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Everything posted by Soxbadger

  1. Ive had the channel for almost a year now and its amazing. I saw every Wisconsin football and basketball game, if you didnt have BTN you missed out on a lot of quality. But then again not everyone went to school out of state, I assume many more Illinois games are on tv in Illinois...
  2. Ive always been a Floyd fan, and last night really impressed me. He did not have his best stuff, he had some bad defensive plays, and he still only gave up 4 runs. i think hes turned the corner and will be a consistent pitcher from here on out. Id be fine with Halladay type talent for him (because when you think about what we traded for Floyd its insane to think we turned him into Halladay) but at the same time unless we are getting something that solid id pass.
  3. Pretty remarkable for a team that prior to 1993 hadnt been in the tournament for 45 years.
  4. Sox= White Sox Badger= Wisconsin Badger At the time I joined I was going to the school so I thought the best way to differentiate myself would be with an ode to the rabid animal that would bite your face off and then would sleep with your lady friend.
  5. Yeah that is Kalapse's first attempt at some minimalist art. Good show good sir.
  6. I dont know how people can be upset about the game. It was one of the best, if not the best all-star game I have ever been alive for. Sacrifice bunts from all-stars, steals, players thrown out at the plate, take out slides, these players were actually playing to win. When you compare this game to the NFL Pro Bowl or NBA All-Star game the MLB game was hands down better and actually watchable. I started off the night not watching, thinking it would be a waste of time like all other all-star games. In the 7th I turned it on and watched the rest of the game because it actually meant something. If it was just an exhibition game, I would have turned it off and not even cared. Some of the problems could easily be rectified to make sure that this situation doesnt happen again: 1) If a pitcher pitched Sunday, allow the team to have a back up pitcher but only for use in extra innings. That way Linc and Kaz are still on the team, just they wont need to risk injury to make sure their team has some one to pitch. 2) Allow the second place vote getter on online voting to be an extra inning replacement on offense. That way both teams would have another player to bring off the bench, but only in the case of an extra inning game. If either team had even 1 more rested starter, there really isnt a problem. I guess I just dont understand why people dislike it. Also if lateness is the problem, they could schedule the game on a Saturday/Sunday with a 4-5 pm start time.
  7. I was in Tampa for New Years (stayed in Ybor) for the Wisconsin football game. Ybor was a pretty nice road full of bars and other things. Pretty self contained and you can take a trolley to seaside or whatever it was called. And if you like late night entertainment I believe Tampa has a lot of strip clubs.
  8. CQ had his chances, now I just want anyone on the AL to do it.
  9. If it wasnt for the injuries Jones looked like a solid player. Lets just hope that he gets back in form.
  10. Ive been to the one I Wabash I believe, its good stuff. I think the original Uno's may be slightly better, but its all pretty similar (my favorite is Edwardo's but to each their own.) As for the Rush Street/ Lincoln Park debate, both provide different things. If your on Rush street (not Division) its mostly higher end bars and can be a bit pricey. If you are on Division Street (by Bar Chicago, Mothers etc) its much cheaper. Lincoln Park as stated before would be getting off the Red line and walking to Lincoln Ave, but you can just take a bus for the same amount of time and probably not have to walk. Mainly depends on what age of girls youre looking for and how much money you want to spend.
  11. I think its hilarious that Farve has not even missed training camp or a preseason game and everyone is pissed about his retirement? It seems to me that the Packers wanted a 100% final commitment at the end of last season. It seems that Farve was burnt out after a long season and when pressed decided that he didnt want to do it 1 more year. Now its a few months later. Hes had time to sit around and realizes that maybe the decision he made a few months ago was not the right one. To me it sounds like the Packers completely screwed themselves when they basically forced Farve's hand when they wanted to know what to do with Rodgers. Instead of giving Farve time and letting him weigh things out (every year Strahan and other vets do the exact same thing) they forced him to make a decision without really fully thinking it through. Im sorry but if Farve wants to play he should be able to, and if the Packers dont want him anymore, thats fine too. But that seems to be the real reason he retired in the first place, because he didnt feel like the Packers wanted him back. As for potential Farve landing spot.... Atlanta Falcons? I know he lives in the south and they could use a veteran QB while Ryan develops. It would also be a huge move for the Falcons to make fans start to forget about Vick, because Farve even in this stage of his career would be a huge fan favorite. Some what like Montana in KC.
  12. Yeah my stance is what is worst fort he NCAA/NBA and best for players getting paid as soon as possible. There is no reason why a player should risk millions of dollars just because they have to. You mention Deandre Jordan, its possible he never gets back to a top 5 pick, so the rule effectively may have cost him and his family millions of dollars.
  13. http://sports.espn.go.com/ncb/news/story?id=3483221 Arizona no longer going after 1 and done prospects? I believe that Wisconsin already has been subscribing to this philosophy (which is why I dont believe they are recruiting Jamil Wilson.) The interesting part is that Olson says: Id be much more pleased with that system. It gives the play a choice to either go to college or the pros, and it gives the school some security that a player will be there more than 1 year.
  14. Soxbadger

    Wii Fit

    You need the wii system to go with the wii fit. The wii fit is mainly single player modes and single player games. The competition is generally that you would do something (ski jump) and then your friend/relative would do the same exercise and try and beat your score. Other wii games are multiplayer though. Ive played wii fit a few times, its actually pretty enjoyable and seems that it could even get you in shape if you played it every day and did the different exercises.
  15. http://www.latimes.com/sports/la-sp-jennin...,0,616200.story And so it begins, I hadnt heard about the story but I had been discussing this with my friends for some time now. It is only a matter of time before prep stars realize that they can make a few million playing in Europe instead of going to the NCAA. The real problem will begin when these European teams put soccer style buy out clauses in the contracts and make it so that even when the NBA teams draft them, they have to pay money to get them back which will make the risk for the European club small. I hope that the NBA realizes that it is not a monopoly on world basketball and that if an 18 year old is good enough for the NBA, he should be allowed to play. Its not the kids fault that an NBA team throws 15 mil at him and then he doesnt pan out. If anything the kid is the one who benefits as if he flamed out as a freshman in college hed make $0, and only have a $100,000 education to show for it. With even a $1mil salary that same person could go to college and have money left in their pocket to live off of.
  16. Breach of contract cases like this are pretty brutal. If Schultz can get it passed the first stages, he could easily ask for a temporary restraining order be placed on the Sonics from moving until the outcome of the case. A case this complicated could take years to litigate to completion. If the NBA cant bounce it through summary judgment it could really be a huge mess as the court could stop the move, and force the team to stay in Seattle for a while. As I have no idea on the contract or related documents (especially the waiver and NBA rules) its really hard to say for sure what will happen.
  17. Jim, If not now then when? Because 13 scoreless innings with 16 k's sounds pretty good, not to mention winning 6 straight decisions.
  18. Im guessing that Liriano returns soon. He has been pretty good at AAA lately.
  19. DBAHO, Watching Beasley play last year, especially in big games, I really didnt see him have much of a problem leading a team. In yesterdays game he was running off the court diving for loose balls in a summer league game. The problem I have is that I dont really want any rookie to be my teams leader unless they are a Lebron type who can score at will. My personal feeling is that Beasley got knocked out by Wisconsin and Rose went all the way to the title game. He got more press in that last month and then when he put up great combine numbers (whatever they call it in the NBA) people started to get all dreamy about how its a "guard's league" and Beasley wasn't tall enough to play his more suited PF position, and then you have GM's with doubt. Some what inverse position of the Michael Jordan draft. Hakeem and Bowie went before Jordan because "you need a big man to win", "finding a good big man is harder than finding a guard", etc. At this point theres no going back, but it wont make me change my opinion. Just like with good old Cedric (Benson), hated him from the day we drafted him. I always hope for my teams players to do the best, but I can disagree with the choices made by management.
  20. Rock, Whats funny is after Beasley's performance on TalkBulls I said: "Theres no way Rose could do worse than what Beasley did tonight." I believe Rose went 2/9, but had 7 assists, 6 rebs, and 3 steals. And please dont act like this was based on 1 summer game, Ive been advocating Beasley since the Bulls won the lotto. Its not about the summer league, its about their college career, its about their status as prep stars, etc. /shrugs As ive said I hope that Rose turns out to be the best player in the NBA, I just feel that he will need to work on his jump shot and develop a better outside game. But hey, im sure that after 2 years people will be saying: "Its only been 2 years, hes 21 how can you judge." (Believe that works with both players.) The reality is you judged based on what you have. Right now we have High School career, College career, and 2 summer league games. Based on what Ive seen, I like Beasley more. Now I hope that I am wrong, but it doesnt mean Im not going to state my opinion even if its unpopular.
  21. Watched the match was high quality, was pretty peculiar though for a grass match as ground strokes seemed to reign supreme and net game was some what subdued. The shocking part was that even though it was almost entirely played from the baseline, Federer was still able to stick with Nadal. Once I started watching and saw that Federer was not getting to the net I thought Nadal would just finish him off, but Federer actually almost pulled it out. As for Federer versus Sampras, I dont believe that Federer is as good. They both have similar games, but I dont believe Sampras losses to Nadal on grass. I doubt Sampras would get away from his staple serve/volley game.
  22. Much higher chance that the Cubs will be wild card than the Sox will be.
  23. My judgment on Rose is not dependent on 1 game, it was dependent on watching him for an entire season. It was dependent on the statistics he put up at Memphis playing in one of the weakest basketball conferences. It was dependent on Beasley putting up better numbers as a freshman than Malone or Barkley ever did in college. It was dependent on Beasley being the best prospect hands down in that class for 2 years and then Rose for 2 months all of a sudden becoming a hype machine. I guess the point is where are the Bulls going to be in 2 years when Rose finally develops? I felt with Beasley the Bulls could make noise this year, that the Bulls needed an offensive weapon who could score points. Some times you just have a gut feeling that you cant shake, and ive been against this draft pick since the hype machine began. I really hope I am wrong and that Rose becomes the best player in the NBA.
  24. Bulls fans need to be prepared that there is a much higher chance that Beasley pans out than Rose does. Beasley was the hands down top prospect of that class for years, Rose was considered the best for less than 2 months. I really really really hope that the Bulls know a lot more about basketball than myself, because I was one of the few on this site who wanted Beasley. That being said, I really dont feel its a good offense to have Rose dribble up the court and then immediately get himself pinned in the corner. If thats Del Negro's offense, than perhaps its not Rose its the system. Which is another thing we have a coach with not much experience/
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