red Sox or Yankees do. And I dont believe in jinxing something when your not there nor taking part in it. There is a big difference between a player having a superstition and some fan thinking that they have an actual impact on the game. Yeah I wish me watching would make a difference, but unfortunately in the real world it really doesnt matter what I say or do.
  20. I think you can find my sentiments in the NFL catch all thread.
  21. The tie breaker would be like in the 100 meter dash if there was a tie they gave the gold medal based on who had the faster last 25 meters. Is there any real reason why there cant be a tie?
  22. The tie breaker made no sense... Nastia had more scores over 9.0, but since the scoring system takes out the lowest score she lost because the other girl actually got a 8.9 compared to her 9.0?? Just peculiar. (Edit) If you look earlier in this thread youll find me complaining about how in qualifying a girl who fell got a better score than some one who landed.
  23. Just got to see the tie in uneven bars, pretty controversial scoring imo.
  24. Quentin and OC have some sort of strange yelling ritual.
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