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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (jasonxctf @ Jul 13, 2011 -> 09:29 AM) will never happen due to politics. Someone will figure out that the 51st state would be a republican or a democratic dominated state and wont want to give them the extra 2 seats in the Senate to that party. The best chance someone has is adding 2 at a time. One democratic and one republican. This is probably true.
  2. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 13, 2011 -> 10:23 AM) My view is that just about everyone involved in the I-P conflict (governmentally, not every single person in the region) is pretty terrible and treats the other side inhumanely. So Israel giving medical treatment to injured Palestinians is morally equal to Palestinians launching rockets at an Israeli pre-school. Not saying both sides haven't done crap, but they are not the same.
  3. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 13, 2011 -> 09:27 AM) Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? You certainly don't have 2 or 3 if you're a Palestinian and 1's marginal at best. Not sure why Israel has a superior claim to the territory and to displace millions, either. Perhaps if they stop trying to destroy Israel and do somethign productive they may be happy? Jews were thrown out of all the arab countries and (some) arabs were thrown out of Israel. Israelies are not allowed back into the arab lands they once lived (and would be killed if they were even allowed back) so why should they allow people that want to kill them into their country? Argue what you want, but if the arabs never fired another shot, launched another missle or blew up another bomb, there would be zero aggression from Israel towards them. If Israel were to drop their weapons, they would be committing suicide. Since you want all these things for the Palis, how about having Egypt remove THEIR wall? Oops, they did, for like a day before they put it back up. Even they don't want them. They are more persecuted by other arab countries than they are by the Jews.
  4. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 13, 2011 -> 07:41 AM) Yeah. Thank Goodness we don't believe in any inalienable right given to people because of the fact that they are people. They have to earn those rights. And why don't you enlighten us as to those rights, and why they have to come at the expense of Israel and not any of the neighboring arab countries that the Palistinians would have much more in common with.
  5. The Palestinians from the never existing state of Palestine sure don't deserve it. Their arab neighbors just use them as pawns in a power struggle and treat them like lepers and cannon fodder against Israel.
  6. Only in America can a beatdown like this get tossed out of court, despite video evidence. Perhaps the SEIU goons were merely helping him up from the ground when he lunged at their fists. Yeah, that's it.
  7. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 11, 2011 -> 03:20 PM) more fuel for the fire! http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/notrocke...-republicanism/ When I read crap studies like what you posted there, I think that it is merely some college guy looking for a way to have the flag outlawed or at least removed from as many places as possible. By claiming that it 'influences' people to lean to wards one side (the side he doesn't like), they can somehow try and make the case that displaying the flag is endorsing one party over the other, so you can't display the flag, that would just be 'unfair'.
  8. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jul 8, 2011 -> 05:46 PM) Thats your opinion. I feel that if it wasnt a big deal, if it made no difference, why not let him contact the consulate? . . . He DID contact his consulate, met with them over a dozen times. it just wasn't in the order that some wanted it to be, like before the first trial. Still made no difference.
  9. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jul 8, 2011 -> 01:06 AM) What I do know is that there is a question of whether the Defendant received a fair trail. For 16 years, Leal has exercised his right to file appeals and motions so extensively, one judge in federal district court called his case “one of the most procedurally convoluted and complex habeas corpus proceedings” he ever reviewed. How would having contacted the Mexican consulate have changed anything. There is no question he received a fair trial. And dozens of fair appeals and motions. He even admitted his guilt finally in the death chamber. To quote the Supremes regarding this case, “Our task,” the majority wrote, “is to rule on what the law is, not what it might eventually be.”
  10. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jul 7, 2011 -> 10:51 PM) I wonder what the people of the great state of Texas would say if an American civilian was denied rights in Mexico and executed. Would we merely say "Well Mexico has that right" or would we expect more? Would we expect that our citizen be given the rights and treatment that Mexico agreed to give them when they signed the treaty? If the American raped and killed a 16 year old girl i would say thanks for saving us the 20 years of court cases and doing it for us. And fyi, this guy was guilty from everything I read, as clear a case as can be, no doubt. He got a fairer trial here than he could have got anywhere else in the world, and all the FREE expert case reviews to boot. Only difference here is Texas kills some of its murderers.
  11. He is still a slimy guy, screwing maids and living the highlife on others money. Hopefully he gets in some trouble for those things instead.
  12. QUOTE (Tex @ Jul 7, 2011 -> 01:42 PM) I was just reading your earlier post. If someone doesn't get a phone call. It sounds like you are writing that once someone is convicted it doesn't really matter, why delay the inevitable. Tex, what injustice was done by him not contacting the consulate? It was already ruled that Texas didn't have to adhere to that, so whether people think it is right or wrong doesn't matter. From what i read this case is actually one of the more air-tight ones with no doubt as to his guilt, as opposed to the ones that relied on a 65 year old granny from 4 blocks away to identify a mole on an accusers face. So unless you think he got inadaquate representation, which should have already come out in the numerous appeals, what is the legal reason for delaying any more? WHat could a consul visit have done that would/could have changed the outcome?
  13. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Jul 5, 2011 -> 05:26 PM) So you are saying they don't swing at first pitch fastballs so that's a problem, but can't handle cookies? LMAO. Most of the time when a pitching or hitting coach get replaced, the results remain the same at least as long as the players remain the same. One exception was Cleveland when they fired Eddie Murray, but Tribe players hated him. Another would be when the Sox fired Gary Ward, another players hated. The results improves almost immediately when Greg Walker took his place. Blaming a hitting coach because a major leaguer doesn't blast a hanger is laughable, especially if you also blame him for players taking pitches. BTW, Alex Rios isn't letting many first pitches go lately. Then what good is he? Sox batters as a group suck, take too many pitches down the middle and swing at crap. Give them a pitcher they never seen and they are as unprepared as my son seems to be for calculus tests. There seems to be some kind of group-think here that just stinks. If you can't blame him for the bad, then he should get no credit for the good and should just be let go since there is no reason for him to even be here.
  14. Firing Greg Walker would not be the sign of a panicked team. It would be a sign of a team that is tired of whatever institutional group-think that goes on to have our guys always watching first pitch fastball right down the middle for strike one, then swing and some out-of-the-zone garbage pitch for strike two. The same sort of thinking that seems to have our hitters rarely blasting on that 'cookie' that all pitchers throw once in a while. So tired of hearing 'Dang gummit, he got a cookie and just got under it'. I don't know that Greg has done ANYTHING good, but there sure are a lot of bad things going on.
  15. QUOTE (Soxfest @ Jul 1, 2011 -> 03:41 PM) Can Alexi jog any slower WTF! If he would have RAN, he would have beat the throw. Will Ozzie pull him too for loafing?
  16. Should have a minor league pitcher come up and throw nothing but 92 mph fastballs (not BP speed, game speed) right down the middle of the plate to Dunn, and tell Dunn that's what's coming. See if he can hit it when he knows what is coming and where it is going. If he still misses by a foot, get him to an eye doctor. If he can at least crush THOSE pitches, maybe there is hope.
  17. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Jun 28, 2011 -> 11:14 AM) Which Middle East country outlaws discrimination against homosexuals? The eeevil Joooooooos.
  18. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 17, 2011 -> 11:35 AM) Only 20 states and DC actually outlaw discriminating against homosexuals. Minnesota is one of those 20 states, but that should tell you about how homosexual rights sit in this country. That's 19 more places than in the entire middle east.
  19. QUOTE (lostfan @ Jun 28, 2011 -> 06:19 AM) I really thought Biden's tendency to say really stupid s*** was common knowledge... he'd been in the Senate for what, like 30 years by then? At the time the articles I read when Obama picked him had whole sections about the fact that Biden was a human gaffe machine. Like the one about him saying you couldn't go into a Dunkin' Donuts without having a slight Indian accent But where is the follow up? Palin makes those comments, it leads on every channel for a week. Biden does it and you get ' He always says s*** like that, that's just Joe'. No commentary about how it makes him stupid, or unfit for office, it just gets tossed out then tossed aside.
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