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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Sep 7, 2012 -> 04:05 PM) I think you are completely missing a couple of things here. first that wasn't some singular decesion that was made. There was the usual posts and threads discussing this when it happened originally. second this thread has been here for days and something likr two or three people have agreed with ditching the current format, one of whom doesn't even post here anymore. Unless a bunch of people start speaking out of no where, I would tend to say the people have spoken with their silence. I'm not sure why I chimed in, or why I visited the site in the first place. I will disappear again, but if I remember correctly, the catch-all thread happened because the admins didn't know how to handle the waves of new users after the World Series title. It was an understandable decision. Now that things have calmed considerably, it's odd that the system is still there. I don't frequent this place anymore, so you're probably a better judge of the sites activity than I am, but just by looking around and also seeing this complaint leads me to my case. Sure, not a lot of people have spoken out against the catch-all thread. But the community and quality of discussion doesn't appear to be growing either. 10 years though. Very impressive. Congrats Jason.
QUOTE (Iwritecode @ Sep 7, 2012 -> 10:43 AM) Anytime something big comes up (like the AJ on peds rumor) a new thread is created and it gets discussed. It's just that those big events don't happen all that often. There's only so much to talk about during the season. Most people have a pretty good idea of what deserves it's own thread and what can be thrown in the catch-all. I think the catch-all actually promotes better discussion about the minor things that happen day-to-day with the Sox. The subject gets discussed and the conversations ebbs and flows as needed. Commenting on a guys batting average or who you think should start a certain game doesn't necessarily deserve an entire thread. With the major threads, there are usually only so many things that can be said. Typically everyone decides which side they are on, it gets discuss for a few pages, then somebody new comes in and repeats a thought that has been expressed 100 times already in the same thread. Then it all starts over again. Either that or the thread goes off-topic and a completely different discussion breaks out. I'm just saying, in my asshole way, that the admins are promoting the catch-all thread for the wrong reasons. In their typical fashion, they defer the point to something else entirely. I don't disagree with anything you're saying, but I don't agree with it either. SLAM handles catch all threads much better than PHT because there are different categories for them. Over there, it works. In PHT, it's one giant thread with god knows what in there. When you click the thread, there's very little telling what the new post(s) is going to be. To me, it makes more sense to let the community decide what a popular topic is. Since there is a divide on whether or not to use a catch all thread (and one is being used), the community is already failed. The current catch-all destroys the way a message board is supposed to work. My point is that there is very little overall effect with more 1 or 2 post threads because the software is designed to weed those out. By having a catch-all thread, you're making decisions for your users instead of letting them decide whether or not to make a reply. In the end, a portion of the user base feels alienated and the forum gives off the appearance that it's dull because only a select few threads stay at the top. It never f***ing changes. And then when you have people who don't like the catch all thread, they don't read it. In turn, they don't post. And they eventually leave. Furthermore, more topics means more search engine results, which means more people who've never seen this site have an opportunity to see the site. Thus, the userbase grows. QUOTE (Iwritecode @ Sep 7, 2012 -> 10:43 AM) With the major threads, there are usually only so many things that can be said. Typically everyone decides which side they are on, it gets discuss for a few pages, then somebody new comes in and repeats a thought that has been expressed 100 times already in the same thread. Then it all starts over again. Either that or the thread goes off-topic and a completely different discussion breaks out. I am of the belief that the catch-all thread encourages this effect. Although this effect will always be around to some extent, I think there's more chance different types of discussion open up if more topics are created. Under the current idea, there's much less chance for it.
QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Sep 7, 2012 -> 08:05 AM) g**damn i missed that gif. Whats up Bob Still love you.
QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Sep 7, 2012 -> 07:53 AM) Way to ignore the last 10 years where technology has shifted from the message board style format to one centered around twitter and facebook, and blame it on not having one post topics on the front page. So SoxTalk is centered around Facebook and Twitter now? What are you talking about?
QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Sep 6, 2012 -> 08:03 PM) PHT is dead? Why did you ignore what I was really saying and jump to defense against a statement that really meant nothing? Seems the status-quo hasn't changed around here. It's been dead for a few years now and it's in the same boring state it was when I left two years ago. But like I was saying, message boards are meant to have new threads. New threads keep s*** interesting, and even though it may look "messy," it encourages participation and discussion. You notice the growth of this place has been stagnant for years? Before you answer that question, it was rhetorical. The userbase very well could be growing. But the discussion isn't. By just looking around I can tell this place is in a never ending loop, forever caught in a self-created meme and circle-jerk. Go Bears.
QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Sep 6, 2012 -> 02:42 PM) 7 of the 16 unpinned threads have 50 or more responses in them. I think the catch-all prevents 1 to 2 post threads, which push decent discussions off of the front page. I really do think there are something that are worth knowing, that don't need their own thread. For example, a guy moving from A to AA doesn't need its own thread on the minor league board. Something talking about the percentage of sliders Chris Sale through the other night doesn't need its own thread, but it is worth mentioning. This would be a great point if not for the fact that a message board is already designed to promote the high discussion topics by pushing them to the top of the forum. The catch-all thread killed PHT. Let your userbase decide what they want to talk about and let the message board work how its supposed to work.
QUOTE (Kalapse @ Dec 30, 2010 -> 12:52 AM) Funny that you mention this because I have a couple of friends who have recently doled out around $200 on Blu-Ray players when they could have had PS3's for -- as you said -- about a hundred dollars more. CNet mentions this all the time: the industry standard for Blu-Ray players is the PS3, it is the absolute best quality Blu-Ray player on the market, when CNET does their reviews of Blu-Ray players they compare the quality to a PS3. Oh and on top of that top notch Blu-Ray player you get a built in 160 gig hard drive, internet browser, amazing media center and oh yeah; it plays PS3 games. Whenever someone brings up possibly purchasing a Blu-Ray player I always recommend ponying up the extra dough and buying a PS3, you just get more bang for your buck even if you're not going to play games on it. Vudu makes the PS3 a clear winner as far as media centers are concerned.
RicBucher: Thanks @jpac87 for pointing out I forgot an element in my last tweet. Scenario: Bosh to Hou in S&T. Amare to NY. Booz to Mia. Chi: ummm...
QUOTE (Chet Kincaid @ Jun 24, 2010 -> 01:17 PM) For those of you who are asking whether they should get an iphone or a droid phone, consider this: The line at every apple store and everywhere else that sells the iphone is a mile long today. How many lines have you seen for ANY other phone before?
QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ May 26, 2010 -> 08:23 AM) Mr. "In Charge" isnt a big fan of excessive sticky threads. And this would be kind of excessive I imagine there is an IP Board add-on that can go in the toolbar up top that shows if there is anyone in the chat room. I can look into it if there is any interest in this kind of thing.
QUOTE (knightni @ May 16, 2010 -> 09:38 PM) It certainly drags on my computer less than BobDylan's signature gif. You could try one of the 13,000 browser block add-on's and simply right click it and select "block." Or... ditch your Windows 95 machine and join us in the 21st century?
Perhaps put it underneath the footer so it isn't so intrusive. Or have somebody design a new banner that would incorporate the look of the box score on top of it.
QUOTE (Kalapse @ May 7, 2010 -> 03:37 PM) I think if The Show hadn't come out a within a week of Just Cause 2's release I probably would have picked it up. Now we're getting into some big releases as the year goes on so Just Cause is getting pushed by the wayside. Once it hits about $35 on Amazon (it's at $50) right now I'll probably pick it up. I think it's complete and utter lack of a storyline could work in its favor here where all the fun comes from just f***ing around and exploring the environment so 20 minutes here and 40 minutes there a few times a week you're getting an awful lot done unlike a game with a lot of cut scenes required tasks that take up a good amount of your time. It's an easy 30-40 hours skipping through the cutscenes and without doing the sidequests. It's a really long game, which is a bonus to me. But even so, I'm starting to feel like it's worth the wait for the price drop on all single player only games. Hell, wait long enough and you can end up getting it for just a few bucks.
QUOTE (Kalapse @ May 7, 2010 -> 03:09 PM) The shooting mechanics in the Just Cause 2 demo just seemed 'off' to me like they'd be incredibly annoying in a fire fight. That's probably the reason why I haven't picked it up yet. The auto-aiming is off, that's for sure. It's also worth mentioning that the story might be the worst in gaming history. But that aside, I can't think of another game where you can throw a grappling hook at an enemy, then attach the other end of it to a vehicle and ride off for hours dragging the carcass around. As far as open world games go, it is the most impressive landscape I've ever seen and I don't think any other game really comes close. The size of the map is just ENORMOUS. I believe it is the biggest open world map in gaming today, but feel free to fact check me. The variance in the landscape is impressive/beautiful. Driving across the map (corner to corner) took me about an hour. Flying in a jet was about 15 minutes.
QUOTE (Steve9347 @ May 7, 2010 -> 02:29 PM) QUOTE (Kalapse @ May 7, 2010 -> 01:42 PM) It's going to be game of the year. Of course I haven't played it yet, but it doesn't look better than Just Cause 2. But with a new Fallout, Dead Space, Socom, Call of Duty, Prince of Persia, Ghost Recon, and the third in the trilogy, The Last Guardian (to name only a few)... there is some stiff competition. If I were a betting man, though, I'd go with The Last Guardian. I believe Final Fantasy 15 online comes out at the end of this year as well, but I'm not really sure. Twisted Metal 3 is slated for Dec. 31st, though that generally means it is a 2011 release. There are a lot of Dec. 31st releases listed that I'm excited about. Either way though, the game looks pretty damn solid, and it's been a good year for the PS3 catalogue so far.
QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Apr 28, 2010 -> 02:24 PM) Higher income/property tax? Both. Property taxes are extremely high. If you're a renter, there is no rent control. Every single year your rent will increase regardless of the condition of the place, the size, the location, the crime, etc. There is also no telling how much they will increase it. Having lived there for two years (I came back to Chicago a month ago and ship out in 2 months), the rent control is one of my only two problems with the city. The other is the rain, but it only comes in the winter months and it is better than bitter cold wind and snow. It sounds like you're interested in the city, and I have no advice to offer for your questions, but Portland, in my opinion, is the best city in the United States. Don't expect to find any good beef, though, I'm not sure you even eat that. For a healthy lifestyle, it doesn't really get any better. Every weekend is the farmers market, and there are several of them all over the city, where the local farmers come in and sell their goods. The state itself is great as well. As far as nature, there is everything but a tropical rainforest. There is a rainforest, though. Just no neon frogs and jaguars there. The beach is about two hours away and has a fun little town. Mt. Hood is good skiing. The salmon run in the Hood River is cool to watch. And if you like some mary-jane... enjoy.
QUOTE (chw42 @ Apr 8, 2010 -> 02:45 PM) Just Cause 2 is a lot of fun. I'm surprised that it isn't getting much attention. I picked it up the other day because I was bored and I can't put it down. It's a multi-platform game, and I can't think of a game I've played this year that I've enjoyed more. Oh, if you own a PS3 and you haven't played Demon's Souls yet, quit being a p****. And don't give me any garbage about how you don't like RPG's. Play the game. You won't regret it. And you'll have more chest hair when you complete it.
QUOTE (iamshack @ Apr 8, 2010 -> 01:17 PM) I think you misinterpreted my statement? Or maybe I am misinterpreting yours... I'm saying the reason Macbooks have such a limited marketshare is because of the OS, unlike the iPhone or the iPod. I misunderstood. I thought you were talking about the iPhone. When it comes to the laptop/desktop world, it is kind of the OS. Windows is open to buyers and you can put it on anything, including an Apple machine. OSX, you can't put it on anything but Apple (without a hack). A lot of Windows issues are because of this. Sometimes, but not always, paying a lower price means you're buying s***ty hardware that Windows doesn't agree with. Microsoft doesn't really do anything to combat this. They pretend they do with multiple versions of Windows (Home, Premium, Business, etc.) but that doesn't really do s***. If Apple were to open their OS to other computer companies to put on their machines, the OS would have the same exact product that people say Windows is "plagued" with. Microsoft makes a shiiiiiiiiiiitload of money doing it this way, but it also puts them in an awkward situation and they have to try and design an OS that works on so many combinations of hardware that it is dizzying. Apple controls everything about their computers, so there are less issues. I rarely have problems with my Windows machines because I research what is out before I go to the store. I read the reviews. I look at the hardware specs. Then when I go to the store, I know I'm not winging it and buying a piece of s*** that's going to break down in less than a year.
QUOTE (iamshack @ Apr 8, 2010 -> 01:12 PM) A large part of that is because of the OS, and has nothing to do with the actual product. Not a large part. It is because of the OS. The hardware isn't made by Apple.
QUOTE (iamshack @ Apr 8, 2010 -> 12:57 PM) But the Zune is crap compared to an iPod. That isn't disputed. What I am saying is that everytime a decent new product is made by someone else, it is hailed as the next "iP_____ killer." If Google had manufactured this product, I just think there would be far more praise (yes, people would point out it's shortcomings), but far less vitriol would be spewed. Let's face it, any time a company is wildly successful such as Apple has been over the course of the past 10 years, there is a portion of society that puts forward a disproportionate quantity and degree of undeserved criticism. I think with each new product Apple unveils, that seems to become more and more apparent. People label it the Apple killer because Apple has been setting the bar. But to say if Google manufactured it, it'd get more praise is just wrong. Google Android catches plenty of criticism, and, in the small technology-geek world, I'd say far more than the iPhone OS. However, Google and Microsoft are still "wildly successful." From a pure business standpoint, they're both still more successful than Apple and also are bigger names. So I don't know what you're saying with the last point.
QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Apr 8, 2010 -> 12:50 PM) I'd flat out tell you that a Zune is crap compared to an IPOD. Yeah, but I love the Zune store.
QUOTE (iamshack @ Apr 8, 2010 -> 12:42 PM) So you're going to claim that if this product was made by IBM or Google the reviews by PC owners would be just as critical? People aren't more critical of Apple (even though sometimes they should be with some of their claims). Their launches get more attention, certainly, but that's because they want it that way. I'm sure other companies want it that way too, but they're not good at getting it like Apple is.
QUOTE (iamshack @ Apr 8, 2010 -> 12:26 PM) BD, on the contrary. Last I checked, this is a thread I created about an Apple product. And if you read it, you'll see people were taking a crap on that Apple product, which I was merely defending. I took a whack at Windows' machines only after Steve came in here and proclaimed the newest Apple product absolutely pointless after using it for 2 hours. Again, if you read my comments, I have not once stated that people should not use Windows' machines, or that people are mistaken for buying Windows' machines, or that people should buy Apple machines instead of Windows' machines, etc. Finally, it is certainly more than 2-3 PCs I have used that have become difficult to work with. I have been working with computers since 1990 or so, so trust me, it has been countless personal and work computers which I have had to suffer with, including the one I am typing at now (since I am at work). Steve already replied with what I was going to say. His hate wasn't directed at Apple, his hate was directed at the tablet and why he won't buy it - regardless of the brand on it. But, the layout of your arguments is pretty similar throughout. 1. State that said Apple product does everything you want it to. 2. State that it looks cooler. 3. State that it is made with better materials than everything else. 4. s*** on PC. We get it. And really, if there has been any hate towards Apple in this thread, it's been pricepoint. And that's 100% valid, and it's not really hate.
QUOTE (iamshack @ Apr 8, 2010 -> 11:45 AM) I paid about $1,500 3 years ago for an iMac that I run both Snow Leopard and Windows XP on via Parallels. I've never had any significant issues with it, and it has handled everything I've thrown at it quite well (which, admittedly, is not all THAT much). But from my personal perspective, every other PC I've had has started going downhill around the 2-3 year mark and just denegrades so quickly that I get frustrated and buy a new machine. Meanwhile, this machine takes up less space, has a big, easy to read screen, and does not cause clutter in my desk area like a Window's machine from the same time period would have. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying everyone should go buy and Apple, or that Apple's are the best machines for everyone....As a matter of fact, I am happy that far lesser people use Mac's because it makes it a safer OS to use. I don't think anyone is crapping on you for buying Apple. They're great machines. I think a lot of PC users came in here and defended their machines because you took a s*** on them without any real knowledge except that you had one or two PC's that f'ed up on you. We (mostly) all understand why people buy Apple - what I don't understand, personally, is why (a lot of) people who buy Apple need to take drop some stink on my Thinkpad.