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Everything posted by Soxbadger

  1. ???? Have you ever worked with an Assistant United States Attorney or anyone in the United States Attorney's office... Or are you just speculating? Because if its just speculation, thats fine, but at least say as much.
  2. Why is that a huge huge deal? State prosecutors prosecute more cases on average than federal prosecutors. And the evidence McNamee has is worthless, there is no way of knowing what he has done to it. He could have had a sample of Clemens blood and a syringe with steroids. If he dips the needle in the blood, it would appear that it was good evidence.
  3. Bluestone is good, I went there. If you want just greasy food, Id recommend Buffalo Joe's. I dont think its really close to the stadium (its more by the Movie Theatre/El) but they have good wings, cheese burgers (they use the same cheddar cheese that Weiner Circle and Michaels have), waffle fries, etc. Back when I was in Evanston more I used to eat a lot of their food.
  4. Thats an impossible statistic to make. Not all crime statutes are the same in each state, not all gun laws are the same in each state. The facts I have seen suggest that those states with stricter CCW have seen a more drastic decline in violent crime (once again violent crime is a broad term this includes knife violence is my guess). The other fact I have seen is that, the US in comparison to other countries that do not allow the ownership of guns, has a higher rate of gun violence. http://www.enotes.com/can-gun-article Those numbers are staggering; US over 8,000 deaths per year to gun violence. Australia 65 per year Great Britain 52 per year Japan 22 per year Even if you multiply those deaths by 10x, its still so drastic to America's total that you just have to ask, are we really right? Either would I. But no one has ever shown a correlation between gun ownership and the decline of gun violence. http://www.enotes.com/can-gun-article
  5. Actually thats not exactly true. People forget that one of the first and most tragic school shootings happened at.... The University of Texas. http://www.crimelibrary.com/notorious_murd...an/index_1.html Whitman killed 14 people in less than 2 hours. As for your other statement about CCW: http://www.bradycampaign.org/facts/issues/?page=ccw Less concealed weapons = greater reduction in violent crime rate. Now I didnt do these studies, Im just reporting the facts.
  6. To sum it up best; respondeat superior. The employer is accountable (liable) for the wrong doings (torts) of the employee in the course of their employment. At the end of the day, Indiana is responsible, they just cant pass the buck off because at the end of the day they were responsible for their program. They were responsible for watching the coach, they were responsible for making sure that rules were not broken, and when those rules were broken, it is Indiana's failure to stop them just as much as Sampson's actually doing them. Yes it is unfortunate that most Indiana fans want Sampson gone and did not approve of the signing to begin with. They are the ones who did nothing wrong, they never wanted Sampson in the first place, and now they may suffer from his actions. But the University is responsible for its employees, thats life. Sampson was a high risk hire, everyone knew this, everyone knew this was one possible scenario. I just think most people felt Sampson couldnt possibly be so stupid as to commit any violations, that he would run the cleanest program atleast until probation was lifted.
  7. And people have gotten off of very serious crimes because most people can not afford the type of legal representation that is necessary to combat a criminal prosecution. See: OJ Simpson, Claus Von Bulow Who does Clemens remind you more of: A) Random criminal on street who will be getting public defender B ) High profile criminal who will be getting a private attorney Winning cases is about resources, when resources are equal it gets much much harder to convict.
  8. I think the only chance Indiana has here to avoid real sanctions if if Sampson performs seppuku (harakiri) on himself. Right now Sampson is digging a bigger hole, he is saying the allegations are untrue and I really cant recall any program fighting the NCAA and coming out successful. So the best thing for Indiana is to fire him, but that still wont be enough. The NCAA is going to want to punish some one, and at the end of the day if Sampson is gone, they are going to punish the institution that benefited from his cheating, which unfortunately is Indiana. So Sampson has to come out and fall on his sword, take the entire rap. It was all him, Indiana knew nothing, they told him not to cheat and he blatantly violated their orders. They were watching him, and he was creating deceptive plots to get around them. If Indiana stands next to Sampson they will go down with the ship.
  9. Tony Bennett? Does he have any connections to Indiana at all? And I guess that would be a nice job to take for 5-10 years before he takes over after Bo Ryan. (Edit) And that Butch shot was just luck. That play looked horrible, but some times its better to be lucky than good.
  10. Wisconsin got the benefit of a few close calls there at the end (in contrast to the games against Purdue). I really dont comment on the refs of a game that I have a vested interest in, but earlier in the game I felt Indiana may have gotten the benefit on a few calls in the paint and early in the second DJ White pushed off on an over the back which would of been his 4th but never was called. (Atleast thats my opinion.) With the shooting disparity, Rex is right it was mostly due to the way the game was played. Indiana let Wisconsin shoot 3's and was really trying to deny entry passes. The refs let that type of play go for both sides, if Wisconsin had driven more they would have shot more ft's. The 2 most questionable for Wisconsin were the Hughes (travel/double dribble) and the push on White (which was some what away from the ball). My only guess is that ref might of thought there was contact on Hughes, didnt call the foul and then felt there was no way he could call a travel... At the end of the day in basketball there are so many questionable calls, the ones that happen at the end just are remembered more.
  11. whitesoxfan99, I wasnt sure about that and didnt really look into it (thats why I ended with a "?"), thanks for the information and based on that id say that it almost has to be a current player.
  12. Interesting thought on the blacked out names. The other possibility could be a player who is still in HS? I dont know exactly.
  13. :hands that win to Illinois: Gordon got you guys on a bank shot and tonight Butch just got one for Wisconsin. Wow.
  14. Well Tejada already produced the b12 shot and it was cleared by congress, see the footnote I quoted from the Mitchell Report: Well thats where you and I have a fundamental difference. I dont believe that govt needs to protect people from ruining their own lives. I think people should make the choices they want to make, otherwise why not ban drinking, smoking, gambling, the internet, video games... All have proven to lead to people's lives going down the sewer...
  15. I think Crawford is 5 right? He gets really up and down for Indiana, he cant just quit on a play when it doesnt go as planned. This isnt the first time ive seen this either. (I havent noticed anything negative towards Sampson during the game in terms of Indiana fans. Im not sure if they showed his introduction or not, but my guess is no booing or the like)
  16. I love Fabregas, hes been the Captain of my fantasy soccer team since Ronaldo went down early in the year.
  17. ESPN chose to bring the great match ups of Maryland at Duke (not bad) and St. John's at Cincinatti. Ill let you be the judge of what the hell was ESPN thinking. (And thank god I have BTN because Purdue Wisconsin was on that too)
  18. jeremy, Thats nice that your drug free, millions of American's arent. If the problem is with TEENS, then maybe the govt should set a more stringent testing policy for High School students. Its interesting if your theory is that this is all to stop teen steroid usage, why does the Mithcell Report fail to use the word "teenage" 1 time? http://files.mlb.com/mitchrpt.pdf If this is about teenagers why are we not bringing in convicted teenage steroid dealers and users and trying to find out where they are getting the drugs from. Do you think BALCO is giving kids drugs? Or that Mcamee was selling them to the kids on the street? The answer is no, so I dont understand how going after high profile athletes is any sort of a deterent towards teenagers. If anything it would lead me to believe that no one cares about drug use in amateurs (more correctly teens, olympics is rough on testing) and that all this is about is money. In fact through out this whole thing, what has become more and more apparent, is no one is even discussing whether or not what Clemens did was dangerous, or could have killed him. This is all about cheating, whether he lied, not about whether he harmed himself or the effects of HGH and the harm it may do. If I was a teenager Id be watching this and thinking: "Just dont get caught, dont write checks,dont throw away evidence in my own garbage, dont let people know." You do know that the entire Mitchell Reprt would be considered hearsay and thus inadmissable in court. "278 Id. at 30. Player A gave the investigators a vial of the vitamin B12 that he had received from Tejada, which was tested and found not to contain any banned substances. Id. at 31." "Piatt emphasized that he did not know whether Tejada actually used the substances." "Radomski never spoke, or sold performance enhancing substances, directly to Tejada." Perjury for what? The only question I could see a problem with is if they asked if Tejada ever bought or sold steroids. I dont have a transcript of the proceeding so I cant really comment on the strength of the case.
  19. Bohannon loves when the fans try and intimidate him. He was a killer against Iowa when they chanted traitor, and if the IU fans keep yelling "air ball" he might just go off.
  20. Talk about hyperbole. Did I say that congress was stopping everything? I said "Doesn't congress have better things to worry about?" I dont care whether or not adults are taking drugs. Have these baseball players hurt anyone? Is there some pressing need that if congress does not step in that America is going to suffer because of? Can you estimate how much tax payer money is being wasted on these hearings, on depositions, etc. The irony is they are still turning a blind eye to most of it. Greenies are unmentioned, there is no way to go after the new designer drugs. This is nothing more than a dog and pony show. They go after a bunch of aging veterans to make it seem like they are doing something and then everyone is happy. It doesnt strike you as odd the only players named are in the twilight of their career, yet the players who were being caught since 2005 does not reflect its only old players using steroids. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Major...ed_for_steroids Odd isnt it?
  21. Its fascinating that congress doesnt have anything better to do. I guess they already fixed all the problems with the govt so its time to fix the problems with other businesses?
  22. That was my first instinct that it was just old news, but espn is saying its new information: http://sports.espn.go.com/ncb/news/story?id=3243325 And the day of the Wisconsin game, cant be good for business.
  23. Well Keady said that if he could choose any player in the Big 10 to start a team with hed chose Hummel... And that was before Purdue beat Wisconsin the first time and he was supposed to be a non-biased announcer. ::shrugs:: I really dont care, I just am telling it like it is. The hype is getting pretty outlandish.
  24. Whitesoxfan, No doubt right now if he left hed but like a Dunleavy. Im just saying looking at his frame and features, I just can see him getting bigger and thicker. Thats based purely on opinion, I think as his career goes on he will develop more in the post and benefit from playing against bigger guys in the Big 10. He has been matching up against guys like Suton, Butch, Leur, Landry, and depending on the match up does different things. At the pros its not as big of a deal, so unless he gets bigger he probably wont ever be a post presence.
  25. If we had a Purdue fan on this site im sure theyd be saying "hes going to be the next Larry Bird". He has just been insane lately, and Gordn outside of the game against NU hasnt scored over 20 since Penn State. I guess its a what have you done fore me lately. For all we know Gordon will torch Wisconsin tomorrow and hell take down Purdue, and itll be Hummel who? (Hummel is 6'8 and grew 9 inches from his soph to junior year i believe, its not unheard of that he could still add 1 inch and a few more pounds as he fills out. He is only 18, these are PROJECTIONS) I just looked at Dunleavy, hes scoring 17.5 ppg and 6 rpg, this year so thats probably generous to what I was thinking. I was guessing more like 15 pts maybe 7 rpgs.
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