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Everything posted by Soxbadger

  1. I could see some sort of compromise where the 1st September call up wouldnt count as service time, but the player would get a MLB salary. Then make it so service time is 1 day played prior to September. Thus Eloy could get called up this year, get paid MLB money for a month. Then next year Sox have no incentive to hold him down at the start. I could see that making sense for both sides.
  2. haha Okay, thats what I thought you meant at first. Disregard my post lol.
  3. Possibly, but I dont necessarily believe that reducing service time from 6 to 5 years is somehow going to be a boon to players who already have 6+ years or have had their contracts bought out. If anything it could mean less cheaper players, so less money being offered to current FAs.
  4. I have no way of knowing whether or not there are more players on their original deals that havent been bought out (my guess is there is not.) But I disagree that players who it wont impact are going to argue for it if means them losing out on something that would benefit them. Completely hypothetical MLB offers: All players 1% of concession or they agree to reduce service time from 6 to 5 years. Id bet that 1% wins because there are many players who get nothing from the reduced service time.
  5. This issue is something the players are going to give into owners almost every time. The reason is that the majority of the players were already screwed by the system and thus wont gain anything by the new rules. If you already are passed your 6 years of service or signed an agreement to buy those years out, why would you care at all?
  6. Ive seen Kendrick 3 times. The first was amazing (it was at the Aragon for Lollapalooza after show) and one of the best Ive ever been to. When he opened for Kanye it seemed like Kanye screwed him and kept the volume low so it wasnt a great show. The last time I saw him at Coachella, it was the day after he released his album. It was a good show, but no where near the first show and it was a festival setting instead of a smaller venue.
  7. Ah man too many to pick. But Ill go with my favorites, Pink Floyd. After them its probably Led Zeppelin and Jimi Hendrix. Nirvana would be really good, but I just dont think I could pass up Pink Floyd at their peak for anything.
  8. What festival? (Im guessing Bonnaroo?) And Ive seen him 2x. The first was for Yeezus at United Center with Kendrick Lamar as the opener. Kanye was fantastic (he did rant but that is part of his show) and I always regret I didnt get better seats. The second time was his last tour (also United Center). I got much better seats, but he wasnt into the performance at all. It was right after Kim was robbed. He showed up an hour late, didnt rant and seemed out of it. So that show is pretty unmemorable. So I can completely understand mixed reviews for his performances.
  9. He wasn't at 75 pitches and it wasn't a shut out. There is 0 reason to take risks with his arm. He is on pace to pitch the most innings of his career. He had a great start, he has the rest of his career ahead of him. I'm sure the sox have a predetermined amount of innings. Maybe pulling him today means 1 more start.
  10. Hes on an innings limit. The last thing you need is a blown out arm over a meaningless game. Kopech did his job today no reason to push it.
  11. Instead of fighting about whether its good or bad, I think kids need to start realize that there is no benefit to putting "controversial" statements on social media. Back in the days of my youth, we had rules about never taking pictures when we did something bad, never leaving evidence etc. That isnt ground breaking advice. And many people could save themselves a lot of hassle if they followed it.
  12. This is straight from the DOJ: https://www.justice.gov/pardon/clemency-forms-instructions That being said, I think most would agree that those pardons were mostly deterrents against prosecution. That there werent specific cases pending in court. If Manafort wanted a pardon, the best way to do it would be to enter into a guilty plea and then get pardoned after.
  13. Its unclear what would have happened had someone actually brought charges against Nixon.
  14. To the best of my knowledge its pretty settled. You can only be pardoned for crimes you were convicted of. In other news, Trump CFO granted immunity. I have a feeling some thing may go down soon.
  15. Irrespective of where we may stand on certain issues, I do respect the fact that you havent just fallen in line like the rest of the Republican party.
  16. According to an alleged juror only 1 person held out on the other 10 counts in the Manafort case. Also they completely disregarded all of gates testimony. So they were pretty favorable to Manafortnabd still found him guilty. Supposedly the next case is the stronger one, so that doesn't bode well for him.
  17. This isnt about left and rights, its about justice. The left arent in charge of any branch of govt. The judiciary is bringing charges against people they believe commit crimes. So far (to be the best of my knowledge) not one person they have brought charges against has been acquitted. That means that the judiciary is currently "batting" 1.000. A witch hunt implies there is no basis for the investigation. Unless you are completely blinded by Trump support, its impossible to not acknowledge that there is a basis. The following is undisputed: Part of the Trump campaign met with Russian agents about "dirt" on Clinton. The people associated with Trump misled the public about the meeting. Once the evidence came out, Trump stated that it was a meeting to get dirt on Clinton and that is okay. The reason that is important is because it seems like a cover up. People dont cover up things that are legal. If you dont believe that the FBI/judiciary have a responsibility to get to the bottom of what happened, then you dont really believe in the American system of govt. This is about Dems/Republicans, this is about whether crimes were committed. And even if its bad "politically" for Democrats, I do not think they should assist in criminals getting away with crimes for the sake of winning seats in an election. At some point we have to do whats right.
  18. Reinsdorf is 82, Im not sure how anyone can really predict what the Sox ownership will be like in 5 years.
  19. First album was Guns N Roses Appetite For Destruction First concert was Foo Fighters at Metro in 1994. Best performances Rolling Stones, Roger Waters. David Gilmour and Kanye West. In the last few years Ive probably been to 50+ shows (more if you count each act at a festival.)
  20. A lot of this just seems to be opinion. For all of the complaints, Episode 8 is still one of the most successful films of all time. Its the 5th fastest to 600mil of all time, and at the time it was 3rd (Black Panther/Infinity War beat it this year.) I cant imagine any real Star Wars fan wont see the last one, no matter what they felt about Solo/etc. Its pretty hard to imagine it wont break 1bil, which would make it an immensely successful movie. Of course when 2 of the series (Episode 1 and Episode 7) are insanely successful, its hard to live up to those expectations. And Episode 7 had the advantage of of almost 20 years of people wanting a new Star Wars. Most people dont even care that its basically a remake of Episode 1.
  21. Guess its depends on how you define "really do well." Last Jedi brought in over 1,3bil, with 600mil in domestic gross. https://www.newsday.com/entertainment/movies/the-biggest-box-office-hits-of-all-time-1.5369007 That is good enough for 11 right now (I dont think thats counting inflation.) Historically #2 in the series has brought in the least (including Empire which many consider the "best" of the films) amount of money. I just cant imagine the last film wont break 1bil.
  22. http://wegotthiscovered.com/movies/disney-rumored-consulting-george-lucas-star-wars-episode-ix-script/ Rumor Lucas is going to help with the last one. I have a feeling no matter how bad it is, its going to do well at the box office because its the end of that era of movies.
  23. Im sure you guys know this, but Instagram is owned by Facebook. Snapchat is basically the only competitor at this point and Facebook just steals all of their ideas. (Edit) Facebook also owns WhatsApp as well. Facebook may take a beating for a few days, but in the long run they are still in the best position. Ive never been super in love with Facebook because one day they could easily become Myspace, but as of now they do have a pretty dominant position.
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