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Everything posted by Soxbadger

  1. Haha yah i completely forgot about that. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn41...29/ai_n13855132 That is the best moment of Stevenson school, especially if I remember the victim correctly. Whats funny is that the members of the 2002 team were the ones subjected to that, as in 2000 they would have been sophmores. Its just a shame that while I some what knew the people who perpetrated it, I was no longer at the school.
  2. Stevenson hasnt been good since Kyle "Real World" Brandt and QB Keller went there. And I love Mitz, all you had to be good at was gym and you could get away with anything. I still will remember sophomore gym when we used to get chocolate milk and donughts after we changed but before gym class. One day good old Tully was there and since I had a reputation in the community we were swiftly taken to Dean Green (mine dean not my other 2 friends). Since they were not used to the by the book rules (I think my other friend had hargenshim or whatever) they started mouthing off and saying how Mitz said we could do it etc, etc. Needless to say another day was spent in detention, but I will never forget what Mitz said: Boys where were you, we had a big game of kickball against the juniors and your late. And when we used to walk around the track on fitness days he used to pretend that a football game was going on and run up the score for Stevenson. Anyhow, love him as a gym teacher, hated him as a coach. Interesting to see Stevenson mentioned as I havent been there in many moons.
  3. I really wish I had a nice big fat sandwich right now. And did anyone notice that in the flashback Marshall and Ted were playing what appeared to be PS2 in 1996? Some what questionable as PS2 was not released until 1999, and I dont remember there being black controllers for the PS1.
  4. Can always tell when USC plays ND, I could have run down a handful of USC fans by Navy Pier this morning.
  5. Nothing on scout or anything about the details. Guess we will be seeing a lot of Hughes and Bohannon, some people are saying it might not be for the year because an article said "temporarily". I have no idea, but guard has the least depth of any Wisconsin position, so this could be tough.
  6. Wisconsin offered Shumpert a long long time ago, I think he was a 3star at that point. Good luck to him, but the fact of the matter was he wasnt going to the Big 10, so he was going to a second rate conference no matter what.
  7. SS2k, I really have no idea about the in prison crime statistics between a death row inmate and a lifer. I would have thought they would be similar, but I really have not done any research nor gone to many prisons. A prison guard would know better about that stuff, as my guess is a million different factors go into it, like what prison, what are the security guards like, what type of facility (super max) etc, are they being isolated, what type of cells are in they in, what type of restrictions are placed on them, what type of freedoms do they have. And Im not saying to scrap the system, Im just saying that our system only has 1 legal punishment for which there is no real remedy for, death penalty. Our system is filled with mistakes, flaws, and inconsistencies. Imo its best to remove the punishment for which there is no remedy, because I believe that mistakes will always happen, that no matter what people will always be wrongfully convicted (unless we get pre-cogs and even then wasnt Cruise being wrongfully prosecuted), so I just try and minimize the damage of the mistake. My guess is that you have a better chance of making it as an innocent prisoner if you are sentenced to life in prison versus death penalty, but really there is no way to statistically prove it.
  8. Its not perfect, but no one in society ever is. Its a personal choice, I draw the line at: I feel that you can repay some one for lost time. You cant change the past, but you can at least try and give them a better future. Its not perfect, but at this time it is the best we can do. There will always be some mistakes, you just try and minimize the damage that those mistakes cause.
  9. SS2k, To me thats simple: The govt can not control a persons actions. They can not stop people from murdering out in the streets, they can not stop people from murdering in prison. But what they can control is the govt not wrongfully murdering anyone. As for sending innocents to jail, Ive already covered that. There is a bail out provision, the going rate is about $1mil a year for each year wrongfully in jail. Sure some may die in jail before they ever get the chance to be freed, but if they were on death row they would still have that chance of being murdered by a fellow prisoner, and they would be facing the govt killing them as well. When I was writing the scenario I thought of this situation, but I just left it out because I feel that a prisoners chances of being killed by another prisoner do not change if they are there for life imprisonment or for death penalty, atleast they dont change prior to the time the govt would have put them to death. After that (as in if they would have been put to death in 30 years by state but because there is no death penalty a fellow inmate kills them on their 31st year) then yes the chances of being killed rise exponentially. But once again, the govt's responsibility first is to control that it can control. It can control whether or not it pulls the switch, it will never be able to take away free choice. Otherwise we could just stop murder altogether
  10. I dont think you can generally convince anyone of anything they dont want to believe. Hence the problem with juries and what they believe before they walk in the door. All you can do is provide the facts for why something is not fair, why something should be looked at, or why perhaps another policy may be more prudent.
  11. Its very low, and very hard to say. There is really no good way to put together those statistics, because they are always faulty, hence why I just used the raw data. Here is an aba article on gender (aba= American bar association) http://www.abanet.org/irr/hr/fall96/genderbias.html Many people would point at the equal number of black and white death penalty and conclude equality, others would say that blacks compose 10% of the population and therefore by shear numbers should be a statistical minority in terms of raw numbers of death penalty victims. The problem occurs at the district attorney level, most DA's are not going to go for death penalty against a woman because she is more sympathetic and that could blow the whole prosecution. Some times jurors start to get cold feet with death penalty and then render a verdict that is way out of line, hence why you see the most death penalty attempts at the prosecution stage for men, black men specifically because they are deemed the least sympathetic type of defendant. If you look prior to 1970's (when executions were stayed), you will see that blacks actually out numbered whites in terms of death penalty. Unfortunately a large amount of those were from the south, and even sadder many times the jury pool was so tainted that there was no way they could get a fair trail. Looking at our history and how we have dealt with the death penalty and criminal trials, it makes me very weary and I just think its safer to end the practice. http://www.deathpenaltyinfo.org/article.ph...d=539&scid= The conclusions arent necessarily great, but some of the stats are.
  12. What about race and gender tex? http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/cp.htm Shocking that of all the people put to death in 2006, not 1 is a female? Kind of suggests that humans are unable to dole out such a penalty evenly.
  13. Jenks, Well Ive clearly argued that life imprisonment should be used instead. Therefore they are never getting out of jail afterwards, and can never kill again. So the amount of lifes lost from life imprisonment: 0 Amount of lifes potentially saved: All those wrongfully convicted, as of this time in the 100s, perhaps as science develops (less than 20 years ago DNA evidence was very raw) we will find out that we made even more mistakes. Mistakes that could be prevented. That is my position, if you can prevent an innocent death you should try to. I guess thats why I became a lawyer.
  14. Well I am a lawyer, and once you pass the bar and if you go into criminal work you will see that it is very much a game. I also dont watch criminal shows. Talk to the hundreds who were convicted on poor testimony, prior to DNA evidence, based on coerced confessions, etc etc. Then tell me that humans should have the absolute final say on who has done right, who has done wrong, and what the truth is. Compare high profile cases like OJ, to cases where they have poor defendants, cases with public defenders. Perhaps you have gotten to criminal procedure 2, where you talk about jury selection, where you will learn about how stacked juries were in the middle of the 20th century, and how they were chosen to get a specific verdict. But then again, thats not against the rules, there are reasons for it, but at the same time both sides know that they are trying to stack the deck in their favor. It has nothing to do with the truth, it has everything to do with the verdict. In 6 months if you go to work as a prosecutor for cook county, you will see that it is not about truth, veracity, etc. That it is about: This is the guy, your job is to get the conviction. But hey, my mind is just warped by Law and Order (which I never even watch), it couldnt be based on my experience and working at the Daley Center, 26 & Cali, etc. If you want to argue why humans are infallible, why verdicts are never wrong, and why people should get the final say on life and death, go ahead. If you want to attack me and tell me that my mind has been warped and condescend me, then I have a feeling you will be surprised. By the way you said your 6 months from being a lawyer, I assume that means you are taking the Feb bar and will try and licensed in what April? Or are you saying that you graduate law school next semester, have to take the bar next july, and wont get your license until next November? Details are important to lawyers, with all your experience you should know that.
  15. I disagree that it is an acceptable risk, because I believe that life imprisonment is an equal, if not worse punishment than death penalty. Death penalty is flawed for a variety of reasons: 1) I do not believe that humans are infallible, and therefore should not be able to end another persons life. A criminal case is a game, no game should be able to end with some one dieing just because one side played the game better. Prosecutors are playing to win, defense attorneys are playing to win, they are not playing to find the truth, or to make things right. If they have a suspect, and he is on trial, the game is conviction. Normally this is not a big deal because a 1 year sentence, life sentence, etc, while horrible can at least be salvaged at the end if turns out the guilty verdict was incorrect. The going rate for 1 year wrongfully imprisoned is about $1mil, maybe not as good as never going to prison, but I can tell you if I was wrongly convicted for murder Id much rather have spent 30 years in prison and get $30mil, than have spent 20 years in prison, been executed, and then 10 years after my death exculpatory evidence was found. 2) Death penalty presupposes that death in itself is a penalty. This is because for many death has spiritual ramifications, they believe the killer will go to hell, and face some worse fate than could be doled out in this life. But if there is no heaven, hell, or after life, death penalty is far superior to life imprisonment. Having to be in jail, confined, having all of your rights taken for the rest of your life, is far worse than the equivalent of sleeping. I wont even go into the idea that death could lead to something better for the person killed because this is all unproven and I really hate basing things on the unprovable. I could go on, but basically I just dont believe that society killing 1 person wrongly is worth the death penalty. And Im not religious myself, but I have to believe that there would be some ramifications in the after life for wrongly putting some one to death, even if the govt allowed it, even if it was in line with the rules of the state, county, etc. Because many people have done horrific things following the rules of govt, but they are all just rules of man. And men are fallible, they are petty, they are wrong, and in the end they should not be deciding who lives or dies. But then again, in my opinion, 1 wrongly convicted executed man completely undermines the whole system. Because it makes the system the murderer, and who pays for that price, who goes on trial and gets executed for that wrongful death. (edit) The state letting people drive, and the state actually putting people to death are apples and oranges. It would be like the state putting to death everyone who drove drunk because eventhough they didnt kill anyone, they might kill some one in the future, and therefore it is an acceptable risk to kill 1 drunk driver to potentially save the lives of others.
  16. So you are saying the new FIFA is worth purchasing? I have not owned a soccer game, but I was tempted. Played the demo and could never score so I was some what frustrated that might be how game is like.
  17. Nope Bears would rather waste 2nd round picks on guys like Bazuin, or 3rd on Wolfe. Why trade for established talent.
  18. Hes running spread option. Not many Big 10 teams run that. And Michigan has a lot of talent, plenty of talent. If Illinois wants to win, they are going to need to throw the ball. There is only one top tier Big 10 team that you could beat never throwing the ball, and that is Wisconsin, because they just cant tackle anyone and they refuse to stack the box. Not a great position for Illinois to be in, because now it seems they are supposed to win this game, and they are going up against a more talented team.
  19. Especially since they will basically be "save our season" games, versus USF trying not to ruin their chance at undefeated. Its always much easier to be the team with nothing to lose.
  20. I love Bo Ryan, he is hilarious. If you saw it live last night he claimed that he suffered an injury and thats why he couldnt actually do the performance and did a clip instead.
  21. Eventhough Illini lost it shows that in 1-2 years they could be a consistent contender. After last week against the dumbest team in the Big 10 (Wisconsin) Illinois thought they could get away with not really ever attacking vertically. It almost worked if not for 2 ridiculous moves by Zook (accepting penalties to give a team another chance on 3rd down is bad) and a terrible time for a meaningless formation mistake. The way Mcgee looked though you have to wonder if Juice will be transferring at some point, McGee looked much sharper, and the pass at the end was just horrible, but he got them that chance, hard to say Juice could have driven them better. Now PSU v Wisconsin, hopefully Wisconsin decides to give another back besides Hill a few touches to change the pace because thunder over and over against just doesnt always work.
  22. I didnt think last night's ER was that bad. Ive also watched from the first season back when Doug Ross was breaking hearts. Its not as good as House, but House just rocks my world.
  23. I probably wont get up for that game, hopefully go to a different one. I have no clue on the cost, when I was at Madison it was the Dick Bennet days and while we went to a Final Four in 1999, Basketball was not as popular as it is now. Especially the Marquette game because people in Wisconsin think thats a big rivalry. (I really could care less youre not in our conference.) The tickets are probably going to be hard to come by, unless its some sort of bad scheduling (early in the morning and a lot of students wont show)
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