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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. So the media spent time on that, instead of the testimony from Coates about how the Justice Dept was told to not go after minority defendents, specificly the New Black Panther Party. I guess you have to have priorities in the news coverage, eh?
  2. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Sep 23, 2010 -> 06:29 PM) I don't follow. What good does a fake candidate do for Madigan vs. no candidate? I am not sure wither, but nobody in the Illinois Republican party knows who this guy is or has ever seen him. All i can think of is that he is keeping any real challengers off the ballot should someone decide to try for it?
  3. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Sep 23, 2010 -> 04:20 PM) Isn't John Patrick Ryan the full name of the main character in the Clancy novels? I think so, and of course, just about every Judge in cook county seems to have a similar name as well.
  4. I heard this morning that Illinois Speaker Michael Madigan actually has a 'challenger' in his district, a Republican with the name of John Patrick Ryan. But the problem is that noone in the Illinois Republican Party knows who that is, and he hasn't established a campaign office or held any fundraisers or events. Could he be a fake candidate slated to run so that Madigan doesn't really have to campaign? His district is pretty safe for him, so unless some phenom came out of the woodwork, he wouldn't have anythign to worry about, so wonder what is going on there. Oh, GOP State Chair Pat Brady is holding a fundraiser for him so hopefully he can find out! http://www.docstoc.com/docs/55166505/Patri...nRyanFundraiser
  5. QUOTE (jasonxctf @ Sep 22, 2010 -> 04:09 PM) The UFW launched its national “Take Our Jobs” campaign on June 24, inviting U.S. citizens and legal residents to replace hundreds of thousands of immigrant field laborers, most of whom are undocumented. Since then, more than 3 million people have visited the campaign website, www.takeourjobs.org. Of those visitors, 8,600 have expressed an interest in seeking employment as farmworkers. Despite the numbers, only seven people have taken the UFW up on its offer to take a job in agriculture. Ag jobs are not the issue. Most people readily admit that there needs to be some sort of workable system to allow for migrant workers. Now if all the illegal busboys, dishwashers and fast food workers would want to just quit, you may see some teenagers scrambling for those jobs, as anythign else for them is non-existent right now.
  6. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Sep 22, 2010 -> 02:55 PM) Indiana is calling... I worked there while in high school, at Stardust Bowl in Dyer. My best bud lived there as well so I spent a lot of time there. But not gonna move there. I finally have a job, with less than 10 minutes commute. Moving even to Dyer would take me an hour or more again!
  7. QUOTE (Controlled Chaos @ Sep 22, 2010 -> 02:00 PM) Senator Brady is at my work right now. Should I pass on any words of wisdom? Is he the Giant Douche or the Sh*t Sandwich? We are sort of mirroring South Park ATM.
  8. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Sep 21, 2010 -> 01:02 PM) Just to note...neither of you have yet given me an example of exactly what I asked for...some additional bit of information the government could get out of you by doing this. I'm not going to challenge NSS's points that there would be some serious "bugs" to work out and it's probably not worth the effort, I simply want to make the point that if you're going to be creeped out by this...there'd be every reason to be creeped out by filing an income tax fomr. I am creeped out by them getting my money, not by any additional bit of info they get, so your question is useless.
  9. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Sep 21, 2010 -> 12:55 PM) Well, there's one other potential benefit here...the federal goverment in this country has all the resources to tell a good chunk of the non-complicated tax returns exactly how much they owe. The only changes come when claiming changing exemptions for things like tax-writeoffs. For those people...there's no reason why they need to fill out a private tax return, or do things like buy tax software or visit H&R block, etc. There's a money-saver there as well. I see where the "ick" factor comes from and I want to acknowledge it...but I do want to ask a Devil's advocate question...how much more information would a federal government get about a person if their income was sent directly to the government rather than having a tax return prepared by the individual? I'm trying to think of anything that the government would actually learn that it doesn't already have access to. Can someone give me an example? You miss the big point, probably on purpose. it isn't their money to send back to me. It is MY money. Once implemented, there is nothing to stop them from keeping whatever they want to out of it. I can't believe you would even think to defend this.
  10. I hesitate to post this for fear of giving all the liberals some ideas, but if this takes hold there, the world is doomed. http://www.cnbc.com/id/39265847 Why don't they just tell us what to eat, when to go to bed and what clothes to wear while they are at it?
  11. QUOTE (pittshoganerkoff @ Sep 15, 2010 -> 08:43 AM) The time may be coming to drill him. Especially if the Sox lose tonight. And someone should tackle Mauer when he makes one of his 45 walks to the mound. Christ! They should have a rule about the amount of visits you can have as a catcher just like they do for a manager. He is terrible.
  12. QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 13, 2010 -> 01:46 AM) We could have added a suitable bat. We didn't. Really? Who, and at what cost?
  13. You could count last year on one hand how many times Thome managed to hit to the left side and beat the shift when with the Sox. It would take 2 hands just to count the amount of times against the Sox alone. I for one would like to offer a bif f**k you to Mr. Thome for playing out his ass now instead of the last 2 years when we needed him. Mr. clutch hit he sure wasn't.
  14. Turned 44 last month. Most days I don't feel that old, unless my knees are acting up, and then I feel much, much older.
  15. http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/washington...-taxes-irs.html
  16. QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Sep 7, 2010 -> 02:43 PM) I am extremely happy to disown Sharpton and the NAN from the movement I believe in. He is the political equivalent of an ambulance chaser and has been for decades. Frankly, I'm happy to disown any politician who starred in their own reality tv series. How about all the other Democrats that like to skip out on thier taxes? Like half of Obama's appointees? I agree with you on Al. He and Jessie are just race hustlers, whose interest is not in fixing things, but getting their piece of the pie.
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