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Everything posted by Soxbadger

  1. To be 100% accurate, Heimlich always maintained his innocence and only plead guilty due to the advice of his attorney. This whole situation became news because of a technicality about whether he had to notify the court of his address. But here is the report during his case: In my opinion its more likely that Heimlich is innocent than guilty, but there is just no way you are going to convince society of this. When someone sees "guilty", they dont care about the circumstances.  https://portlandtribune.com/pt/12-sports/385703-274945-penalties-paid-heimlich-ready-to-return-for-beavers-baseball
  2. Im not going to get into who does what on these boards. While some people here may have similar opinions to me on certain issues, many of them are people who I have had plenty of disagreements with in the past. A lot of those disagreements arent as relevant right now because of the current administration and focusing on more pressing current issues. And I still dont really care what other people/media whoever say. That doesnt change who I am. What other people is like their opinion man. Some people I could never change their opinion, others I think its possible. I think that there absolutely could be better ways to discuss issues, I just think that ultimately we all have to hold ourselves to whatever standards we believe in. I completely agree that more people should focus on what we agree on, as opposed to the disagreements. You and I may agree on many things, but I think we fundamentally disagree on who is pulling the strings to make the things we disagree with happen.
  3. Steve, Your fighting an uphill battle on a Chicago board. I thought a lot about this after last nights game. And I think it depends on how you determine who is the greatest. My basis is on who I would pick (in their prime) to be on my team to win 1 game. I think the answer is MJ over Lebron. Lebron does a lot of things, he may even be a more well rounded player, but MJ had a desire to win that is seemingly unmatched. I think the top 3 for me are 1) MJ and then Lebron/Magic fighting it out at 2-3. Obviously hard to talk about guys who came before them.
  4. Rabbit, This may shock you, but what other people say about you is irrelevant to who you really are. I dont know if either of them know you personally, so I have no reason to believe that they actually know your race, gender, religion, whatever. We have had many disagreements, but I think you know I dont generally get involved in that who can say what stuff. While my presumption was that youre a white male, its just a presumption and what the others say dont really prove anything. For all I know you play a white guy on the boards but are martian in real life. As for your second paragraph. If you had said that to start, its unlikely I would have said anything. But what you said originally "They lack the extreme wings that the other two religions have." suggested to me that you were saying "jewish extremism does not exist." So if you are now clarifying your point, I have no problem with it. But its hard for me to tell what your point is, when the words you use suggest something else. I legitimately believed you had never heard for Rabin or were completely unaware that there are in fact jewish extremists.
  5. Rabbit, I dont know anything about you. This is a message board, I couldnt pick you out of a line up. I dont know your race, I dont know your religion, I dont know your grandmother, and none of that is really relevant to the statement I made. Youre the one who brought up your grandmother, not me. I brought up the assassination of Rabin, because that is pretty damn extreme. I dont know anything about your life experience, I explicitly have stated I dont know what you were taught. The only reason I brought up your grandma, is because you brought her into the conversation as some sort of example of your knowledge of jewish history. If you dont believe Rabin's assassination is an example of jewish extremism, I dont know what is. Here are some more examples. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_religious_terrorism I dont know where I classified your "life experiences" as incorrect. I am talking about jewish extremism, so I will reiterate, I have no clue what your grandmother taught you about it. But its explicitly clear in that quote I am referring to your knowledge of jewish extremism, not about whether you went to passover with grandma, not about how many times you held the torah, not how great you can read hebrew or how many stories about the old country she told you.
  6. Just because you were raised by a Jewish person does not mean that you know anything about Jewish history or its people. Im not sure what your grandmother taught you about jewish extremism, etc. But based on your comment about it, its very little. Perhaps your grandmother taught you a lot, I dont know, I can only base it off your incorrect statements. I dont recally mentioning your name in that post...
  7. Because certain people prefer being victims and complaining about how unfair everything is.
  8. I obviously do know more than you because you just said something that is flat out wrong. No right minded Jewish person would ever claim that there arent "extremist" Jewish wings. I dont care what your grandmother was, because thats entirely irrelevant to your statement.
  9. Rabbit, You really should just quit talking about jewish people because you dont know jack about them. There are some insanely extreme jewish people. Perhaps you are too young to have heard of Yitzhak Rabin. Im not going to get involved in the rest. But I really dont think this has anything to do with "socioeconomic" it has to do with certain people acting as if they are an oppressed minority while they are truly the an oppressive majority. Jewish people are a minority, thats not really up for debate.
  10. I dont think Ive said anything about super teams. Nor have I said anything about 6 rings. Just that Lebron was the best player on the court.
  11. Its impossible to tell what would have happened had Lebron not going to Miami. Lebron was the best player on the court, it wasnt really close.
  12. Thompson is probably going to get suspended, its really the refs fault for letting Green immediately go at Thompson after the foul.
  13. At least the announcers called out the refs. Irrespective of the result, Lebron proved none of the Warriors are close to his ability.
  14. The one major difference between premier league and US sports is that you get something good when you are bad in the US. In premier league there 0 incentive to be bad or purposefully lose. But imagine if instead of being relegated, the worst team in premier league got first choice of transfer or signing etc. All of a sudden it becomes more complicated because maybe losing every game means you get the chance to draft the next generational talent. The Sox had never really tried to rebuild until last year. They constantly tried to win and it often meant that they were middle of the road team. Many Sox fans had been advocating "tanking" for a while and so now the Sox actually went with that. There is no reason to boo the players, because many of them arent really MLB quality players. The coach may not be great, but again, if the Sox lose the most games its actually beneficial. The Bulls (chicagos basketball team) was supposed to be terrible this year and be in the running for the worst record. They inexplicably won a bunch of games and are now not picking in the top 5. Those wins potentially could change the face of the team for the next 5-10 years for the worse.
  15. It seems like this guy was only on probation at this point? Not sure I really care, but id definitely use this type of stuff against him (Trump) in the future.
  16. Do something worthy of praise and youll receive praise. Do you get upset at all of the posters on Soxtalk who are talking bad about the White Sox this year? Shouldnt we be outraged that the Sox arent getting more positive press about how great they are?
  17. Until people stop fighting about the past, we arent ever going to see meaningful change. Obama is long gone, why dont we focus on what the current administration can do to fix the problem.
  18. To bring this back on topic. Wouldnt a good way to undermine crime syndicates be to legalize drugs so that they can no longer profit off of them? This position is completely opposed by the current administration. Just because "everyone does it", does not mean its some sort of conspiracy. If everyone says Frank Thomas is a better hitter than Soxbadger, does that mean its a conspiracy against me? Or is it just because Frank Thomas is a better hitter. Thats not crafting an "Anti-Soxbadger" agenda. Sometimes things just are. And I get that its hard to accept that when you feel the other side is "out to get you", but sometimes you need to take a step back and look at things objectively. Besides for Trump being "an outsider" he literally had no credentials for being elected President.
  19. I dont think Trump wants what is best for the US. I think he wants what is best for Trump. If he did great things, I think the media would fall over itself giving him praise. The guy wouldnt even divest his ownership when he became President. He is running the country like a family business. And I dont care if youre left, right, middle or polka dot, that type of stuff should not be tolerated. Trump's problems are self inflicted. If he actually was transparent a lot of this stuff would go away. I have no personal animosity, I just call it as (I perceive) it is. If Trump does something "good", he should get credit. But when he does something "bad" he should also receive criticism.
  20. Here is where you and I differ. I dont think Trump cares about anything but Trump. He will do whatever he has to do to keep his support. I dont think Trump really cares about any of this. If he actually had the audacity to stand up for what he believes in it would be great. That was the one thing I continuously hoped for prior to the election. That once Trump became President he would break away from some of the stuff he was forced to say, and start being more normal. Unfortunately, I really havent seen any of that. I mean I dont actually believe Trump even cares about immigrants, the wall or any of that stuff. He just cares about the cheers, so hell say whatever his audience wants.
  21. If Trump does the exact opposite of what Jeff Sessions (who he appointed AG) has stood for, of course I would give Trump credit. But there doesnt seem to be any reason to believe that Trump or the Republican party are interested in legalizing marijuana, stopping the "War on drugs", or becoming rational when it involves crime and punishment. http://www.newsweek.com/jeff-sessions-marijuana-quotes-about-pot-570177 "Good people don't smoke marijuana." "You can't have the President of the United States of America talking about marijuana like it is no different than taking a drink… It is different… It is already causing a disturbance in the states that have made it legal." More fun quotes at the link.
  22. Its best to keep the issues separate. Roseanne's firing has no govt involvement at all, so no infringement. The NFL issue is trickier. If it is true that Trump called NFL owners and indirectly threatened them, that would begin to go down the road of the govt trying to infringe on free speech. But any 1st amendment claim requires govt action.
  23. Id say they pick whoever is available out of Bohm and Madrigal.
  24. I agree on the rushing prospects part. The prospect was always their to "fix" or "help" something. Also I dont think being sent down is the end of the world, but I guess I feel like Cooper is the coach I have the most faith in the entire organization. So Id rather have him working with him.
  25. Disney can do what it wants. It answers to its shareholders. My honest opinion is that the view is such a small thing, that most people dont know or care about it. I have no idea what its ratings are, I dont know what time its on and I dont even know who is on it. In comparison, I watched every Roseanne episode and planned to watch next season as well. As a TV fan, losing Roseanne kind of sucks. I can separate the character from the person. Its a shame but whatever. Disney's hand was forced by Wanda Sykes. If she hadnt quit, I dont think Disney cancels Roseanne. But Disney is still in a little bit of shock over losing Shonda Rhimes to Netflix, and Im not sure how reliable they thought Roseanne was. Maybe this tweet goes unnoticed, but are you really about to bet millions on her stability? While people make this about politics, its really about bottom lines. Roseanne was a show that would make them millions, but how many more seasons were there really? Its not like this was season 1 and Roseanne is an upcoming star. She has been an outcast for a while and she proved once again why people get nervous about hitching their wagon to her talent. So Disney should do whatever it takes for share prices to go up in the future. Disney needs to be in the business of money making and Roseanne's antics werent worth the risk. As for freedom of speech. It applies only to govt action. NFL is fully within their rights to make rules (forget the CBA for this discussion) and enforce them. Just like Disney can end a show if it wants.
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