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Everything posted by Soxbadger

  1. Especially when the Judge is allowed to stop the questioning and tell the witness it doesnt matter who ordered the code red because he is a great guy and he wont be found guilty as long as he doesnt answer.
  2. In their wildest dreams I dont think CBS could have hoped for Murphy Brown to come back on a better night.
  3. Yep. And most importantly you cant keep asking the same question for half your time. Asking for the FBI investigation took up what seemed to be 50% of the time, and Grasserly had already made it clear it wasnt going to happen, so Kavanaugh had cover.
  4. Wow thats pretty damning on them. Although I guess Blumenthal as federal prosecutor maybe had more experience in these type of cases.
  5. I think only Blumenthal was previously an attorney. They people asking the questions just werent equipped with the ability to properly cross examine a witness.
  6. The best they could have done is gone after him for perjury on the drinking etc. I thought Durbin did fine, but once Grasserly intervened to save Kavanaugh the rest of the Democrats were just doing the "FBI" thing to score political points with their base.
  7. Democrats are just acting desperate. They know that none of the Republicans are likely to think independently or care that Kavanaugh possibly perjured himself. So what else can they do but create a circus? As I said previously, they should have hired a prosecutor. Or they should have given their time to Blumenthal. But people like Booker have political careers to promote. And I think what it shows is that the 60 votes for SC should never have been removed. It gives too much power to a slight majority. Because one day the Democrats may have president and 50 votes, and then they can jam whoever they want through. Republicans broke the process, and I think fair minded Republicans need to start acknowledging that.
  8. To me its not even the assault allegations. If I am being 100% unbiased, there just is no way to know for sure what happened. But I personally believe he lied under oath and that he purposefully misled people while testifying. Id have a lot more respect for him if he had just said: "Yes I have drank enough where sometimes I dont remember a section of the previous night. But I never drank so much that I wouldnt remember assaulting a woman."
  9. Why would it matter to them? They wont even acknowledge the fact that what they did to Merrick Garland was much worse.
  10. Democrats were too busy laying the foundation for their next political aspiration. Only Blumenthal went after the facts and if he had more time i think he would have caught Kavanaugh. They should have hired a prosecutor.
  11. American bar association now asking for a full investigation. It wont mean anything, but i think most reasonable attorneys have serious questions about his truthfulness after yesterdays performance.
  12. She knew peoples names who allegedly never met or interacted with her. Its one thing to say Kavanaugh who is a public figure, but how did she successfully name his other drinking buddies if like Kavanaugh said he never met her. Thats why Republicans pulled the plug on their investigator she was starting to zero in on a specific date on his calendar. It began to corroborate her story which is why the Republicans never asked him a single real question and instead attacked the process.
  13. So i just randomly thought this. How did she know the names of Kavanaugh's party friends if she never went to a party with them.
  14. What Blumenthal was saying is that its not under oath if the guy who made the statement didnt sign it.
  15. So Blumenthal basically caught Kavanaugh. It seems that Judge didnt even sign the letter, his lawyer did. That is not an affidavit nor a sworn statement. Thats pretty damning, but I doubt many Republicans stand up and against this. Because after this there is no doubt in my mind that even Republican's believe Kavanaugh lied at some point.
  16. They should take the mic away from Hatch because hes actually hurting the case.
  17. I wonder if Kavanaugh would have had the same opinion if they found a smoking gun against Clinton but brought it late in the game. Im sure he would have thought that ambush was unfair and that the FBI shouldnt look into it.
  18. Well at least a lot of his liberal female friends in college sent him texts. I wonder if they are going to testify.
  19. I think their strategy was to try and make her not testify. Once she called their bluff it became a nightmare scenario. There is really no win here besides for Kavanaugh falling on his sword.
  20. Maybe they will, maybe they wont. But eventually this type of behavior catches up to parties/govts. The reason they want to jam it through is they are scared about November. If they were confident, they wouldnt be rushing. Their actions show just how worried they are.
  21. Look youre all missing the point. The Republicans are the victims. The Democrats had information that disqualifies Kavanaugh. Instead of bringing it to the Republicans right away, they sat on it until it would do the most damage and possibly ensure that there would be no confirmation before the next election. This is really really unfair. As you know the Republican's brought Judge Garland's nomination to a vote immediately and did not delay. Now since the Democrats waited so long and there isnt enough time to push through a new nominee, Kavanaugh should be put on the Supreme Court because otherwise its just unfair to the Republicans. Thats basically Graham's argument. Im starting to think he doesnt even believe Kavanugh, but he is worried about what happens if they cant force him through before November.
  22. Well I think the real victims here are the Republican's who were ambushed by this.
  23. Perhaps before you start asking questions about the victim, you should start by informing yourself about the alleged perpetrator. In every incident Kavanaugh has allegedly been drunk. In his year book he was the treasurer of the Keg City Club. On Fox News he was asked: How can you trust someone who says that? Every time he drank his memory was crystal clear, he never couldnt remember a second of the night before? That seems much more far fetched than anything any of his accusers have said.
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