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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Nov 3, 2010 -> 04:23 PM) The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. And Democrat ideals.
  2. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Nov 3, 2010 -> 12:54 PM) Of course, if we were really worried about that, we could put a price on carbon emissions and take that legitimately into account. It's already (supposedly) at $200 million a day, you wanna double that with carbon offsets?
  3. "we can't have special interests sitting shotgun. We gotta have middle class families up in front. We don't mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back." Sure sounds like he was seeking Republican ideas to me. 'Hey, you can come with us, do what we say, but sit down and shut up'
  4. To put it in terms that liberals use, IF the costs reported are accurate: Just think of all the teachers and policemen that could be hired with that money! A 5 day trip costing a billion dollars! Just think of all the children that could help! Why does Obama hate children and cops?
  5. With all the threats of global warming and the excessive amount of carbon and pollution that this trip will cost, the President should just stay home and video conference with India. Show me he is serious about stopping green houses gasses and save a huge chunk by just not going.
  6. QUOTE (lostfan @ Nov 2, 2010 -> 11:25 PM) Looks like Cali is going to disappoint me... again... Prop 19 probably gonna go down I heard that the way it was written, Prop 19 had a clause inserted that would prevent companies from firing employees for smoking pot unless they could prove that it was imparing their performance. Problem is that it sort of creates a 'protected class' as it also prevents them from basing hiring decisions on pot smoking as well. So if you didn't get a job, you could sue and say it was because you smoke pot, and the company would have to prove that wasn't the reason. I sense a legal nightmare if it passed as it.
  7. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Nov 2, 2010 -> 04:58 PM) Huh? She's one of the loudest voices of the segment of the tea party crowd actually getting people nominated and elected. See, THAT is where I think she has the most power, is in organizing things on local and state levels. She draws those crowds in. The GOP should have her go to battleground states, and even pick districts, and just mobilize people n that one area. Then go to the next, and so on. She just doesn't have it at the national level. The 'gotcha' factor is too high, and the MSM has such a hardon for her the negative press would be endless and counter=productive. Dems may not like her, but she has sway in a lot of these races.
  8. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Nov 2, 2010 -> 04:20 PM) Exactly. Obama announced his campaign in February 2007. Obama's time as a dedicated Senator was short, but it was at least a couple of years. Rubio would have a month. edit: not saying I doubt a Rubio run because a lack of Federal experience, just that the timing wouldn't exactly line up. It'll be interesting/incredibly painful to watch what happens in the Republican primaries. Just going on this election, we'll probably see the more sane part of the GOP start to coalesce around one candidate with the Tea Party people (Palin Beck etc.) supporting another. Ultimately, only one will get the nomination and it'd be interesting to see what the Palin crowd would do if it wasn't their person. I believe the Tea party crowd would be fine as long as it isn't a retread like Newt, Huck or Palin. GOP on a shorter leash with a lot of voters than the Dems are. yeah, they both suck, but if the Repubs go right back to business-as-usual when they get power again, they will lose it for a long, long time.
  9. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Nov 2, 2010 -> 03:18 PM) I dunno, he would basically need to start running now, meaning he'd never really be much of a Senator. 2016 would make more sense, assuming a second Obama term. Kinda like Obama? Although yeah, I would like for him to wait his turn, but not waiting behind Obama. As far as a Repub that may contest in 2012, I hope to god it isn't Palin or Huckabee. I would prefer Pawlenty, however you spell it. Or give me the fatman from Jersey. He would bring some fiscal smackdown to the office, for sure.
  10. QUOTE (jasonxctf @ Nov 2, 2010 -> 03:35 PM) Will County officials have reported no major problems at polling places, but there was one good-sized misinterpretation. Chuck Pelkie, a spokesman for the Will County States Attorney's Office, said an anonymous caller complained about a sign outside the New Lenox Fire Department polling site which read "It's time for change." "Apparently, the caller thought there were some political overtones to that," Pelkie said. The truth was that the fire department had placed the sign there -- to remind people to change the batteries in their smoke detectors. If it didn't reference smoke detectors or batteries, I can easily see where people could think that.
  11. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Nov 2, 2010 -> 11:12 AM) Reading this just reinforced why I could never vote for a Republican in today's political system. I vote for quite a few Green or Independents when I'm unhappy with a Dem candidate but I can never vote for the Republican agenda: via Not even state races, or things that don't quite vote like Sec of State or Attorney General? How closed minded. Even I voted for two people with a D after thier name today. If you straight party ticket the whole ballot, you are just lazy and do a disservice to your right to vote.
  12. QUOTE (Tex @ Nov 2, 2010 -> 01:19 PM) Perry begins his run for the Presidency today. I believe the GOP will quietly groom Marco Rubio for a Presidential run instead of your guy from Texas. After his victory today, he will rise like Obama did in popularity. Dems got the first black president, GOP may have the first hispanic president.
  13. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 29, 2010 -> 07:45 AM) I actually can't remember the material cited, but one of the major science rags looked at this a year or two ago, and said the materials were there to make it doable now. Getting it set up is, as you said, a huge challenge. But the thing is, once its up, its cheap as hell to use. Can you imagin if something were to happen to one of those and it fell to earth? How about electromagnetic railgun-like launcher?
  14. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Oct 30, 2010 -> 03:10 PM) Oh, ok, now I get what was being said there. Yes, he said 'we are funding aids', in fact, said that exact phrasing 4 times. That would be on every talkshow monolog come Monday if it were Bush.
  15. Flipping thru the channels, CNN has Obama talking to votes in Conn. he literally just said "We are funding global Aids, the other side ain't" Now, besides the fact that if the Dems are funding Aids, they should be shut down, wasn't it Bush that donated boatloads of cash to fund global Aids research, NOT Obama? Just askin.
  16. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Oct 29, 2010 -> 08:25 AM) Link. Everything that is wrong with the current privately-financed campaign system summed up in 1 paragraph. I agree. if you currently hold one office and want to run for another, I think you should have to resign, since you are not really doing your job very well or to the best of your abilities if you are always out campaigning.
  17. QUOTE (Tex @ Oct 28, 2010 -> 07:16 AM) and this . . . Isn't it wonderful that private corporations, who stand to make billions, can write legistlation for us! Just like unions.
  18. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Oct 27, 2010 -> 07:35 AM) Now that I've lived through a couple of these cycles, I have to admit, I find it really amusing to see you making the same point I'd have made in 2002 or 2004. I have discussed the crappy voting machines before this election. And the lack of security on them, etc.
  19. TEx, enlighten me. I didn't see anywhere in what you posted where this change is something that was asked for or done by the insurance companies. So if this was brought about because of the Dems, why is it wrong for the companies, who already face criticism every time things change, to point out 'hey, this time it isn't us, it is them!'?
  20. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Oct 26, 2010 -> 10:51 AM) I decided to be smart and bring in decorations and take down the bball hoop and put the grill against the house. You know, since we had plenty of fair warning. Well, if I took the housewrap down, it would have been ruined and not gone back up, so had to take my chances with that. I had a few other things that were tied down with rope and bungie cords, didn't work so well. And 2 large pumpkins managed to get blown off the porch and rolled almost 2 lawns away!
  21. They told me if John McCain was elected the government would hire people to keep information away from the public..... Sounds like Obama Admin preparing to cover its butt after this midterm election. http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/...-105727838.html
  22. http://www.newbernsj.com/articles/machine-...reen-voter.html Holy f**cking s***. We can put a man on the damn moon, but they can't get a voting machine to work right?
  23. Halloween decorations all shot to hell, pumpkins in neighbor's yard, housewrap just gone, 2 ghosts MIA, Jason mask missing from dummy and several shingles torn up one section of my roof. And I didn't think it was that bad. Was worse during the tornado scare a few months back. Not happy.
  24. QUOTE (SouthsideDon48 @ Oct 25, 2010 -> 12:10 PM) Hey, I was actually thinking of checking out the games at the KOC Hall in Joliet someday because I live right off route 6 in Orland Park and I used to always take route 6 to route 30 to get to places such as the Hobo Outlet and the Joliet Mall, etc. Where is the KOC Hall located at? Is it easily accessible from route 30 or route 6? This would all depend on whether the date that they stop at the KOC Hall on a day when I can make it, such as one of my fridays off work and if I don't have any homework. Funny thing is, I don't like going west of Bell road because I always seem to get lost. But Joliet is usually the exception since I'm familiar with route 6 and route 30 pretty well. But as for towns like Naperville, Romeoville, Lemont, or anything north of those towns... fuhgeddaboutit! lol I'm too much of a south suburb rat. It's right off of Rt. 52 (Jefferson) south of Larkin. if you came into town off of I-80, you get off at Larkin north, take a left at Rt. 52, and then a left again at Infantry. There is a Speedway on the corner, it is right behind that. They been having Thursday tournaments lately, usually not good for me, so havent been for a month or two. Won a $50 sit-n-go last time, finished middle of pack in the bounty tourney with 2 bountys.
  25. QUOTE (SouthsideDon48 @ Oct 19, 2010 -> 01:21 PM) Hey, I sometimes play at the CCG as well. The locations I play at are: the Turner Lodge in Tinley Park, the VFW in Tinley Park, the Fieldhouse in Midlothian, and the VFW in Oak Lawn. What locations do you play at? I wasn't able to play much the past 8 weeks cause I had a lot of homework for my 2 classes, but hopefully my schedule clears up after this week. What do you usually play there? I usually play sit-n-goes or tournaments with buy-ins of $40 or more, preferably $100 or more. I avoid the early bird at all costs, lol. I usually stick with the ones at the KOC Hall in Joliet. I never seem to have free time to get away for any of the others. Was set to go to the Tinley one a few tiems, and things just got in the way.
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