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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 26, 2010 -> 03:28 PM) And I haven't seen a single thing to convince me that it was anything other than a well funded, well planned means of getting the Bush 20% out on the streets and active despite having lost an election. Ok Ms pelosi, do you have any proof for that wild accusation, or just blowing smoke out your butt again? Well funded by who? Or are you just pissed that this really DID start as a true grassroots movement, as opposed to all the manufacured ones funded by Soros and friends? The mainstream Repubs involved now jumped on the bandwagon well after it started rolling along, and I don't see any wealthy billionaire pulling strings behind the scenes.
  2. OK, wife and I were talking about this . They keep talking about the 'millions' it would cost to retry Blago. The prosecutor is getting paid anyway, whether he there or back in the office picking his nose. Same for public defender (if he goes that route), the judge, bailifs, etc. The only new cost directly related to the trial would be Blago's lawyer, if the court ok'ed paying for it, and jury expenses. Even if you Do factor in pay for the judge, lawyers, etc, prorated over the month or two for the new trial can't be that bad. Where do they get the 'several million' price tag from?
  3. QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Aug 21, 2010 -> 12:53 PM) I don't know many teachers that get paid during the summer, actually. Most of them either get paid just for the 9 months they work, or have their checks prorated across 12 months. So? if they are making 50k a year, it is still 50k, whether they get it over 9 months or 12 months. When you say 'prorated' you make it sound like they then get less each check for doing so. If they are educators and can't make a budget, they may need to go back to school.
  4. QUOTE (Tex @ Aug 21, 2010 -> 05:42 AM) That does seem a little high. I'm trying to figure what an equivalent position would be in the private sector. Most principals would have close to 100 employees, anywhere from 600 to over a thousand "customers". Lots of mandates and government regulations. A restaurant that will feed a thousand meals a day. Perhaps a sports program. The fixed assets in the millions that they are responsible for. A plant manager for a maquila in Mexico here would make easily that with bonuses pushing well beyond that. Do they also get to retire at 50 with full pension and paid medical, summers off while working, and days that end at 3 pm? Plus an untold amount of days off throughout the year for every holiday known to man? I understand your anaolgy, I just dont quite agree with it. I forgot to mention that in the story about the district wanting to increase principal pay, they also mentioned that they had just laid off about 20 teachers and cut the sports budgets.
  5. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 20, 2010 -> 05:41 PM) There's also a lot less McJobs with little or no education and skills required in government work, so the "government workers earn twice as much as private sector!" thing is a canard. So are you saying that government workers are generally smarter than private sector employees, or just your average McDonalds workers?
  6. QUOTE (Tex @ Aug 19, 2010 -> 09:16 PM) Are the wages for the vast majority of government workers really that high? I know we hear of some directors and stuff that are making what sounds like generous salaries, but it seems most workers are in line with private sector jobs. The Plainfield school district here wants to accelerate and increase the pay for first year principals from $116,500 per year to $121,400 per year because "many of the assistant principals we are interviewing are making more than that and wold have to take a pay cut." I read that (in an actual paper!) at dinner tonight. I would say that 6 figures for an assistant or regular principal seems like a lot, for running one school.
  7. QUOTE (bmags @ Aug 17, 2010 -> 11:03 PM) Politically speaking, there is a reason why pensions could get so huge and bloated in the public sector. It's called punting. And while it could raise some hell to give actual wage increases during a political term, it was easy for them to punt 20-30 years down the line when it wasn't their problem. Over and over. Only problem with that is most got both, wage increases AND thier bloated pensions.
  8. When we lose, we lose ugly. It hurts. Kinda like my knees after sitting thru 9 innings of that crap today after forgetting sunscreen.
  9. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Aug 12, 2010 -> 09:37 PM) Thats what you believe, I respectfully disagree. I believe that if the govt stopped wasting money on the war on drugs, stopped wasting money on trying to enforce an imaginary border to keep out people seeking freedom, the US economy would rebound rapidly. How many homeless people can YOU feed and shelter until you suffer yourself? There is always a point where you can't take any more. You also seem to think that all these new people will only get back what they pay in, and that is just wrong. With the ponzi scheme that it is, they never pay in enough to cover themselves, nobody does.
  10. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Aug 12, 2010 -> 04:50 PM) Freedom for all, not just for those of us who got here first. I don't mean this to sound as glib as it does, but that sounds rather nice. now put that into action and see this country fail even faster. Wanting to help your fellow man is a good thing, but helping them to the detriment of you and your own family/country is a bad thing. You can feed a starving man your food once in a while, but if you feed every starving man every time, you will soon join them.
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