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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 3, 2010 -> 12:32 PM) You can't complain about criminals or terrorists or whatever crossing the border and then pretend that it's possible to stop it without a legalization plan. You say this as if most of the people who want the borders enforced have NOT acknowledged that there is a need for a viable guest worker program, when in fact, we have. Time and time again it has been agreed that there needs to be a working guest worker program. So quit with these arguments where you make stuff up and everythign is all or nothing. It is exhausting. You argue like a 10 year old saying the same s*** over and over and changing the questions a little bit when you get answers you don't like. Are you perhaps a union negotiator?
  2. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 1, 2010 -> 04:20 PM) Go back and read your and mr. genius' apologia over the death threats. Maybe it was people that think she didn't go far enough! It doesn't matter anyway because she was an attention whore and people get death threats all the time! It wasn't because of a lack of :dinorage: but because of the statements you made making excuses for it. I never made an excuse for it. I merely pointed out that the assumption that it was the evil racist teabaggers that did it could be wrong. I never made excuses for someone making death threats. People who go that far really need to have their heads examined.
  3. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 1, 2010 -> 03:28 PM) Eh, no. Maybe you should stop assUMIng things! Unless you care to clarify what you had said, there is no assuming at all. You attribute to a few posters here the attitude of uncaring about the threats simply because we are not loudly denouncing them. So in your words, because we didn't say 'sorry' for what a few assholes did, we bad, too. Is that wrong? If so, please expand upon tour writings.
  4. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 1, 2010 -> 02:22 PM) No one's defending her getting death threats, but you guys sure are being dismissive of it. So we are not sufficiently repentant enough for you because we are not working up some manufactured outrage directed at a whole group because of a few whackos that may or may not have anything to do with them? Evil f*cking racist teabaggers!
  5. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 31, 2010 -> 10:57 AM) I see that neither of you think that the judge getting threats is a bad thing. Way to ASSume things...........
  6. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 30, 2010 -> 03:39 PM) Link They don't really say if the threats were from people who were pissed that she put a stay on part of the law, or if they were pissed that she only dod half of what they wanted? I keep reading stories about people still protesting and holding sit-in's, etc since in thier eyes it wasn't enough of a ruling.
  7. Haren cost Joe Saunders and 3 junk pitchers not even in their top 10 prospects. Cliff Lee (and injured reliever Lowe) cost Smoak (and his whopping .210 BA) and 3 minor leaguers that nobody ever heard of. WHY is it that people here seem to think it is going to cost us half our damn team just to get one f-ing rental? Adam Dunn is a FA at the end of the year. He is worth a little more than what the Nats would get if he walks, which is what, 2 draft picks? Trading a MLB starter in Hudson AND Beckham, for a RENTAL, is just f-ing crazy. Dunn should cost us maybe Santos and 2 or 3 other minor leaguers, probably both pitchers. Fielder being locked up for another year i can see costing a bit more.
  8. QUOTE (jasonxctf @ Jul 27, 2010 -> 10:13 AM) the last few times ive had to go to the DMV, its been smooth sailing. Half the issues with being at the DMW is when you go there just to renew your license, it seems like every idiot in front of you is there because they were driving on a suspended license or some other such crap that takes forever for them to handle. When you are dealing with idiots all day who probably shouldn't be driving to begin with, I can ALMOST sympathize with them. It's kinda like working retail! In the past 6 months I have had to deal with people at the county recorders office (efficient but quite monotone and detached), Debbie Halvorson's office (very friendly but pretty much wanted me to get out and seemed very uninterested in doing anythign for me), Joliet Police Department (very professional), Will County Animal Control (should all be fired) and the social security office (wow, um, if they hate their jobs that much, they really should quit and stop taking it out on the people). So you can see it is a mixed bag.
  9. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 24, 2010 -> 10:55 AM) Ok, some of the ridicule is still fun. Those guys visited Comic-on this weekend. The counter protest...brought glory upon the hypno-toad. Damn, I was just gonna post that! That picture and story are awesome.
  10. QUOTE (lostfan @ Jul 22, 2010 -> 06:01 PM) They are going to have a lot less time to read bills if you cut a bunch of their staffers. Just saying. MAYBE they write and pass a lot less bills? Do we really need every jump ass piece of crap they put up for a vote? Fix some of the rules so things can't get bogged down in committees and such, wasting even more time.
  11. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 22, 2010 -> 04:51 PM) A serious point here... Let's hypothetically say we do exactly as the post here would suggest. We cut Congressional expenditures by 50%. Cut back on the number of staff and the quality of staff. Remove every office perk we can find. Replace as many people with unpaid interns as we can. And God help you if you think you're going home to your family in Oregon while we're on recess. We're already in a situation where lobbyists practically run everything anyway. They write bills, they take the best congresspeople and hire them for monster salaries a year after convincing that Congressperson to push through their greatest bill that makes them billions. Is "making Congress's lives harder" really going to be worth the money saved? All you're going to do is lose the few good people you have, whether they're actually in Congress or working on their staffs, because it'll get even harder to afford that life. Conversely...I could make an entirely serious argument that we'd save a crapload of money in the end if we paid Congresspeople 10x as much as we currently do, because they'd have much less need/interest to sell their souls to big Pharma in the 2003 Medicare Drug benefit bill like Billy Tauzin did. Yes, make congress' lives harder. Maybe then they themselves would actually have to READ a bill before they vote on it. The more time they actually have to spend themselves working on bills, the less time they have for the knee jerk crap that usually comes out of them, or the drivel they make to try and justify themselves being in office. Make campaign contributions and the finances completely transparent and you can cut down on the vote buying. Everything is reported, first violation something severe, not a slap on the wrist like Rangle is gonna get. And nobody said completely cutting out transportation, but do we really need 25 member fact-finding missions to Barbados? YES, there are big expendetures that need to be looked at. Military as well as social programs. But you can't just ignore the small stuff because it is small.
  12. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 22, 2010 -> 01:27 PM) Thankfully we can punish those evil wage earners into submission and give the money back to you... I thought the narrative was more like "Well, it's ONLY a $xxxx, and that alone won't solve the problem so why worry about it"? Can they cut half that travel expense? If so, then why not do it? And so on for all the departments.
  13. QUOTE (lostfan @ Jul 21, 2010 -> 05:08 PM) I have thoughts on conservative media, the narrative of conspiracy and liberal bias and why the influence of conservative media makes it irrelevant in reality, and how certain stories get emphasized or de-emphasized but I figure the Republican Thread isn't really the place to do that. With things like the JournoList posts coming out, you can't even begin to try and claim that the MSM is unbiased, or even just lazy. Those posts show how they conspired to control the narratives and message for the views that THEY wanted.
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